
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 352: Catch the pigs freehand, barbecue with flavor!

   This flutter.

   Move like a rabbit.

   is extremely fast.

   has not waited for the black pig to react.

  Lu Yu has already clamped him under him,

   Maybe it hurts.

   may be panic-stricken by a surprise attack.

   a time.

   Wild boar fangs wide open.

   made an extremely harsh howling.

   followed immediately.

   All kinds of heavy gasps filled the entire live broadcast room.

   is trapped under him.

   The wild boar will naturally not be caught.

   is now grinning.

   screamed again and again.

   no longer twists his fat body all the time.

   tried to break free from Lu Yu's shackles.

   "This guy's strength is very strong! If one blow succeeds! Don't take it lightly!"

   in a hurry.

  Lu Yu explained as he used all his strength.

   But I have to say.

   Even if it is a young wild boar, its power can not be underestimated.

   If you really care about it.

   Which one ended up with whom is really not necessarily true.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yu now no longer delays the time, directly enters the runaway time, and enhances his strength in an all-round way.

   Then faced the pig's head, just a punch!


   This punch.

   is extremely powerful.

  Middle target.

   beat the wild boars howling.

   struggled fiercely under Lu Yu.

   It looks like.

   is trying to do his best to make a fatal blow.

   in front of the camera.

The sharp fangs of the wild boar have already been revealed.

   came with a bad smell.

   But at this point of view, where would Lu Yu give him the opportunity to redeem himself?

   immediately chase after the victory.

   Waving his right arm is another heavy punch!



   Bonus time attribute bonus.

   is not just casual talk.

   is a wild boar with thick skin.

  If it is a person.

   These three punches go on.

   I'm afraid I'm dying.


   was hit hard.

   The screams of wild boars are getting worse.

   Arrogant arrogance.

   also extinguished more than three points.

  In a hurry.

  Lu Yu was too late to think.

   seized this opportunity and stepped forward.

   Then, a leg inward.

   Open the posture, going up is a set of unexplained moves and combined punches.

   a time.

   The live broadcast room is filled with all kinds of boxing to meat sounds.




   The dull collision sound.

  It is especially clear among the jungle at sunset.

   didn't know how many punches were thrown.

   At this moment, the fat-headed black-skinned pig had long lost his voice.

   The tail is stiff.

   Four hoofs are soft.

   Wet nostrils.

   has only outgassing, and has long lost air intake.

  The fat body covered with black short hair is still motionless.

   There was no movement.

  Only when Lu Yu's fist hit the head.

   The pig's face is covered with blood-stained horizontal meat, so it will shake a few times involuntarily...

   Seeing this scene, all the audience in the live broadcast room could not help but take a breath.

   was shocked by this **** wild hunting!

   "Feather God!"

   "Lying trough!"

   "Brother Er 2 just left us?"

   "In the ancient times, there was Wu Song playing tigers, but today there is a feather **** catching pigs!"

   "The anchor is so ruthless, actually killed Brother 2 abruptly?"


   "The horse bug is a temperament gift to the anchor energy drink × 10!-The anchor is really a ruthless person!"

   "The honorary chairman of the White Women's Tickets Association presented to the anchor He 666×100!-A meal Ping A took away the pig girl!"

   "Love is a superstition of time and place, presented to the anchor Super Rocket × 1!-Brothers, can the punch of Yushen kill me..."




   Seeing the wild boar completely disappeared.

  Lu Yu slowly loosened his clenched fist.

  Leave the blood between your fingers.

   spreads wantonly.


   This set of combination punches down.

   actually consumed a lot of physical energy.

   Just after the skill time, the suppressed tiredness began to resist, following the nerves and walking around the body.

   wiped the sweat beads on his forehead. Lu Yu gasped at the camera and slowly said:

   "It's such a tough guy..."

   "Although it is just a small thing, it is never an easy task to completely subdue it."

   "Brothers, if you encounter an adult wild boar, don't do this, otherwise you will definitely look good on you..."

   Stand up.

   looked at the black piglets standing still at his feet.

  Lu Yu turned to smile, and then continued:

   "I didn't expect to meet this guy here."

   "Tonight's supper is considered to have fallen."


   He untied the rope around his waist.

   Tied the wild boar and put it aside.

   Prepare to cut some firewood around here first.

   Then return to the camp.

   "When you encounter wild boars in the wild, if you don't have the preemptive action first, and then want to seize the opportunity later, it will not be so easy."

   "Because it may not be the same as you think."

   "In fact, the wild boar's ability to run is very against the sky."

   "According to relevant statistics, under the chase of an adult hound, the Eurasian wild boar can run continuously for 15 to 20 kilometers. This extraordinary physical strength is even worse than the marathon runner."


   Waving a stone axe and cutting down a small tree.

  Lu Yu then said:

   "Eurasian wild boars take a lot of time to eat and sleep, but don't think these guys are just lazy to do."

   "To a certain extent, they know more about survival than many cloven-hoofed animals."

   "The wild boar is afraid of being discovered by natural enemies, so it often gathers by the water, so that when it encounters danger, it will immediately cross the river without leaving any smell, which can ensure safety."

   "But sometimes, these guys are also stupid enough, they are often calculated, and when they eat, they will forget it."

   said aside.

   while working.

   Soon, Lu Yu cut a lot of high-quality dry firewood and tied them together with rope.

   Hand-drawn wild boar.

   dragged the bundle of firewood with one hand.

   Walk towards the camp.

   When I was on my way.

  In order to avoid the live broadcast, Lu Yu told the audience a lot of interesting things about the magical creature Eurasian wild boar.

  In the European Alps, the local hunter had a very interesting discovery.

   That is, the Eurasian wild boar actually "Qigong".

  Every year to winter.

   They go down the mountain as soon as possible for food.

   will immediately "luck" when leaving.

   Make the shape of a barrel.

   Then roll down the mountain.

At this moment.

   The thick pigskin is like a barrier.

   completely evolved into their magic weapon.

   Make it invincible.

  No matter how steep the mountain or hard stone, it will not hurt its bones.

   is also magical.

  Second, except for Mount Albes.

  Some people have witnessed that many Eurasian wild boars also live on the reef islands in the southern Pacific Ocean.

   Here, the special hunting environment makes the fangs in their mouths evolve particularly sharp.

  In the absence of traditional food, fierce wild boars will also pick up embroidery needles to do some delicate work.

  Go swimming in the shallow sea.

  Fat hunger by fishing.

   "The wild boar goes to the sea to catch fish, which may sound a little bit mysterious, but this is true, and I have been in the newspaper."

"This also confirms from the side that the wild boar has a strong adaptability to various ecological environments. At present, in the world, except for the North and South Arctic and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, every jungle, swamp, island in the world , And even sandbanks, there have been wild boars."

   "If you can't find food in the wilderness, you may be able to fight their attention."

   "Of course, all this is based on the fact that you have weapons, otherwise you must be careful, this kind of hunting is not a joke."

   along the way.

  Talking to the sky.


   When I returned to the camp.

  The night of the island has come quietly.

   Almost in a blink of an eye.

   The whole jungle was shrouded in darkness.

   At this time, the previously generated fire was almost burned out.

   only left a little light of fire.

  Seeing this scene, Lu Yu hurriedly put down the wild boar and firewood bundles and added a handful of firewood to the igniter that was about to be exhausted.

   First rescue the fire.

   Then took out the stone knife.

   swayed on a rock beside.

  Prepare the skin and cook the dinner.

   Wild boar skin is very tough.

  The feet are half thick.

   only rely on a stone knife.

   really needs some effort.

   back and forth.

  Lu Yu was busy working for an hour before he completely cut his stomach.

   "Wild boar skin is a very good raw material for skin material, and it has good heat retention and wear resistance."

   "In the cold weapon era, wild boar skin was the first choice for shields, and the effect was particularly good. The ordinary spears did not pierce at all.

   "In addition to shields, it is also a good choice to use wild boar skin to sew leather goods and clothes."

   "Right now, we are short of supplies, so such a good thing, it is best to stay."

   After the pig skin was completely removed by the fire, Lu Yu cut three large pieces of meat on the back of the wild boar with a knife, and then thrown it into the fire.

  Prepare to have an original flavored roast wild boar meal.

  Wild pork is very lean.

   Compared with ordinary domestic pigs.

   is exactly one heaven, one underground.

   Clear texture.

   Red and tender and juicy.

   It tastes great after grilling on charcoal fire.

   is absolutely rare wild delicacy.


   This time for barbecue.

  Lu Yu was not idle.

   casually found some dry trunks nearby.

   depends on a big tree.

   Build a single-roof **** house with a unique surface for yourself.

these days.

  The weather on the island is not clear.

   To prevent rain in the middle of the night.

  Lu Yu chose the palm leaf as the material of the roof as always.

   In this way, even if there is a sudden rainstorm, you have a place to live.

   will not have any worries.

   Not long.

   After a little busy, the **** house took shape.

  It looks like something.

very perfect.

   Later, Lu Yu found some fresh leaves and spread them on the ground to prevent moisture.

  The humidity in the jungle is high.

  Moisture-proof work is an essential part.

most of the time.

   Even if there is no time to build a shelter.

   must not forget to prevent moisture.

   One night time.

   Said not long.

   is short.

   But really do nothing.

   just slept on the floor.

  The heat in the body will be lost at an unimaginable speed.

   Most likely will not be able to survive the next morning.

   people are already abolished.

   Therefore, moisture prevention work has always been a top priority.


   reflects the fire.

   back and forth for tens of minutes.

   The place to sleep is finally settled.

   And this time.

   The smell of barbecue.

   also floated out of the campfire.

   This taste doesn't come out but it's ok.

   As soon as he smelled it, Lu Yu was on the verge of collapsed stomach, and he couldn't stand it.


   Face the audience.

  Lu Yu wrinkled his nose.

   took a deep breath with pleasure.


   put on an impatient expression.

   heartily said:

   "My friends, I can already smell the barbecue--"

   appeased the screaming belly.

  Lu Yu said nothing.

   sat cross-legged in front of the bonfire, took a piece of roasted loin full of grease and brown, out of the fire, and sniffed it fiercely between the noses.

   Next second.

   The moment when hot air enters your nose.

  The hidden oiliness of the grilled meat bloomed at once.

   Game is extremely strong!


   made Lu Yu's stomach deflate three points again!

   In addition, the lingering hunger also peaked again.

   Urgently need delicious satisfaction!

   saw this scene.

  Lu Yu recovered his hunger.


   Then, can't wait to say incoherently:

   "Brothers, I'm welcome, and I'm in a hurry all day, so I'm so hungry."

  Just say, Lu Yu blows at the barbecue, biting it while it's hot.


  In an instant.

  The hot oil juice, in a few moments, burst out several beautiful arcs in his mouth.

  Mixed with tender meat fibers.

   between Lu Yu's lips and teeth.

   Compete against each other.

   Lest you lose!

   "Really, really delicious..."

   bulging cheeks.

   Before this bite was fully swallowed, Lu Yu couldn't wait to share this delicious raw barbecue with the audience:

   "One word, incense."

   "Indescribable incense."

   "Fragrant but not greasy, moderately soft and hard, the most critical taste is still very authentic, really great..."

   in front of the camera.

  Lu Yu was eating on his own.

   depicts the delicious raw barbecue in his own language.

at the same time.

   In the live room.

  Looking at his eating picture, the audience in front of the screen has been greedy for a long time!

   "Late at night!"

   "Watching Yushen eating, there is appetite!"

   "Brother II is so miserable, he must not only be insulted by the feather **** to his IQ, but also be eaten by the skin..."


"I want to eat it!"

   "It's a treat to watch the feather **** eat!"

   After eating a large piece of tenderloin, Lu Yu wiped the grease on the corner of his mouth and explained to the camera:

   "My friends, it's not that I have an appetite for eating."

   "If it is you, in this case, any food will be regarded as a treasure, don't forget, here, hunger is the best seasoning."

   The body length of an adult Asian wild boar is about 1.5 to 2 meters.

   weighs mostly between 90 and 200 kg.

   There are exceptions.

  In the Far East of Russia, a giant wild boar king with a weight of more than 400 kg was found.

  This young pig hunted by Lu Yu.

   weighs almost tens of kilograms.

   These meats, if properly preserved, are enough for him to supply along the way.

   Only more and more.

and so.

  Lu Yu was not idle while enjoying the food.

  Use a stone knife to divide the key parts of the whole wild boar into several parts.

   And all cooked on charcoal fire.


In the days after   , there is no need to worry about the source of food.

   Eat only pork and dried fish.

   will be a good transition.


  Considering the problem of weight bearing Lu Yu can only pick the best parts to carry.

   Such as loin, pork elbow, ribs, pork neck.


   Eat as much as you can tonight.

  Can't eat, bury it directly on the spot.

  Waste is waste.

   This is also impossible.


   After a great meal, a barbeque meal with original flavor finally ended for an hour.

I can tell.

  Lu Yu is really hungry.

a meal.

   not only wiped out a large loin.

   also killed three ribs.

   Eat that called a dimly, drunken life and death.

   Face, body, hands, corners of mouth.

   is full of oily luster.

   in front of the screen.

   Watched him eat so terrifyingly.

   Many viewers licked their lips involuntarily.

   seems to want to rely on brain tonic.

   to satisfy your taste buds...