
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Fantasy
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88 Chs

The Empress of Credia

On a dark black throne with blood-red decorations all over itself, in a destroyed throne room of Sangruil's castle where many beings lost their lives over small pointless things and actions, Christopher is sitting silently with his eyes closed wearing a neutral expression.

The blood-red moonlight is illuminating his handsome face, giving him an imposing image of a handsome young Ruler.

In the night, cloudless sky, the stars are glistering coldly as the voices of numerous individuals repairing the minor damage around the kingdom are coming from outside through the castle's broken windows.

Christopher's aura is dark with sips of darkness coming from his body like black snakes and spreading around the walls while through the entire throne room, intense feelings of something violent, evil, and powerful present are flowing like a river.

But at the same time, feelings of sadness and loneliness are hanging above this young Lord's head, like a bunch of little, restless butterflies.

At first glance, he looks only tired but if you look closely enough, you will see the glimpses of pain the bloodlust is marking his face with.

The walls and ceiling of the throne room have slight cracks in its facade due to the damage from the recent battle that took place outside and the previously clear, shining wooden floor is now dirty from the plaster falling from the ceiling like sand.

The entire throne room resembles those from old, ancient times when a man was more than a woman and when those with the crown had more power and influence than those with a simple sword.

Those tough times, when poor people were struggling to survive while those above them had food for at least an entire year.

As time flew by, some things have changed and some remained the same.

People may look wealthy now but you can't know what is truly happening inside their homes, and what struggles they are going through while those who look poor can actually be secretly millionaires just pretending to feel again what it means to have a simple life.

You'll never truly know as this world has become a deceiving, and dangerous place where you can't always trust your eyes and where your sharpest weapon is your mind.

Women now can just with their presence and beauty alone gain more money and political power than men who are working hard to prove themselves worthy of it.

But that's not the only way as Christopher saw through the vision the Darkness showed him, there are other ways too.

Take the Werewolves as an example. They are simply gaining power by forming a marriage with a powerful individual who joins their pack.

If the Werewolf prince marries someone, the individual would need to give their resources and numbers to his pack.

Because of this twisted logic, the Werewolf Prince is after Vicki and Clan Phoenix who have the biggest political power in Redwilnet right after the King, Vlad Dracula Tepes.

As thoughts like these were circulating through Christopher's tired mind, trying to understand the ulterior motives behind the Werewolf Prince's actions, he at the same time tried his best to ignore the painful bloodlust in his throat that was slowly killing him.

The bloodlust was forming an instinctive whirlpool of complex, lonely feelings inside his soul as a precaution from his demise and a reminder that he should drink his wives' blood.

While he silently sat on his luxurious black throne, relaxing from the power exhaustion he received due to opening a portal to Styx prison, images of his wives were being played in his mind.

"Hah... How come I ended up becoming a Lord on a different planet? Why I became a part of this universal, pointless war while two months ago I was just a casual student in a high school, minding my own damn business? "

"I have so many questions and so little answers..." Christopher spoke to himself, melancholy could be heard in his somehow defeated words as a slight breeze was coming inside the throne room through the broken windows of his castle.

Looking at his two precious Colts M-1911, Christopher asked:

"As my friend, you must have something you want to say, right?

["If I may suggest... don't give up yet..."] Ardelean spoke his thoughts.

"Suggest? Yes. Order? Never! "

"Plus, I'm not giving up! It's just that if I'm not going to quickly do anything soon, this bloodlust is going to literally kill me! " Christopher replayed to Ardelean's sudden words while opening his eyes slowly, watching the dust from the floor rise to the air due to the wind playing with it like a little, reckless child.

In those black eyes with red glowing irises could be seen glimpses of sadness fighting against the world he built around himself.

Despite looking like a Demon from the deepest corners of Hell because of his eyes, his beauty prevented other beings from seeing him that way.

For them, he resembled more a powerful and handsome Monarch, not a Demon. Well, until he showed his inner true self of course...

The Universal Teror hiding inside his soul while every second sneaking around to find ways to escape and wreak havoc in the Universe.

But for now, he looks like the Monarch his people like to see.

A pretty sad Monarch who tried so much to push away those feelings of loneliness and sadness that were making him company through the entire adventure on Aragos, trying to lock them away by finding new brides, that he didn't even realize he had become their prisoner. 

Prisoner of his own feelings that in his worst moment hit him like a sharp dagger, making him vulnerable for everyone to see.

Even when he tried to hide them inside as much as he could, they still made him pay for it.

'Only those who are really true to themselves and their feelings, may see the light on the end. Heh, now I see what you meant Dad,' Christopher spoke to himself with his inner voice as he recalled his Dad's famous words, making his own heart shudder in sadness and feelings of being left alone on this cruel planet filled his entire being.

Shifting his gaze towards his left hand, signs of his skin being dry, and cracking like a porcelain again could be seen, forming a slight irritation on Christopher's handsome face.

"I feel like I'm going to turn into a mummy every second," he said, raising his hand in front of his face while observing it.

['The process of 'drying out' started sooner than I thought,'] Ardelean thought.

['Probably because he has so many wives? ']

'Ardelean? ' Christopher suddenly spoke in his thoughts as the bright blood moon's light started reflecting the entire Throne room, making Christopher look in front of himself with caution.

["Yeah, I feel it too,"] Ardelean replayed as he tried to find the source of this blinding light.

It was not the moonlight as he and Christopher first thought, even when it looked like it, it was something else.

["This is divine light... Someone wants to contact you and from what I can feel... it's a God-level being."]

'God huh, which one? ' Christopher already saw a few possibilities of who it might be but wanted to be sure as numerous Gods were operating around Aragos' orbit and on the planet itself, mainly in shadows.

That's right, Aragos, like Earth too, have Gods and their pantheons and as Christopher found out, from the Darkness memories they shared, there are quite big ones.

Thanks to the merging process that started when Selena gave Christopher parts of the Darkness' body near Frederic's territory, Christopher gets his hands on something more than just body parts, and those are memories. 

0,0010% of Darkness' memories which are, precisely speaking, about a few horrifying existences in the universe Christopher is now wary of, then about Aragos, its inhabitants, and... its Exit ways!

The problem is, that for almost every exit way he finds out about, he needs some sort of key or other things Christopher considers 'a useless junk '.

The other thing was, that even if Christopher considered trying those Exitways, throughout time, most of these Exits were destroyed when the filthy Light Queen came, or the keys that opened them were destroyed.

Right now, only three exits remain, all located in the heart of Aragos, Royal Capital.

After a few seconds of observing the light show in front of them, Ardelean spoke:

["I don't know which one is this, but she is not from any pantheon we know about."]

'She? '

As Christopher spoke those words, a sphere of different lights, together with a feeling of Order and Fear started forming a being little away from Christopher and his throne.

Feeling the Primordial fear he, to this day, never felt, a desire to immediately clash with the person in front of him started forming unconsciously in Christopher's soul.

Yep, he became an even more crazy battle maniac after his evolutions.

When the light died, a woman of immense, mature beauty Christopher never saw though his life was presented in front of him.

Beautiful was an understatement to describe how beautiful and perfect the woman in front of him was.

She was wearing a tight and long, black-leathered dress with raven feathers around her neckline that formed a word V and ended at her abdomen.

The neckline was quite wide and showed a big part of her large... 'chest~' but somehow, the dress was still covering the important parts of her perfectly shaped full breasts.

On the upper part of her revealed chest, slightly reaching between her large mountains was a big, black tattoo of the raven with wide open wings, almost reaching her shoulders.

Her back was uncovered, revealing another black tattoo of Asian looking dragon, her delicate, smooth body had a very modest and perky ass and her right leg was pretty much 'escaping' from under the dress she was wearing, through an opening in them which was reaching her waist.

With each step, Christopher could see her sides jiggle, making his little member twitch each time this happened. Even when he tried his best to not let his bursting desires and fantasies explode, those thighs were his weakness.

Around her little slender waist was a black leathered, expensive-looking belt with golden decorations while around her neck was the same black, leather choker from which, a small golden raven wing was hanging as a pendant.

On her left wrist, another but smaller tattoo could be seen, resembling a bunch of crows flying towards a moon.

Her nails were long, black, and sharp, matching with her dress perfectly like the choker with the belt.

Her shiny, black hair resembling the color of those raven feathers dark as night around her breasts, was tied into a bun with a few curly strains of them hanging down to her cheeks, adding numerous points to her sexy appearance.

That bun was held by two wooden sticks that were forming a word X, resembling a style women from ancient Japan wore, together with a black lipstick she had her lips painted with.

The sound of black, leather high heels walking on the floor was echoing around, making Christopher shiver.

Her entire gorgeous appearance was a sight of beauty and desire for every male, while the source of envy and jealousy for all females.

["She is beautiful..."] Ardelean spoke with the dreamy voice of a young teenager who fell in love with his sexy teacher.

'Yeah she is, but she's not mine so I don't care though...' Christopher spoke, making Ardelean almost choke on those words.

["Eh? B-But-"] Before Ardelean could say more, Christopher placed his head in his right hand, letting it rest, and looked at the Goddess who was now just a few steps away from them.

'Remember Ardelean that we are not on a Pokémon hunt but rather on an adventure to go back home...' Christopher reminded his friend of the main objective as his eyes wandered through the Goddesses' body.

As she stopped in her tracks, she asked:

"Lord Salvatore? "

"Yeah, what do you want? " Christopher asked the Goddess in a somewhat bored tone, looking like he was not surprised by her sudden appearance.

A little lie that starts the avalanche of events in his life.

The Goddess raised her left eyebrow, this was not a tone nor reaction she expected from him.

She thought Christopher would fall on his knees and start asking her to marry him like everybody she encounters. 

Or at least look at her with desire like others do, instead only indifference could be recognized in those dark, captivating eyes in which the woman found herself falling every next second.

Looks like she was wrong about the new Lord.

"Heh, you don't even want to know my name Mortal? Let me introduce myself, I'm-"

"-The Goddess of Credia Empire, The nameless Empress, The sister of Eres, The most beautiful Goddess on Aragos, Goddess prettier than Aphrodite, bla, bla, bla, I know you don't worry, but I don't care who you are or what titles you have."

"The only thing I care for is to know why you came..." Christopher cut her off like she was just a normal, arrogant girl he encountered somewhere in a Supermarket.

The Goddess' Emerald Green eyes narrowed at his tone.

"I'm not going to fall on my knees in front of you or beg you to marry me like a horny dog."

"For that, you need to find someone else~"

"As I said, the only thing I care about is what are you doing in my castle..." he added.

The Goddess was stunned. It was a long time since someone talked to her like she was a subordinate and she actually liked it.

Not much of course, nobody wants to be talked to like she/he is a piece of trash, but she liked the twisted feeling of something new that came with this man and his words.

"You are an interesting and very handsome person, Lord of Sangruil. Because of that, I'll forgive you your tone," the Goddess' expression softened as she flashed a small, warm smile.

"Thanks but I don't need your compliments nor forgiveness. I have my brides for that."

The Empress' mood suddenly turned sour when she heard the word 'brides~'.

"What are you doing in my castle? " Christopher asked again.

"I came to personally visit you and tell you to come into my territory for a meeting with other powerful beings like you. Then, we can go on a tour of my Empire and later to my chambers so-"

"I'm not interested," Christopher casually cut her off again, leaned into his throne with a neutral expression, and closed his eyes, ignoring the Goddess in front of him completely.

The Empress' eyes opened wide when she heard his response and an awkward silence fell over the place since Christopher didn't want to talk to her anymore. 

Yeah, she might be beautiful but she was arrogant, and Christopher didn't like that, not anymore.

"Lord Salvatore, before you give your final decision, let's talk first please..."

"... How about no? " He didn't want to talk to her, again.

"Why? " the Empress asked, frustrated like someone stole something precious from her.

The feeling of indifference in Christopher's aura started being extremely painful for her.

'Finally, I found someone interesting I want to be a friend with, maybe a possible lover hihi, and he treats me like any other being?! ME?! ' the Empress thought.

"Why should I? I already said that I'm not interested in your meeting and other activities you planned for us~"

Hearing how carefully chosen words Christopher used, the Goddess turned slightly red, but before she could say something, Christopher added:

"Now leave, please. We are done," he said with his eyes still closed while he made a gesture with his hand as he was making a cat leave his space.

'Ehh?! T-This man, why is he so distant and at the same time so close! ' the Empress started being angry at the mixed signals she got from Christopher.

At first, he was cold, now he said something warm but then turned cold again.

Her eyes started to glow green as a strange pressure started to leave her body, and a green aura started to spread around her.

Christopher suddenly felt the 'world' fall on top of him.

"I said, let's talk! "

Crack, Crack.

The ground around Christopher began to break, her heavy aura made his throne break under the divine pressure, together with the walls and everything present in the throne room

But even though he was feeling the goddess's aura... It didn't affect him much, why?

'It's much weaker than those dudes I saw in the Darkness' memories...' He judged the woman to be pretty weak compared to The Entities that the Darkness encountered and fought in the past, which Christopher saw in the memories.

They were horrifying and he still remembers the feeling he got when he saw them.

Primordials are just no joke...

Even through someone's memories, the beings managed to affect him in numerous ways, making him feel weak... extremely little and weak...

'I should probably train...' he thought when he recalled the feeling he felt the first time his gaze met the gazes of those bastards out there in the eternal cosmos.

The woman compared to them was like a child, even when she didn't seem to be using her full strength for some reason.

'She is strong, but not as strong as I thought.

Normally, this would put a smile on Christopher's face, but something strange started happening in Christopher's body.

His Vampire senses with which he was checking the Goddess's intentions secretly, started screaming danger while his body began to feel like something was leaving him, and then it finally hit him.

The thing that was leaving him... was his own soul!

When this information registered in his head, without wasting any more time, he immediately made a move:

Christopher's eyes slowly opened, he stood up, which made the throne he previously sat on fall apart, and looked at the woman with eyes as dark as a black hole:

His blood-red irises were glowing violently as a dark, hostile aura with sips of darkness started coming towards the Goddess, preventing her strange powers from stealing his soul.

Looking into the gaze of the man in front of her, the Empress understood that she had pushed the wrong buttons and used the power she didn't want to use in the first place!

'...I fucked up... AGAIN! '

If, before, the man had been distant and pretty much ignored her presence.

Now, he's become entirely hostile, and she can clearly understand that the reason he didn't do anything was that she was still holding back.

Even when she destroyed the place they are now in and tried to take his soul somehow, she showed signs of worry and disappointment.

'She doesn't have many friends, huh...'

Even when he almost died, Christopher saw that she looked like she did it unconsciously, like she didn't have full control over her powers.

She wanted to just show that she was against the way he acted with her and not attack him.

Meanwhile, the Goddess thought: 'Tsk, annoying powers! Fuck your blessings, Aphrodite! Your powers fucked up the only thing that could have brought me back to the world of living! '

Now, she became even more internally irritated with herself.

She didn't want things to turn out like this, and she didn't like the way that man was looking at her at all but she knew it was her own fault.

Noticing the silence in the place, she said with an innocent tone, "Are we going to finally talk? " as she retreads her aura.

"...." Christopher cracks his neck a little and continues watching the woman with a dead look and a cold stare, but with inner understanding:

"L-Let's sit down first." She spoke, forming a golden throne behind her while Christopher did the same, but from Darkness.

"I want to apologize, I can sometimes get quite-" she spoke in a somewhat shy tone, very different from what she used a few seconds ago but before she ended, Christopher interrupted her.

"-Accepted," Christopher nodded and fell silent again, answering in a gentler tone.

"Oh o-okay... Then, can I-... May I know why don't you wanna come to my castle? " the Goddess was a little curious, a smile shining on her face.

'Looks like we are good for now... I need to play it safe! Maybe smile more? ' she thought while waiting for Christopher's response.


"Perfect! " the Goddess's immediate response and big smile made Christopher's eyes twitch a little.

["Looks like she is... excited? "] Ardelean spoke up.

'I don't know why though...' replied Christopher, adding: 'But after I saw what she can do, she has my full attention...'

The Goddess was smiling widely at him while crossing her legs sensually, making Christopher's eyes twitch again.

'Hah, my Love to those thighs is going to kill me one day...' he thought and answered the question the Goddess asked him.


... ... ... ... ...

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