
Chapter 221 Are You Alone?

Translator: 549690339

The presidential suite was incredibly spacious, so much so that to describe it as vast would not be an exaggeration. It covered an area of roughly three or four hundred square meters, and it was vacant for ninety percent of the time because the daily rent was exorbitantly high.

Today, Zou Liyu had booked it to entertain a few prison mates who had just been released.

However, the presidential suite was not the focus; it was merely a place where they could enjoy themselves. What was important were the arrangements he had made inside the suite beforehand.

Zhao Yang walked into the living room, which was empty, save for the numerous cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table.

The sound came from a room next door, and Zhao Yang seemed to have already recognized the voice's owner.

Zhao Yang's emotions became rather complicated. He strode over quickly and kicked the door open with one foot!