
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Somewhat Wholesome

After his training was concluded, Gojo went back indoors. He noticed that no one was cooking dinner although it was already past 7pm.

His memories didn't cover types of unimportant information like when dinner is usually ready and such.

Gojo saw Ghislaine sitting while watching the T.V. Once again, he found it difficult not to perv on her. Thankfully, he was able to snap out of it much faster than last time.

"When is dinner coming?" He asked. The mother is usually the one cooking in families, so he assumed she'd be the one to ask.

"I knew I was forgetting something... You usually cook dinner, but I guess I'll handle it." She spoke. Ghislaine was about to off of the sofa when Gojo intervened.

"No worries, I'll try and do it. Maybe I'll be able to do it if I just jump into it." He stopped her. Ghislaine was going to object but decided to just let it be, the worst that could happen is bad food after all.

Gojo was initially quite worried about cooking. He'd never been good at it; he'd never had a reason to. He could just order food whenever he wanted after all.

He was beginning to regret trying to show off in front of Ghislaine, but he'd gotten himself into it, he'd just have to succeed.

At first, he didn't even know the ingredients he'd need. Instead of thinking it through, Gojo decided to trust his own muscle memory with it.

He pulled out a bunch of different ingredients from the cupboards and put them all in front of him on the kitchen counter. He proceeded to add some different pans and bowls to the mix as well.

Gojo still had no clue as to what he was doing.

He thought through what he'd like to cook, maybe some pizza? Some spaghetti? Little did he realize that ingredients were floating around the room, cutting themselves up and putting themselves into pots.

By the time he'd decided on some Spaghetti Bolognese, he found himself looking at a pot of already cooking Spaghetti and a pot of already cooking Bolognese sauce.

He was dumbfounded. Did the flash sprint in and cook for him? How generous. After thinking for a second, he spoke.

"System, how many seconds do I have left in my Limitless?" he asked. He had used 30 seconds of his Limitless to train, so he should have about 30 seconds left.

"4 seconds left." The system replied. Gojo was proven correct. His Limitless had activated to cook for him, even without his input. Was this how the previous Gojo used his abilities? No one could say for sure.

Except his family of course but that's beyond the point.

The fact of the matter is, his power just created food without his control. He couldn't afford to let it foam free like this in the future, if he got killed because he used his strength on cooking, he'd want to get sent to hell out of shame.

Regardless, he simply waited and sipped 'his' creations to see when they were ready. Once 15 or so minutes had passed, he picked the hot pots up and plopped them on the counter. He used Limitless to hold them. He only used two seconds of it, but he was aware that it was wasted. He knew it was a waste, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do it in the future.

He strained the spaghetti and thus the food was ready.

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" He yelled. Poor fool didn't know that everyone can hear everyone in this house other than him.

Rumi was the first to show up, she had a large grin on her face as she smelt the aroma in the air. Without delay, she picked up a bowl, filled it to the brim with food and sat down. She immediately scoffed it all down. She looked like a hot rabbit-Saiyan girl.

In seconds, she was finished with the food. However, different from what he expected, she didn't go up for another bowl. She leaned back on her chair while stretching. Gojo had managed to resist the urge to stare at the black sports bra that were currently struggling to keep the contents in check and went to get a bowl for himself.

He set down his bowl of spaghetti on the dining table but before he sat down to eat, he waltzed over to Rumi. Gojo ran his thump across her lips, collecting sauce along the way. He then opened his mouth and consumed it. Rumi was frozen after seeing the actions of her brother.

Like nothing had happened, he sat down and began eating his own food. After staring at Gojo's lips for a couple of minutes while he ate, Rumi excused herself from dinner.

Not to later afterwards, Yoruichi and Ghislaine entered the kitchen and collected their own bowls of food. Yoruichi was dressed for the first time since he had been reincarnated.

"Wow, this smells much better than anything you've made before, and you've made some good food!" Yoruichi exclaimed. Ghislaine simply nodded.

This puzzled Gojo quite a bit, 'Did my previous self not use Limitless to cook? Is this exclusive to me?' he pondered. Regardless, he let go of his worries and continued eating.

The eating speed of both Yoruichi and Ghislaine had far surpassed that of Gojo so they had finished a minute or two earlier than him.

After finishing his food and washing the dishes, he was ready to go to sleep and pass the day by. It had been an exhausting day, completely filled with various activities. Not to mention he literally got given a new body.

On his walk back to his room, he passed by the living room. Inside, he spied Ghislaine watching some T.V. drama show got an idea. She was sitting up at attention to the show and left ample space from her backside to the top cushion.

He slid behind her and put his hands around her waist.

"What are you doing?' She asked. Her tone sounded quite harsh but from what Gojo could tell, she was just confused.

"Giving you a hug. You looked bored." He replied matter-of-factly.

"And your hug is supposed to be entertaining?" She replied. Getting somewhat annoyed.

"Would you rather be bored with hugs or be bored with no hugs?" He asked. Ghislaine stopped responding, essentially giving him the go ahead.

Although he was dick to ass with her, he was able to keep himself under control. Gojo had a suspicion that she wouldn't care even if he was hard but it was better not to risk it on his first day.

It was surprisingly relaxing for both of them. Ghislaine had basically been without any type of love her whole life, even after having kids as they were independent little buggers. While Gojo found it extremely comfortable to spoon one of the most attractive and powerful women he'd ever seen.

Finally, the exhaustion got to Gojo, he fell unconscious while resting his head on Ghislaine's shoulder.

She was about to end their cuddle session after feeling him try to take it to the 'next level' (hardly a half-step up) but seeing him sleeping calmed her.

Ghislaine stood up and picked up the sleeping Gojo. Keeping him in a princess carry, she carried him to his room.

She plopped him down in his bed and covered him with his doona (duvet, cover) and stepped back.

(A.N. Sorry if my Australian is showing itself too much here. I try not to overdo the Australian slang because I find it annoying when some novels overdo their own culture's slang but I legit had to look up the American way to say doona because I've never heard another way to say it.)

Ghislaine looked to the bed where her son was sleeping. His innocent sleeping face was a far cry of the face he'd shown while checking her out this morning.

'He usually sleeps naked...' no one could tell what she was thinking of beyond what the author has allowed.

At this time, Yoruichi popped into the room.

"Aww, that was cute." She commented. Without replying, Ghislaine turned to her.

"What's up?" She asked Ghislaine. She got a slight stink eye from her for a second. The two of them weren't exactly enemies nor allies. Ghislaine never showed any reactions or emotions, so she unintentionally distanced herself from her family. While Yoruichi teases everyone as much as she can, which conflicts with Ghislaine's no nonsense behavior.

"What are you doing here?" Everyone in the family knew that her words come across much harsher than she intends so Yoruichi didn't pay any mind.

"I'm sleeping with him." She stated while walking forward.

"You're sleeping with your brother while completely naked?" Ghislaine retorted. Yoruichi hadn't taken any clothes to this sleepover.

"Don't worry so much, I'll be in my cat form." She continued while sitting on his bed, right next to his head.

Unknowingly, while he slept, he was but centimeters from Yoruichi's thick ass.

Ghislaine didn't respond and simply left the room. It wasn't her business even if Yoruichi didn't turn into a cat. She absolutely wasn't annoyed at all. Not at all.