
Creating a Foundation

Song Yu was very excited to start cultivating. He was slightly worried that he would be practicing something that no one else had ever tried before. However, Song Yu did not like to fret the tiny details. He did not think that anything could go too wrong.

Song Yu said, "Little Bird, send me the edited manual." Song Yu felt a rush of information appearing in his mind. The manual was titled, "The Extreme Icy Jade Manual" and in little letters under the title it said, "Male Version".

Little Bird's voice appeared inside Song Yu's mind, "Master, Little Bird has edited the manual so that it is safe for a boy to practice! Little Bird is so smart"

Song Yu was feeling pretty good. He was a little curious about the name of the cultivation manual, "Little Bird, I thought this manual was called "The Ice Jade manual"? Why is there an "Extreme" added to the title?" This made Song Yu feel somewhat uneasy.

Little Bird responded in a smug voice, "Master, Little Bird ran millions of simulations under the guidelines of you using "The Ice Jade Manual" modified for men, and Little Bird came to the conclusion that it does not create a strong enough foundation for master. Of course with Little Bird being so intelligent, and with her large amount of data about the human body from earth, she was able to create an extreme version for you!" Song Yu could not help but to feel happy that this A.I. chip was able to be reborn with him. Although, Song Yu thought that this Little Bird was becoming a little too arrogant for his tastes, he always believed staying humble is the best.

Song Yu said, "Little Bird is it safe to start practicing now? How do I begin? Will I be born with a completed Dao Body when I am first born? Hahaha I am going to rule the world!"

Just as Song Yu was daydreaming his amazing future, Little Birds voice interrupted him, "Master, Little Bird has a suggestion for you. I would recommend not starting the first level the Dao Skin while still a baby because cultivation slows down aging, and Little Bird does not think Master wants to look like a baby for the rest of his life hehe"

As Song Yu heard Little Birds words his maniacal laughing was caught short like he swallowed a bug. Song Yu yelled, "Fu**! This young master will not be a baby for the rest of his life. How could I, the great Song Yu pick up the beautiful immortal fairies as a baby?!"

Song Yu felt very upset. How could Little Bird lead him on like this! What is the point of cultivating in the womb when I have to be a baby for the rest of my life?! No this is unacceptable!

Little Birds voice sounded in Song Yu's mind, "Master calm down Little Bird has already solved this problem for you. You do not need to cultivate the first level right now, but you can absorb the Heavenly Energy into your body to purify your skin, muscles, bones, blood, and spirit so when you are born you will have a perfect foundation for cultivating. Master will be a super genius!" Song Yu felt like he was on a rollercoaster as his emotions kept going up and down.

Song Yu thought to himself, "Little Bird can you please not do this to me anymore? My heart is too tiny to take this. You are going to kill me." Song Yu felt like this A.I. chip was his best and worst invention ever.

Song Yu said, "Little Bird what is my first step then?" Little Bird answered him, "Master must first run "The Extreme Ice Jade Manual" to sense the heavenly energy in the air. Then let it permeate into the body. The energy will then cleanse your body and soul creating a strong foundation for you."

Song Yu then adjusted his mind and started running "The Extreme Ice Jade Manual" trying to sense the energy in the air. After a long time Song Yu still failed to feel any of the so called "Heavenly" Energy.

Song Yu said, "Little Bird what is going on? I can't feel anything?" Song Yu was starting to feel that maybe he was a dud at cultivation.

Little Bird answered him, "Master from my senses your mothers body is too strong for you to be able to draw the heavenly energy into her body for you to absorb."

Song Yu felt like cursing. "Damn! who said cultivation was easy. This is just too much. Little Bird what do I do now?"

Hearing Song Yu's upset voice, Little Bird cutely responded, "Master, Do not worry when your mother starts cultivating she will naturally draw heavenly energy into her own body. When that happens Little Bird can siphon some for Master to use." Song Yu felt that stealing from his mother was not the best idea... But would she really notice? probably not..

Song Yu said, "Alright lets go with that idea!" Little Birds said, "Don't worry Master! Little Bird will let you know when it is time to run "The Extreme Ice Jade Manual" Little Bird is on the Job." Hearing that Song Yu felt somewhat relaxed and started to patiently wait.


In Ice Jade Sect, a women was sitting in a cold room. It was decorated with the bare necessities, such as a bed, dresser, and a bath area. This women seemed to only be around twenty years old. If someone from Earth were to see this scene they would swear that this lady was an immortal fairy from a panting come to life. She had clear white skin, black hair that cascaded down her back like a water fall, and pure blue eyes that could captivate even a munk's soul. This women was actually Song Yu's mom, the Saintess of the Ice Jade Sect Song Li.

Currently she was trapped in her room under house arrest. Song Li was slightly frowning as she stared at the wall in a daze. After a period of time she sighed and said to herself, "Only strength matters in this world. I need to become stronger for my babies future. Especially because "he" is his father."

She slightly rubbed her bulging stomach and then put on a serious expression on her face as she prepared to start her daily cultivation. She started "The Ice Jade Manual" a felt the heavenly energy stream into her body. Suddenly she felt the energy go out of her control and fly towards where the baby in her stomach resided. At first she was worried but then suddenly felt the energy vanish, like it was swallowed by something.

Song Li asked herself, "Is my baby absorbing the heavenly energy already?!" She could not help to be somewhat worried but also excited because she new that if the baby was already able to absorb heavenly energy then it will definitely be a genius in the future.

Another thought crossed her mind which made her smile, "My baby must be a girl because boys will not be able to absorb the Ice Jade energy into their bodies. This is fantastic now we won't be kicked out of the sect!" As she had this thought she felt the baby "girl" struggling to steal more energy. She happily decided to direct all the energy she could absorb towards the baby. She thought that it was her duty as a mother to help her child grow up to become strong.

Prior to Song Yu's mother was having this thought, Song Yu was just notified by Little Bird that his mother was absorbing Heavenly Energy. Song Yu started to run his "Extreme Ice Jade Manual" as Little Bird directed the energy towards his body. Once the first stream of energy entered Song Yu's body he could not help but shiver. The energy was so cold.

Song Yu could not help but ask, "Little Bird why is this Heavenly Energy so cold?"

Little Bird answered, "Master the Heavenly Energy that you are absorbing is of the ice element. So of course it would be cold."

Song Yu felt that that made sense. As the energy circulated across his skin it was absorbed and eventually started to push out foul chemicals that were hidden in his body. His skin then started to turn whiter. Of course Song Yu missed this detail because he still had not opened his eyes.

As Song Yu tried to steal another strand of heavenly energy his surrounding started to shake. It felt like a stampede of bulls were running towards him. Next a massive wave of Heavenly Energy came crashing towards him.

Song Yu could not help but scream out, "Shit what is happening! Little Bird what are you doing?! Are you trying to kill your Master?" Song Yu hurriedly ran his "Extreme Ice Jade Manual" at 110% power. He knew that if he did not take this Heavenly Energy seriously he might actually die.

Little Birds voice sounded in his head,"Master this is not Little Birds doing. She would not try to kill Master. My programming does not let me hehe. It seems your mother noticed me stealing energy from her and she must think you need the extra energy so she is trying her best to help you. Try your best not to die Master! Little Bird is rooting for you."

As Song Yu heard Little Birds voice he could not help but to scream, "Mother your child has not done anything bad towards you. You are going to turn this young master into an ice cube!"