
Extraordinary Tracking Technique

Chen Shen lives in a stone village. In an accident, he obtained the mysterious "Invincible Tracking System". The system gives him the ability to track anything within a ten-meter radius. Excited, Chen Shen began to test the system, and he accidentally discovered that the system could not only track objects, but also predict people's destiny. Gradually, Chen Shen begins to use the tracking technique to solve problems in his village, helping people to recover lost objects and improve their lives. However, he realizes that there may be a bigger secret hidden behind the system. Guided by the system, Chen Shen embarks on a journey full of adventures and challenges, where he encounters a variety of mysterious existences and forces, and unravels the mysteries of the Immortal World. In the course of his exploration, Chen Shen befriends like-minded partners, and together they face enemies and solve mysteries. They discover that there is a dangerous balance between the Immortal World and the Mortal World, and that Chen Shen's tracking technique may be the key to breaking this balance. Thus, they decide to join forces to fight against the forces of darkness and protect the peace between the two worlds. As time passed, Chen Shen not only continued to improve his tracking ability, but also gradually mastered more advanced tracking techniques, making him stronger and stronger in battle. In the midst of one challenge after another, he gradually realizes his mission to become a Guardian and guard the peace and balance between the Immortal and Mortal Realms. Transcendental Tracking is a story of growth, friendship and courage. Chen Shen marches on the path of tracking and eventually becomes the Guardian of the Immortal and Mortal Worlds, demonstrating his unparalleled tracking skills and guarding the peace and tranquility of the entire world.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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75 Chs

The Treasure of Heaven and Earth

The mountain wind whistled, Chen Shen's mind was blank, he only felt as if he was a mayfly in heaven and earth, floating with the wind.

At this moment, his feet suddenly hooked onto some vines, and his speed dropped violently.

However, the vines quickly snapped, and Chen Shen continued to fall downward.

Another gust of wind blew violently between the cliffs, blowing Chen Shen slightly off course and causing him to hang between countless vines.

It felt as if he was lying on a hammock.

"Sure enough, I'm not dead!"

Chen Shen sighed with relief in his heart, although his whole body was like falling apart at the moment, it was good that he didn't die.

He hadn't expected to jump off the cliff intact in the first place.

Just as he was sighing in his heart, a light gradually lit up next to him.

It was as if a light had suddenly turned on next to him.

Chen Shen turned his head to look, only to see that a huge flower skeleton was bearing fruit in the crevice of the cliff, and the fruit within it did not know what it was, but it was actually radiating light and getting brighter and brighter.

"This ... is that chance, right?"

Chen Shen thought in his heart, and his gaze became burning.

A glowing fruit, neither in his previous life nor in this life had he ever heard of it, this must be some heavenly treasure without a doubt.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chen Shen began to ask the system.

"Where is the most precious thing in a ten meter radius?"

"In the host, it is none other than this system, which is a priceless treasure."

Hearing this reply, Chen Shen's face darkened and patiently continued to ask.

"What about the second most precious thing?"

"In the crevice of the cliff one meter in front of you, the Fruit of the Innate Empyrean Spirit, which bears fruit once in three thousand years, and lasts for only two minutes after it is finished before it dissipates between heaven and earth.

If swallowed, it can transform a mortal's physique into an innate spirit body best suited for immortal cultivation, stepping into the innate qi practicing realm, this kind of supreme treasure is often neither to be encountered nor to be sought, and can only be obtained by those with great fortune."

Hearing this introduction, Chen Shen swallowed his saliva, his eyes burning as he looked at the Fruit of the Innate Empyrean Spirit that was in the process of metamorphosis.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart at the wonders of creation.

If he didn't jump off the cliff in a head-first position, he wouldn't have had a chance to hook onto that vine.

And if he had timed it a little worse, he wouldn't have encountered that gale, and without that gale, he wouldn't have landed here.

Twenty-four hours a day, it can be said that the other twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes and fifty seconds to jump off the cliff waiting for him is a word of death.

But there are so many seconds of time contains a ray of life.

And the time point of this ray of hope coincides with this once every three thousand years, lasting only two minutes between the results of the innate fruit of the spirit of the air.

This kind of chance, want to encounter the probability of infinitely close to zero.

The world is so big, no one knows how many chances like the Fruit of the Empyrean Spirit there are.

But Chen Shen was certain that out of a hundred such chances, ninety-nine had been missed, after all, people with great chances were not big cabbages, where were there so many of them?

"Alas, from now on, these chances will all be mine."

Chen Shen sighed lightly.

Gradually, the pure white Fruit of Empyrean Spirit completely finished fruiting, and the light within it began to converge, becoming very ordinary in appearance.

Chen Shen did not give this Fruit of Empyrean Spirit a chance to dissipate between heaven and earth, and with a single reach, he grabbed it into his hands, but in ten seconds, he wolfed it down and swallowed it into his stomach.

Immediately afterward, an ethereal feeling began to fill his entire body, causing Chen Shen to give birth to an immortal aura out of thin air, and the discomfort from jumping off the cliff earlier disappeared almost in an instant.


Chen Shen couldn't help but shout, at this moment, he felt as if the heavens were massaging him, comfortable to the extreme.

He could even clearly feel his body undergoing some sort of metamorphosis.

The mountain wind between the cliffs also seemed to be no longer ordinary, but had become spiritual.

A light blue special aura gradually entered his perception.

"Is this aura?"

Feeling that different airflow, it was as if a door to a whole new world had opened in front of Chen Shen.

With a movement of his heart, those qi currents entered his body as if a hundred rivers were returning to the sea.

At this moment, Chen Shen felt that a certain switch had been turned on in his body, and the aura poured into his limbs and bones like a floodgate opening, filling his entire body with power.

This process lasted for a full two hours.

Only when the sky lit up with the first morning sunlight did Chen Shen open his eyes.

The world in front of him became much more vivid, Chen Shen even saw some tiny messy rocks under the thousand meter cliff, his eyesight was probably comparable to that of an eagle.

The strong power within his body made Chen Shen feel that he could easily climb up the cliff face to the Black Wind Cliff.

"Practicing martial arts is only an enhancement of skills that cannot transcend one's limits, whereas Immortal Cultivation is an enhancement of the level of life, the two are simply not comparable."

Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Shen understood something in his heart.

Then with a slight tremor in his back, his entire body directly bounced up from the vines and climbed on top of the cliff face.


A few minutes later, Chen Shen once again stood at the edge of the Black Wind Cliff, and at this moment, his mindset was already very different from last night.

Looking at the bottomless cliff, instead of being fearful, he developed a sense of bravado that he would climb to the top and see the mountains.

"The host has completed the achievement of finding a major opportunity through the system for the first time, the tracking radius has been increased from ten meters to fifteen meters."

Hearing the prompts in his mind, the corner of Chen Shen's mouth curled slightly as he looked at the rising sun in the distance and stood with his hands folded.

"System, let me ask you, who has the most profound cultivation within a fifteen meter radius?"

"It's the host, the current cultivation level is the first level of Qi Practicing."

"Good, very good."

Chen Shen tsked and praised twice.

All along, Shichuan County had only had the county magistrate with some cultivation, and he didn't expect that nowadays, he had become the second person with cultivation in Shichuan County.

The current him recalled the group of people who fought last night and only felt a little ridiculous, as if it was a group of children playing house.


"That Mr. Zhang probably ran away."

Chen Shen looked around and didn't see the slightest trace of blood, and last night when he hung between the mountain waist, he didn't hear anything fall down, so he had a few guesses in his mind.

In fact, it was only a bit unreasonable that he didn't run away, that Mr. Zhang had the chance to encounter this kind of chance, how could he be easily solved by just a few killers?

Without further thought, Chen Shen walked behind the tree where he hid last night, took the pot and small spatula, and then quickly ran towards the direction of Stone Village.

Last night he ran for more than two hours, being chased all the way by the wild wolves, and exhausted to reach the Black Wind Cliff, but today he only ran for half an hour, and by the time he saw the stone monument at the entrance of the village, he was still swimming without blushing or gasping.

Looking at the pot in his hand and the stone monument in the distance, Chen Shen couldn't help but smile.

The pot was still the same pot, the village was still the same village, but he was not the same mortal from last night.
