
Extreme Wealth with Infinite Upgrades

Lu Fan thought life would be favorable after graduation but it was all his fantasy. Wishful thinking. He was beaten so badly that he did not dare go back home and show how much of a failure he had become. With the mentality of giving it one last try, he opened a repair shop. That was when his golden finger activated. From then on, he can upgrade anything infinitely.

mobisa · Urban
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7 Chs


After the excitement died down, Lu Fan got down to work.

He touched everything in the workshop and repaired them, making everything new and shiny. Even the soldering station that was barely holding on instantly transformed into a brand-new machine.

It also saved him a lot of time that he would have used cleaning.

Looking at the brand-new shop, Lu Fan was delighted. It was a pity that the shop was relatively hidden and not many people would look at it.

Leaving everything else aside, the golden finger had already elevated his standard. Now everything looked brighter and his heart was filled with hope for the future.

Lu Fan arranged everything until he was satisfied.

"I should look for things for sale."

The shop was a repair shop, but that did not mean he could not sell things. It was still right to sell small things like chargers, TF cards, accessories, and the like.

He also had to stock up on parts for the repair shop.

He might have a golden finger, but that did not mean that he could use it anyhow. Some stubborn people would insist on watching as their devices were being fixed.

He was one such person. There were too many cases of technicians switching parts for fakes or low-quality parts. Hell, the boss at the place he worked encouraged such things.

Lu Fan locked up and made his way a block away.

This whole street had several stalls selling and buying electric and electronic devices. There were at least 5 copycat companies here that specialized in assembling Android phones with parts from OEMs.

There was no legit phone in the whole area and anyone saying otherwise was a liar. As for regulations and the like, there were none.

As long as the products met the bare minimum standard of operation and quality, everything was okay.

The government supported this kind of thing. There were many rich people in the country, but there were more poor people and these phones were just right for such a group.

The most expensive phone would not pass the 500 yuan mark here. Anything higher than that was better sold on Pin Xixi, JD.com, or Ali.

As for something cheap, you could get anything here for as low as the seller was willing to go.

These were desperate times and everyone was trying to make ends meet.

Arriving at the busy stall, Lu Fan directly pulled a waiting boy with him. There was no need to be polite.

This store was big and many small shops bought parts from here, if he did not hold on to a waiting boy, he would have to wait till noon when business slowed down.

Lu Fan looked at many things and asked many questions, but in truth, he just bought pitifully little.

He did not have much money on him, and he wouldn't spend much were it not for his confidence in the golden finger.

By the time he was done, he had bought a dozen small PCBs, some diodes, type c ports and cables, and 120 2TB SD cards from some company.

Lu Fan knew that they were all fakes. He had bought this kind of TF card and it stopped working when he tried transferring some content into it.

The card itself was capable of storing 2TB worth of data, but it was too poor quality. It was so poorly made that the waiting boy tried to advise against buying them. The store still had hundreds of such cards in stock.

He excitedly got back to his store and locked himself in. He was going to perform a large operation and it would not be good if he was seen.

Setting up, he took the PCB and soldered the necessary parts together. Each PCB had 10 SD cards attached and neatly stacked.


Type: Integrated External Storage Card – 20TB

Status: Broken, Repairable

Upgrade Value: 0/100

Optimization Points: 120

Optimization Parts: PCB, Casing, Port, Cable, Circuitry, TF Card



A white light flashed and the ugly soldiering was gone and the whole thing looked more pleasing to look at.

He hurriedly connected them to his phone and started trying them out. It would be bad if they all died just from basic file transfers.

But that did not happen. They were slow, but they worked just fine. He was even able to format them and directly use them to extend his phone's memory capacity.

After playing around for an hour, the upgrade value on all the memories maxed out.


With a light, 12 silver sticks appeared in front of him. They looked delicate and exquisite. Each of these sticks had 20TB memory capacity and the Type-C USB cable somehow became retractable.

The whole thing looked high-end no matter how he looked at it.


Type: Integrated External Flash Memory – 20TB

Status: Basic

Upgrade Value: 0/1000

Optimization Points: 120

Optimization Parts: Casing, Cable, Circuitry, Memory


"Hiss… directly changing the technology built in."

This method was magical. It further showed just how broken his cheat is.

This meant that there was no technological bottleneck. Lu Fan could already imagine the fragrant scene at that time.

"I can sell this for 200 to 300 yuan at wholesale price."

Lu Fan started thinking about how to progress his business. He needed to do many things to increase his productivity.

Just these 12 storage devices were enough to make him more than 50,000 yuan at the very least.

How long had he worked on them? He had barely spent 3 hours. If you count the time needed to source materials and look for customers, maybe 5 to 6 hours?

It was worth it no matter how he looked at it.

Lu Fan excitedly left his workshop and started going from shop to shop introducing his product. It was more troublesome than he thought, but he still managed to sell one or two per shop.

It was easy to know the quality by testing the product directly. And he mainly sold them to electronic shops. The price starting price of course was 500 yuan, after a back and forth, he would sell at slightly more or less 300 yuan.

He also left his contact info for future communication. It could not be helped.

The devices were so small and sleek that most customers did not believe the performance. Some wanted to order more later after testing, while others were just keeping it for insurance in case they died later on.

Lu Fan did not mind. It was good even if they doubted. These were the best critics and if a problem came up, they'd be the first to point it out.

With the golden finger, he did not believe that there was a technical problem that he could not solve. If anything, he was looking forward to it. Such customers would only improve his production standards and quality.

He made his way to several stores and bought more parts. There was no helping it. This money was too easy to earn and too fragrant to give up. Working hard.