
Extreme Tycoon System

Money is not the problem, the problem is whether you can spend it. Han Li is faced with the ever-challenging task of spending billions within a set time frame. The Extreme Tycoon System is great, but can someone tell me how to spend 1 billion within a week? Oh, it's pure consumption, no investing, charity, or anything like that.

mobisa · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Han Li made his way down he deemed it an appropriate time for breakfast. He had spent some time on a streaming channel and he now understood why authors like to refer to such sites.

It was quite satisfying seeing a beauty gush over you just for rockets. He was very much tempted to start spamming them but it was too much work.

Why would these platforms have so many prompts when he was just giving them money? They should put a big easy-to-access button right close to the fingers so that he and many others could reach them easily.

While just thinking about it simply could give you thousands of reasons why they should not do that, it was tiring for guys like him. Guys who had too much money that they were at a loss on what to spend it on.

These useless thoughts managed to accompany him to the restaurant where there was a buffet-style breakfast with neatly dressed waiters and chefs ready to help would one need it.

Being a newbie and not wanting to shame himself, Lu Fan just followed the guy in front of him and picked whatever he picked. It was rather comical watching the whole process but Han Li felt that it was better than holding up the line just so that he could even identify whatever they were serving.

He had never even heard half of the things that were being served here. Even basic Congee looked classy here. It was to the point that he gave up midway.

How the hell was he supposed to know which spoon should be used to eat what? He had only ever used standard chopsticks and the same spoon for everything. And of course, hands.

Just because you cut the pancakes along the cross sections and add strawberries does not change the basic method of using your hands. At least it was less awkward than fighting with knives and forks.

"I'll need to learn these things soon."

It was a good thing that the food was good or the stares would not have been worth enduring.

Han Li spent the rest of the morning going around familiarizing himself with everything and anything. He was fine with looking like a country bumpkin for a day or two, but he still wanted to get used to everything soon.

He only made his way to the lobby ten minutes to eleven.

"Oh, Mr. Han, you're ten minutes early."

"It's okay, go about your business. I can wait here a while."

"Alright… oh, should I prepare a car or…"

"You prepare everything as you see fit. I am okay with anything."

Han Li said magnanimously to hide his own ignorance as he made himself comfortable in the waiting area, busying himself with the magazines nearby.

He had never looked at these types of magazines before as they had nothing to do with him, but now he was quite interested.

There were some interesting articles here and there but most of the content might as well have been written using the heavenly tongue.

Why on earth would a T-shirt that only has 5 letters on it cost upward of 1500 yuan? It was criminal I tell you.

There were also these woven bags. What was so special about a bag with a logo and one without? He could walk down the road and get one for free at the local supermarket.

It was just crazy.

"Mr. Han, I am ready now."

"Oh, shall we?"

Han Li's attempt seemed to have worked better than he had thought as a slight blush appeared on Wen Qing's face.

This lady was quite the beauty and her maturity just made her all the more ripe for the pickings, but Han Li did not have much thought about her aside from that she was cute.

He was too used to thinking that solely of Mengmeng and he did not even notice. Well, he did, but that was that and this was this.

He was still getting used to his wealth and Wen Qing was kind of 'above' his 'league'. A mental barrier if you will.

"After you Mr. Han."

"Shouldn't the man be doing this?"

"I… don't think so. You are the guest and I am the employee."


She was right. Chivalry and whatnot wither in front of wealth.

Mengmeng could shamelessly stay by young master Peng's side despite his shortcomings because of money. Wen Qing's behavior seemed trivial in the face of such things.

Han Li got into the Hongqi OUSADO and made himself comfortable. Such a car was a dream car for him not long ago, but it was currently serving as his shopping cart. The irony…

"Quite a good car you got here. There are very few Hongqi dealers in Shangwei."

"Mr. Han knows his cars well. All cars used by the hotel come from Hongqi. We can get a bunch of them from the capital."

"That's impressive. It ought to be expensive though. I can think of a dozen cars that could work just as well."

"Think of it as the hotel doing its part to promote the country."

"That's true. I just might use your channels to get me a few cars."


"Don't worry. I just need a channel and will buy them at market price."

"Then I am relieved. There was a senior of mine that got too comfortable and started using hotel resources in a…"

Wen Qing completely forgot about the guest-employee thing and got comfortable talking with Han Li. It was a relief that they did not have to go far before they reached the Shangwei Times Square or he would have found out about all the dirt on GSH.

Han Li could not help but look at Wen Qing again. This woman did not look like a bimbo but who goes around spreading corporate laundry. He could only attribute her behavior to being lost in his charm.

"Have I become that handsome…" he whispered to himself as he made his way to the mall not seeing the strange gaze of the driver.

He also felt strange with Wen Qing's behavior but he was just a driver. A woman who could get to Wen Qing's position was not foolish by any account. Her wit was scary actually.

But why was she turning into a mindless chatterbox in front of this guest?

The driver could only look on as the two figures faded into the crowd.

*Huff, Huff*

Han Li heaved as he sat at a rest area in the mall. He was holding several bags in his hands as he looked at the smiling Wen Qing like she was a demon.

No, she was a demon. His Extreme Physique was no joke and he had the stamina of 20 bulls, or so he believed, but he was this exhausted after following this… this female around.

"What was all this stuff you bought? I don't need 90% of this stuff."

"Just trust me. We still have to get this and that and that…"

"Wait wait wait. Why don't we buy you something to thank you for all… this?"

"That's not necessary…"

"No, we should get you a few things or I am going to feel awkward."


'Women, they say one thing but they mean the other. Minus 10 points.'

"I know I told you to choose clothes with no dazzling branding and all that, but why are they even more expensive when nobody will be able to tell that they are branded?"

"I am not sure but I think that it has a lot to do with how much wealth one has. The truly wealthy have no need for signboards announcing their wealth. The people qualified to know such information are either as rich as them, or are asking for favors. They have their own special ways of showing off.

On the other hand, these flashy designs are loved by nouveau riche, ignorant second generations, or middle-class folks who work their ass off to save for a long time just to afford an article."

"Then they bombard us on social media with these things."

Han Lu finished the inference for her and they both looked at each other feeling a type of resonance between each other.

Wen Qing was quite surprised and looked at him with intrigue as her thesis got more proof. As for Han Lu, he had yet to leave the struggler's bandwidth and his bitterness was still concentrated.

"Well, let's continue shopping before this gets depressing."
