
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 220: Thoughts on Discovery Channel, Lu Yu's security team?

Hanging up the phone, John looked at Lu Yu with a smile: "Mr. Lu, please wait a moment, I will introduce a few people to meet you."


Lu Yu asked with interest.

"Trust me, they are all helpful to you."


About five minutes later, when the two were talking, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside the office.

Looking around, John Lang said, "Please come in!"

After the door opened, a dozen foreigners broke into the line of sight and walked in with great interest.

There are men and women.

Apart from an old man in his fifties, the others are young people.

Looking at their dress, 80% are employees of Discovery Channel.

Leading is a woman with yellow skin in her twenties.

The figure is very slim, tall and tall, well-dressed before and after.

She wore a photographic vest on the upper body, with classic Martin boots and jeans underneath. She wore a Laura braided braid behind her head and looked very lean.

At a glance at Lu Yu sitting on the sofa, the woman raised her eyebrows very kindly, saying hello.

Although he got the upper hand as soon as he came up, Lu Yu waved at her politely.

Immediately afterwards, the staff behind her also signaled to Lu Yu one by one.

Look at that, these people seem to be no stranger to themselves.

"Mr. Lu, let me introduce you."

Seeing the person coming, John stood up, walked over, and invited the woman with the Asian face to himself, facing Lu Yudao:

"This is Anna Li, the director of our channel's outdoor program group."

"She used to work in the National Mountaineering Team of the United States. She is an outstanding female mountaineer. She has rich experience and understands Chinese."

"From today, she will be responsible for all your affairs abroad. Including personal life, schedule, live broadcast planning and so on. Specific related matters, we have communicated with your person in charge of fighting and entertainment. In the future, we will work together to **** your live broadcast together."

Lu Yu nodded, held out Anna and shook his hand, said: "Hello, Lu Yu."

"Hello, Anna."

The two shook hands, and the woman was still full of emotions. Speaking in Chinese: "It's better to be known than to meet. I have watched your video and it is really shocking!"

"Thank you. Your Chinese is great, is it Chinese?"

Anna nodded with a smile, "Well, that's right."

After looking at him, John's eyes fell on a black guy.

Lao Hei is a bald head, tall and burly.

He was not very young, and he was grinning all the time in red, as if he was holding his stomach to say.

"Mr. Lu, this is Chris Martin, the all-around driver of our channel. In the future, he will be your full-time driver."

Before John finished speaking, Chris sorted out his tie excitedly, and then held Lu Yu's hand with exaggeration.

He was the only one among several people wearing formal attire.

Although it is very formal, it can still be seen that he should not wear this clothes often.

Standing in front of Lu Yu, Chris was shaking, all the cells on his body were hip-hopping, and he opened his speech box with excitement, and gestured and said:

"Getting up this morning, I told my wife and son that this may be the most exciting day of my life. She asked me why, man, do you know what I said?"

Because of his limited English level, Lu Yu could only watch him talk to himself and smile awkwardly.

Seeing this, Chris was very proud:

"Hey, haha! I said I would meet the greatest and craziest man of this century! This is cool, right? Yes, this is really cool!"

"OK, man, do you know? I have watched all your videos. Although I watched them all pirated, I really didn't mean it. Please believe me! I paid the price for it! You know As a loyal baseball fan, I actually missed the Boston Red Sox game! However, all this looks worth it! Because the moment I saw you, God opened another fan for me window!"

"Extreme sports, it's really exciting! At this moment, words can't describe my feelings! Have you ever eaten blueberry pancakes? OK, no matter whether you eat it or not, I want you to know that I adore you I want to adore blueberry pancakes!"

"It's an honor to be your driver, man, but I can easily take care of any means of transportation you think of! I used to be an airman of the US Marine Corps, oh, yes, I said I had driven a spaceship, would you believe it? Don't believe it? Haha, but I'm sorry, it's true because I've been very young..."

"Chris, you're enough--"

Anna couldn't stand it anymore and had to be forced to stop his long talk.

It's a bit scary to say, look like this, if no one interrupts, Chris's story, I am afraid that it can't be finished last day...

A series of FreeStyle, Lu Yu was dumbfounded, and even a little suspicious of life.

It's hard to imagine what you will endure with this kind of guy...

"Hello, man..."

Chris licked his lips, looked at Anna, and waved embarrassingly at the landing feather.

Later, John introduced Lu Yu to Paul Parker, a smart photographer.

"Mr. Lu, this is our channel's best out-of-town photographer, and a special photographer of National Geographic magazine. It is absolutely the best in the industry."

Paul has a braid and is a white guy.

Contrary to Chris, he has a common problem with photographers, is very quiet, and has very few words.

"Hello, Paul."


The director, the driver, and after the introduction of the photography, John walked to a chunky man and invited him to Lu Yu.

The man is a white old man, probably in his fifties.

He was short and stout, with the same hairstyle and beard as Einstein.

The skating rink above the head is very eye-catching and always smiles.

"Mr. Lu."

Giving a hint to Lu Yu, John continued the introduction with a smile: "Focus on the introduction, this is the doctor Benjamin Perez we invited from the Mayo Medical Center."

"Dr. Benjamin is a versatile expert in internal medicine and surgery, a specially-appointed professor at Harvard Medical School! Starting today, he will officially join your team and become your personal doctor, serving you all the way!"

Mayo Medical Center?

It's not a big deal!

Anyone with a bit of medical knowledge knows that the Mayo Medical Center is the best comprehensive medical institution in the United States, and all the specialties in the hospital rank in the top in the United States!

It is also the only medical institution that has received five-star praise from CBS (Center for Medical Insurance Services in the United States)!

It is by no means costly to get such a personal doctor.

It seems that this time, the Discovery Channel has really spent a lot of thoughts on itself, not only forming a professional security team for itself, but also invited experts from the Mayo Center? !

In addition, in addition to these main characters, there will be a lot of assistance personnel.

Lu Yu made a rough calculation. If all of them are added together, the whole team must have at least 20 people.

"Mr. Lu, because of the special nature of your live broadcast, in order to ensure your safety, this is our carefully selected security assurance team, I hope you will be satisfied."

"Mr. Hudrey, I really trouble you, but is this really necessary?"

"Trust me, it is necessary!"


Now that everyone is organized, Lu Yu can't say much.

Respect is worse than obeying.

It's not a bad thing to have a team escort, maybe they can really help themselves.

I got acquainted with the relevant members of the security team. Under the leadership of Anna, everyone went to the next meeting room to prepare to talk about Lu Yu's overseas premiere.

After the group was seated, Anna asked, "Mr. Lu, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yu slowly said: "In fact, I had a new live broadcast plan long before I came. This time, I decided to locate the live broadcast on Oahu, Hawaii."


"Yes, that's right."

"Can you elaborate?"

Lu Yu smiled: "This time is the most turbulent season of the year on the North Coast. Taking this opportunity, I want to show the world a new and unheard of extreme sport-extreme surfing."

Anna hesitated for a moment and translated Lu Yu's words briefly.

Photographer Paul: "Surfing?"

Dr. Benjamin: "What? Surfing? What is this?"

Chris touched his bald head: "Surfing? Although I don't know what the **** is this, but after listening to LUY, my heart beats faster..."

With that said, he took Dr. Benjamin's hand and put it on his heart: "Doctor, can you still feel my heartbeat?"

Benjamin smiled and affirmed this: "Relax, young man, you are still saved."


Having ignored the pointlessness of Chris, Anna asked again: "Mr. Lu, surfing... what kind of sport?"

This kind of thing is unclear in one sentence or two.

Lu Yu didn't know what to say to her.

After all, there has never been a sport in this world.

"I'm sorry, I can't explain it to you in detail. I can only tell you that this is an art of humans playing with the waves? Yes, yes, you can try to understand it first."

Anna was confused, not knowing what Lu Yu said.

Others are also embarrassed.

What kind of art is the art of humans playing with the waves?

Is this statement too abstract?

At this moment, everyone's eyes are gathered on Lu Yu's body, thinking about this century problem that is a hundred times harder than survival or destruction...

Facing everyone's weird eyes, Lu Yu scratched his head and tried to explain more deeply: "That's it."

"Have you seen skateboarding?"

Everyone nodded one after another.

These people of the team have watched Lu Yu's video.

It's no stranger to skateboarding.

Seeing them nod, Lu Yu brewed for a while, and continued: "This time, I decided to have a new "sea skateboarding" performance..."