
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 326: Strange BC stone statue, the best camp!

Along the stream.

Lu Yu walked along the way and thought, making plans for the next survival plan in his heart.

Others can be ignored first.

Because after finding the water source, the most important thing is the migration camp.

According to estimates, the shelter on the South Bank is still some distance away.

The issue of the convenience of taking water before the ready-to-use utensils had to be taken seriously.

Therefore, migration camps have become a top priority.

However, the choice of camp has always been elaborate.

This kind of thing should never be careless.

The terrain must be flat and open, and environmental factors must be considered.

Not too close to the water source.

It can't be too far.

If it is too close, the danger is naturally self-evident in the event of a torrent.

It is too far away and inconvenient.

If it is in the northern hemisphere, this season, perhaps do not have to think too much.

However, because of the limited climate and hydrological conditions, even an ordinary heavy rainfall is very likely to cause groundwater to surge, thereby inducing flash floods.

In fact, this is the way to go.

The rocks and vegetation beside the stream, no matter how turbulent, can still see the traces of mountain scouring.

According to time speculation, all this seems to have happened not long ago.

This shows how important it is to be a safe and comfortable camp that can perfectly avoid natural risks.

Be careful and considerate.

With plans to move to the camp, Lu Yu paid special attention to the surrounding environment when he was on the road.

Intentionally or unintentionally looking for a place suitable for camping.

You can see it in a circle, but there is nothing to gain.

As far as the eye can see, the terrain is steep.

The jungle is extremely dense and the field of vision is extremely poor.

The towering trees almost covered half of the sky.

It is simply not suitable for camping.


Soon, as time went on, the light in the forest was finally running out.

It's estimated that it won't take long before the sun goes down.

In order to be able to rush back to the shelter before dark, Lu Yu also accelerated his pace.

In this way, walked forward for almost an hour.

The stereotyped scenery has finally changed.

The dense forest suddenly became sparse.

Lifting his head, he can already see the black sky.

At the same time, the wind became stronger.

The long-lost salty and moist smell in the air broke into the nose again.

It seems that the seaside should not be far away.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu strode across the creek, came to the opposite bank, looked for a higher place, climbed up, put his hands in front of his eyes, and looked away.

Take a closer look through the woods.

as predicted.

The long-lost coastline is not far ahead.

"Hoo, finally came out..."

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the seaside at dusk, Lu Yu sighed thoughtfully.

Right now, I saw the scene I was familiar with.

The nerves that have been tight all the time finally have a chance to relax.

It seems correct to speculate that the final point of the stream is the west coast.

Next, just follow it all the way down.

After getting his attention, Lu Yu jumped off the rock and returned to the creek again, heading towards the coastline.


When viewed from a height, the terrain on the west coast is very flat.

There are basically no ups and downs.

But in fact it is not the case.

Along the way, the closer to the coastline, the steeper the road beneath.

It is not uncommon to see big and small abrupt rocks.

It is difficult to act.

It is also time-consuming.

Without paying attention, the hour passed.

Originally, the changes in the terrain did not attract Lu Yu's attention.

But he walked forward for a while, following the winding stream and turning into a steep slope. The scene he saw in front of him made him frown.

Through the woods.

In the direction of two o'clock.

An open area of ​​at least 500 square meters broke into the line of sight.

Because I was a little far away, I couldn't see clearly now.

But what is certain is that it is a bit abnormal for such a large area to appear for no reason.

what's the situation?

With doubts, Lu Yu made two steps in two steps, digging into the dense woods and looking for the past.

The open space is flat and open, and the wild grass is messy.

Surrounded by trees, the environment is quiet.

The terrain also looks very high.

The view is pretty good.

Looking up, all the grass and trees on the entire west coast can be taken in sight.

However, these are not the point.

The most amazing thing is that the frontier of the open space, that is, facing the west coast, still has five strangely shaped stone statues!

Why is there a statue of such a man-made desert island?

Who built it?

what does this mean?

Is there really someone on the island?

Or what ancient ruins?

For a time, countless problems squeezed his head, and Lu Yu thought for a long time, but still puzzled.

At this time, the pot has already exploded in the live broadcast room!

"what's the situation?"

"Is there really anyone?"

"Stone statue?"

"The lying trough, won't it be an ancient ruin?"

"Oh my god, another great discovery!"

"It's scary!"


The stone statue is not big.

Only half as tall.

A total of five.

Stand side by side.

It can be seen from the traces of the swords on the statues that they should be built artificially.

The age is very long, and at least at least it can be traced back to before BC.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yu slowly approached, squatted in front of the first stone statue, and observed carefully.

The stone statue was rough.

The original breath is extremely strong.

Although it has gone through a long time, many details are still clearly visible.

Unlike other ancient statues, the shape of these stone statues is very strange.

Their eyes are small and almost closed in a line.

But the mouth is big.

Fang Fangzheng's face is angular and angular.

Slender ears.

All the way down to the shoulder, it looks extremely uncoordinated.

It was expressionless, but if I watched it for a long time, I always felt that these guys were smiling.

The faint moonlight swayed down and seemed extremely mysterious.

From the clues currently available, this thing is by no means modern.

Lu Yu feels that this is likely to be left over from a primitive tribe living on Oulidia Island built for a certain purpose.

Perhaps it is for prayer.

Perhaps it is for sacrifice?


Staring at the stone statue for a while, Lu Yu slowly opened his mouth:

"Everyone, this is not an ordinary uninhabited island..."

"It has a very long history, and at least once had a period of heyday of civilization, otherwise, similar products of civilization will never appear here."

"The stone statue has very obvious, artificially chiseled marks, and it looks very strange, and looks a bit similar to the Moai stone statue on Easter Island."

Moai statues are a group of giant portraits on Easter Island.

Shen Yi strange shape.

Existence is huge.

Almost all over the island.

It can be said to be one of the most mysterious world heritage sites.

Until now, the top scientists have failed to give a reasonable explanation for the existence of stone statues.

Most of them are just speculations.

Who built so many stone statues?

What is the purpose?

For people to admire? Worship?

Historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists from various countries have visited the island in an attempt to make it happen.

The final result, however, is to put forward various speculative explanations, which is really not convincing.

As for the residents on the island, it is even more exotic.

As native natives, they didn't even have a trace of historical memory for these stone statues on the island.

Right now, these Oridia stone statues found by Lu Yu are like Moai stone statues.

No source at all.

It's just an objective and objective existence.

However, it is worth mentioning that although the two stone statues are slightly different, they have the same charm.

First of all, only the upper body.

Both have a pair of long ears.

His eyes were deep.

Nose bridge is tall and wide.

The face is sharp and angular.

The only difference is that the material of the Moai statue is volcanic rock.

The stone statue here is harder quartz.

What workmanship and material is of course not important.

But from here, we can see the productivity and strength of civilization.

At the beginning, countless archaeologists discussed the Easter stone statues unanimously that these stone statues must have been made by the heyday civilization, otherwise, it is impossible to complete this huge project.

It should be obvious from here that the civilization on Oridia Island should be no less than that of any primitive Pacific tribe.

At least, it has flourished for hundreds of years...

After seeing the front of the stone statue, Lu Yu came behind him again and observed it.

Through the light of the drone, you can clearly see the words behind the stone statue.

Although it has been eroded by wind and rain, it can still be approximated.

First, the font is very strange.

Not at all with common ancient characters.

It looks like it should also be some kind of hieroglyph.

Because it was not a study of this, Lu Yu would not know what was written in the text.

After looking at it for a while, he explained his thoughts to the audience.

At the same time, it also properly analyzes the historical origin of the island and the stone statue.

Although all kinds of remarks cannot be guaranteed to be completely correct, they are also said to have a nose and eyes and a head to mouth.

"These statues are very similar to the Moai statues, facial features, expressions, and especially ears. If I analyze them correctly, these two should be the products of the same civilization dimension, at least they are related."

"You know, Easter Island is actually not too far from here."

"The text behind the stone statue may be the key to solving the mystery, but to be honest, this is the first time I have seen this ancient text, so I will not comment on it."

At this moment, in the barrage:

"18CM translator, please start your performance!"

"Begging for a wild translator!"

"Yu Shen can't understand it, and no one should understand it!"

"Unsuccessful, I think the above should be written: Warning! The world's first extreme anchor, come here for a tour~ (dog head to save life)"


"Haha, laugh at me!"



Lu Yu looked at several other stone statues again.

The appearance, text, and appearance are almost the same.

There is not much difference.

In fact, in the final analysis, no matter what kind of civilization it is, and regardless of historical origin, these things are not important to Lu Yu.

Putting aside these painless and itchy problems, the most important thing is that he inadvertently harvested an excellent treasure of survival!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu smiled softly, and then said:

"History belongs to history. For me, it is most important to live."

"My friends, this place is quite good. The terrain is high and flat, the area is large, and it is very close to the water source and the coast. The most important thing is that because the location is high in the middle, even if the rainstorm induces torrents, it will not be intrusive."

"I believe that with a little renovation, it is definitely a very good residence."


Compared with the shelters on the coast, the location and terrain here are much better.

It completely conforms to Lu Yu's vision of an ideal camp.

To continue this sustainable development on the island, this may be the beginning of the rise.

After thinking for a while, after walking around the open space, Lu Yu immediately took care of it and built the new camp here!

So, after taking down his position, Lu Yu decided to hurry up overnight and return to the South Bank to prepare for the migration camp.

Left the open space.

Lu Yu got into the woods again.

Follow the stream all the way to the west coast.

Because of the terrain and the sparse vegetation, there is no problem with the moonlight.

In this way, I hurried all the way and walked for nearly two hours.

Finally, finally arrived on the west coast.

After arriving at the west coast, distinguishing between southeast and northwest, Lu Yu struggled for nearly half an hour before returning to the long-lost shelter.

"I finally found it back...Let's see if the fire is gone..."

Untie the bag badger and put it on the rock.

Lu Yu sat on the ground and pointed the drone's lens at the campfire.

At this moment, almost all the fresh leaves originally covered on it were turned to ashes.

Only a small part remains.

Fortunately, this method really works.

Even after walking for so long, the bottom layer of charcoal is still burning Mars.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yu hurriedly took out the remaining core of the fire and ignited it with charcoal. This was little by little, and he carefully added wood to the fire.

"How is it? Brothers? Is my method of keeping the flame good?"

"It's no problem to maintain for five or six hours, or even seven or eight hours."

After the audience shouted a wave of 666, the campfire was lit again.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu took out the stone knife, handled the bag badger briefly, and cut it into three sections.

Take out a section and grill it on the fire for dinner tonight.

As for the rest, it was hung on the rock by him, and can be used as a supply for tomorrow after being cured.



Sitting by the campfire.

Lu Yu was talking with the audience one sentence at a time while eating bag badger meat that didn't taste very good:

"Today's exploration has yielded a lot. Not only did I find Tamsui, I even found a rare camp along the way. I had to move over as soon as it didn't rain in these days."

"As for here, it is time for us to say goodbye to it."

"Right now, food, water, and shelters are all there. I believe that my future journey should be much better, at least I don't have to be stretched every day to survive. After all, that taste is really uncomfortable..."