
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 323: Road signs on the island, suspicious beasts!

There is no dense jungle.

Seeing the long-lost sky.

Lu Yu's heart immediately moved, and there was a wind at his feet.

Climbing all the way, climbing up the rocks smoothly, standing on a high point.

The view here is very good.

Looking around, most of the island can be seen.

In the sight, the jungle in the hinterland is connected one by one.

Very dense.

At the very end of the jungle, which is the northernmost part of the island, a steep and continuous mountain rises from the ground.

The shape of the mountain is very peculiar.

High on both sides.

In the middle of the sky, divide it into two.

Seen from a distance, it was like being split in half by something.

If it appears in a civilized society, this is definitely a wonder.


Except for the Twin Mountains, there are basically no high-altitude landmarks on the island.

And behind this Twin Mountains, the eight achievements are the north coast of the island.

But because there are mountains blocking the road, what is the situation on the north coast, and I can't see anything for a while.

"Have you seen the mountain at the end?"

After looking at the spot for a while, Lu Yu pointed to the Twin Mountains in the distance and said to the camera with great interest:

"There is the northern part of the island, opposite to where I am now. The shape of the mountain is very beautiful, with a line hanging in the middle. The two sides are separated and there is no accident. Crossing there from there, most of the way to the north shore. "

"The altitude of this mountain is at least four or five hundred meters, and the location is also very conspicuous, so we can use it as a road sign for reference."

"On the left side of Twin Mountains, on my left hand side, is the west coast of the island. Compared to the north shore, the terrain on the west bank is flatter and wider, but the forest coverage also seems a bit unsatisfactory..."

Speaking of words, the lens of the drone turned again with Lu Yu's gaze, looking towards the east coast.

The situation on the east bank is similar.

The only difference is that, apart from the forest, the very exposed rocks can often be seen in the line of sight.

Leng Buding looked at it, like the aftermath of Shuangzi Mountain.

But as long as the topography of the island is analyzed, this idea will not break through.


Facing the whole picture of the island, Lu Yu let out a long breath.

Olidia Island is bigger than it thought.

Being in it is completely different from the feeling of sitting on a helicopter and looking down.

If you want to complete the exploration of the island in sixty days, this workload is undoubtedly huge.

Thinking of this problem, Lu Yu frowned slowly and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Organized a mess of thoughts and continued to explain to the audience:

"As far as the current distance is concerned, hiking to the North Shore is obviously unrealistic."

"The terrain on the east bank is also very steep, so..."

"Next, I am going to go west. As for why, I don't think I'm going to say, everyone should also understand that the water flows to the lower places and the low terrain is often the best place to find fresh water. If the island is really There is fresh water, and the probability of finding fresh water on both sides of the east and west will increase greatly."

"Anyway, go west and try your luck first."

Taking a chance to breathe, Lu Yu immediately acted.

Using the signs on the north shore of the Twin Mountains, confirm the direction, slowly walk down the rock and continue towards the left hand side.

Enter the jungle again.

The light dimmed in the blink of an eye.

Hurrying up in such a place, the hiker will have little idea of ​​time.

Because at the moment, even though the sun is shining outside, the forest is also indifferent.

Not to mention seeing the sunrise and sunset.

Secondly, the woods are too dense.

It is also easy to lose the sense of direction when you are on your way.

Even if you concentrate on it, there will be times when it is miscalculated.

Therefore, every time he walked, Lu Yu would observe the growth direction of the trees, and move forward along the lush side as much as possible.

"Hurry up in such a place, it doesn't matter if you lose direction."

"I teach you a very simple and practical solution. I don't know if you noticed it. In the jungle, the sunny side of the vegetation tends to flourish."

"So, when you get lost, don't panic, stop and observe carefully. As long as you find this pattern, you will soon know where is south and where is north."


Lu Yu manipulated the drone and gave everyone a live demonstration.


Everything is as he said.

Regardless of shrubs or trees.

Most of the flourishing places are facing the sun.

"666, it really is!"

"Lying trough, this is so useful!"

"Nice, I learned!"


Olidia Island is located near the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere.

Most of the year, the sun is in the south.

Unless the sun hits the Tropic of Cancer in mid-June.

Therefore, this law of distinguishing directions can be applied to this.

However, in order to avoid the audience being misled, Lu Yu explained a bit:

"But if you are in the jungle, south of the Tropic of Capricorn, this rule needs to be changed, and it must not be copied blindly, because in many places, the sun is not south."

"How to distinguish it? The method is very simple. The rule is that if the point of direct sunlight is north of a place on a certain day, at noon, the sun is north. Otherwise, it is south.

"It's a bit cloudy and foggy, but as long as you look around, it's not difficult to understand what I said..."

The time to speak, the live broadcast continues.

Lu Yu has also been hiking in the jungle for nearly two hours.

An adult's normal foot distance is about 5 kilometers per hour.

Because of the hiking skills, Lu Yu's hiking speed is definitely much greater than this.

If you are on an ordinary land and walk 15 kilometers in two hours, it should not be a problem.

However, due to poor road conditions, it is often necessary to confirm the correct route.

Therefore, despite the two-hour walk, the mileage data is not impressive.

Counting it around, it is estimated that it will travel less than ten kilometers.


The forest is getting dull.

Lu Yu's panting sound is getting louder and louder.

Sweat flowed through the mud, making his body surface more vicissitudes.

After walking forward for a while, Lu Yu leaned back against a towering tree and rested.

"Hurrying here is really a test of physical fitness and psychological quality."

"Walking aimlessly, extremely dissipating, I don't know if you noticed it. When you walked along the way, you basically found no signs of fresh water. The only thing that is fortunate is that the soil under the feet is still wet..."

"Don't care anymore. Let's talk for a while."

Put the fish spear to the side, Lu Yu sat on the ground.

Then, touching it from the waist, a stone knife appeared, and he kept digging the mud in front of him.

He was right.

The dirt here is really damp.

The moisture is also great.

Of course, this does not mean that there must be surface water.

"But anyway, since there is hope, it's a good thing."

"It doesn't matter if you fail, you don't have to be discouraged. The essence of survival is to try again and again. Nothing is done overnight. There is no absolute despair in this world, because there is a trace of hope in all despair. It, you will see another world."

Analyze everything in front of you.

In the process of cheering for himself, Lu Yu inadvertently looked at the dirt in his hands.

As a result, a good thing was discovered.

So he said:

"Brothers, accidentally found a good thing"

The camera moved.

Close to the palm.

Scattered in wet mud, but seeing a black worm like an index finger, slowly creeping.

Insects look like earthworms.

The skin is bright.

Fine lines all over the body.

Picking up the bug with a smile, Lu Yu stared at it and asked:

"Does anyone know what this is?"

At this time, the audience also came to the spirit and kept guessing in the barrage.

"Isn't this just earthworms?!"

"The earthworm is no doubt!"

"It doesn't look very similar, is it a bread bug?"

"Breadworms don't grow like this!"

"Uh, so disgusting!"

Here, seeing that everyone can't guess the point, Lu Yu simply announced the answer:

"Oh, this is not an earthworm."

"It's Malu."

"It also has an individual name called the millipede. This name is still very vivid. You can see his body section, except for the head section, which has no feet, there are two pairs of feet on each body section."

"Speaking, you may not believe it. Just such a small bug, the total number of feet is as many as 200 pairs. Even if it is conservatively estimated, there must be hundreds of feet, which is the most deserved creature."

Next second.

As the camera zoomed in, the audience finally saw the complete form of the millipede.

as predicted.

Under this disgusting bug, as Lu Yu said, there are hundreds of feet hidden.

"I'm going, disgusting!"

"A bite of rice sprayed on the phone screen!"

"Wow! (vomiting)"

"The millipede seems to have seen me, but it doesn't look like this!"

After glancing at the barrage, Lu Yu smiled and explained:

"There are many types of Malu and they are widely distributed."

"Really, there are about ten thousand species known at present, the largest can reach 38 cm, the smallest is even smaller than the bread bug, some are toxic, some are non-toxic, and need to be carefully distinguished. The method is to look at the color , Brightly colored, with many toxic glands at the body section, when in danger, it will emit a venom that smells very irritating."

"Although it will not cause life danger, it is quite difficult to be placed in the wilderness. So, don't take it lightly when capturing Malu."

"Like other scavenging insects, Malu's protein content is very high, five to six times that of beef of the same quality. If it is in the wild, this thing is definitely a rare source of protein..."

After listening to Lu Yu's words, the audience immediately widened their eyes!

Don't think about it, Yushen is about to quit!

"Slot! What are you doing, anchor?"

"Bugs run fast, Yushen wants to eat you!"

"Bug: mmp, I knew there was nothing good!"

"Visually burst nuclear energy ahead! Non-combatants please evacuate quickly!"


Then, regardless of the obstruction of the audience.

Lu Yu immediately used the thumb and index finger of his right hand to carefully lift the millipede.

Shake in front of the camera.

Then, without doing anything, he put the black worm, light and smooth, and the creeping earthworm-like bug, bit by bit, into his mouth!

In the live room.

When Lu Yu ate Ma Lu, the barrage immediately set off an uproar!


"The bug is hard to escape after all!"

"Ripple, without blinking your eyelids!"

"I really can't accept it, I feel it's even crazier than jumping from a building!"

"Self-masochism addiction..."

"In order to survive and understand, if you don't eat, the anchor will have to be hungry!"


After chewing for a while, Lu Yu closed his eyes.

It took nine cows and two tigers to swallow the millipede.


"Everyone, to be honest, this taste is not very good, but it is acceptable. I don't know if you have eaten octopus sashimi raw. It is almost the same as the greasy taste..."

Then the barrage boiled without warning.

Say everything.

Lu Yu naturally ignored the audience. After resting for a while, he took the fish spear and continued to march deep into the jungle.

Follow the right direction and walk forward for a while.

I do not know how long it has been.

In the line of sight, the grass in front of him began to fall to the right and fall upside down.

It looks as if it has been trampled by something.

The sudden change caused Lu Yu to be alert.

Upon seeing this, he did not explain the situation to the audience first, and immediately followed.

Three and two steps walked to the edge of the grass, squat down in a hurry to take a closer look.

Sure enough.

Just as he expected, there was a very obvious beast trail among the chaotic grass.

Beside the beast ruins, there are many animal feces of different sizes.

The next second, after seeing all this, Lu Yu summoned the drone and explained:

"Look here, everyone."

"Have you seen this line of footprints? Then, there is still here"

The camera aimed at the feces, and then carefully photographed for a while.

The color of feces is brownish yellow.

No plant fibers.

The shape is not very regular.

"Lying trough!"

"Feather, you don't want to...no!"

"Is it six times the protein content of beef?"



Looking eastward for a while, Lu Yu crouched down quietly, trying to hide his body among the grass.

Then, he lowered his voice and said:

"The color is very fresh, it should have been left a while ago. In addition, I don't know if you noticed that there is almost no undigested plant fiber in it..."

"Therefore it can be concluded that it is probably left by a carnivorous mammal."

In order to cooperate with Lu Yu's commentary.

Also to cope with this thrilling scene.

At this moment, the drone suddenly played a background music with a very intense rhythm and melody.

In an instant, a feeling of horror filled the audience's room...

Squatting in the grass, always paying attention to the movements around, Lu Yu looked sideways and whispered:

"Do you remember what happened to me that night on the island? Old viewers probably knew about it. That night, I found an unknown visitor in the bushes near the shelter..."

"Although there is no evidence to prove that this animal trail must be related to the last time."

"But I always have a bad hunch... I don't know what's going on... Of course, after all, even if the two species are not related, carnivorous mammals are never easy to deal with."

Found beasts.

It is essential for finding water sources.

As residents living in this jungle for a long time, they must know where there are flowing and better quality water.

Just keep up and you can find water without saying.

But there is definitely such a possibility.

Lu Yu told his audience about this idea.

As a result everyone listened, and all took a breath!

Right now, just by feces, the origin of this carnivorous mammal is uncertain.

If the small beast is easy to handle.

But if it's a big animal, it's really inappropriate to keep up with it so boldly!

"Feather, don't you?"

"Will there be tigers and lions?"

"It shouldn't be, the food chain on this island should not be so huge!"

"Nima, more and more exciting!"

"I'm so scared!"