
Extraordinary Tracking Technique

Chen Shen lives in a stone village. In an accident, he obtained the mysterious "Invincible Tracking System". The system gives him the ability to track anything within a ten-meter radius. Excited, Chen Shen began to test the system, and he accidentally discovered that the system could not only track objects, but also predict people's destiny. Gradually, Chen Shen begins to use the tracking technique to solve problems in his village, helping people to recover lost objects and improve their lives. However, he realizes that there may be a bigger secret hidden behind the system. Guided by the system, Chen Shen embarks on a journey full of adventures and challenges, where he encounters a variety of mysterious existences and forces, and unravels the mysteries of the Immortal World. In the course of his exploration, Chen Shen befriends like-minded partners, and together they face enemies and solve mysteries. They discover that there is a dangerous balance between the Immortal World and the Mortal World, and that Chen Shen's tracking technique may be the key to breaking this balance. Thus, they decide to join forces to fight against the forces of darkness and protect the peace between the two worlds. As time passed, Chen Shen not only continued to improve his tracking ability, but also gradually mastered more advanced tracking techniques, making him stronger and stronger in battle. In the midst of one challenge after another, he gradually realizes his mission to become a Guardian and guard the peace and balance between the Immortal and Mortal Realms. Transcendental Tracking is a story of growth, friendship and courage. Chen Shen marches on the path of tracking and eventually becomes the Guardian of the Immortal and Mortal Worlds, demonstrating his unparalleled tracking skills and guarding the peace and tranquility of the entire world.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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75 Chs

I panicked

"Stone Village, what is that place?"

"Could it be a countryside village? No wonder they don't know the sky and the earth."

"Now there's a good show to watch."

The thousands of people under the stage were first quiet for a moment, and then began to talk, interspersed with some laughter from time to time.

The Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder, however, couldn't laugh, having reached his level of cultivation, he was able to clearly see the direction in which the heaven and earth's aura operated.

If a person has the qualifications to cultivate immortality, the heaven and earth aura will not reject that person.

When one cultivated a technique in the future, they would be able to introduce the heaven and earth aura into their body.

The way he looked at whether a group of people had the qualifications to cultivate immortality was very simple, that was to release a piece of aura, and whoever had the aura above their head would basically be able to determine who had the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

Like some with good qualifications, such as Murong Yunlan, even if they hadn't formally started cultivating, they could absorb a small portion of aura into their body.

And this teenager in front of him ...

was the one who absorbed all of the aura he released!


To be precise, it was those spiritual qi that spontaneously surged into this teenager's body, as naturally as a hundred rivers returning to the sea!

"This is an Innate Spiritual Body! It's not even an ordinary Innate Spiritual Body!"

The Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder's heart had already set off shocking waves.

There were several types of Innate Spiritual Bodies, because of the different attributes of the aura between heaven and earth, some Innate Spiritual Bodies were naturally attracted to wood aura, and this Innate Spiritual Body was called the Innate Wood Spiritual Body.

But this kid in front of him seems to be accepting it as it is, regardless of its attributes.

"Could it be the legendary Innate Empyrean Spiritual Body known as the Body of Origin?"

The eyes of the Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder couldn't help but twitch, and his hands were trembling even more slightly.

The Origin Body was one of the few supreme physiques in heaven and earth, not to mention the Great Jin, even with the addition of a dozen or so surrounding countries, it had never appeared before.

Legend has it that tens of thousands of years ago a certain True Immortal existed with this kind of physique, but it has never been confirmed.

If this kid in front of him is really the body of the origin, then it would be a shocking event!

If the rival sects knew about it, they were afraid that they would annihilate the Heavenly Cloud Sect in a matter of minutes.

Even the friendly sects of the same Great Jin would not sit idly by, especially the Great Jin Protectorate Sect at the head of the Heavenly Cloud Sect, nine times out of ten, they would snatch this disciple away.

Nine times out of ten, they would snatch this disciple away, and then exterminate all of them in the Sky Cloud Sect on the way.

Damn, I just casually said that, how come a demon really jumped up?

What should I do?


The Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face, as if he was not looking at a teenager, but a bloody storm, and without realizing it, cold sweat had broken out on his forehead.

"What? Is the elder uncomfortable? Or is my qualifications not looking good, I won't hide it from you, I'm already ... now."

Chen Shen said and wanted to mention his cultivation level, but the Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder interrupted with a steep voice, forcing a calm look on his face.

"Not bad, your qualifications are very good."

The Elder of the Heavenly Cloud Sect knew that he had just exaggerated his facial expression a bit, and if this was seen by the hidden Devil Sect spies, nine times out of ten, they would associate it with something.

If he said that this teenager did not have Immortal Cultivation qualifications and then secretly took him away afterwards, it would be too much of a cover-up, and he might be subject to some special targeting at that time.

The moment his words came out, the stage immediately fell silent.

How many people could be present that could make the Tian Yun Sect Elder Shun have good qualifications?

It was only Murong Yunlan and the son of the Jizhou General.

I didn't expect this kid to receive such an affirmation as well.

That would naturally be called a superb talent!

Thinking of this, a group of people's hearts began to sour as if they had eaten lemons.

Murong Yunlan's maid, Xiao Huan, was even transformed into a lemon essence, the jealousy in her eyes wanting to spurt out.

"On what grounds! The Heavenly Dao is unjust!"

Chen Shen ignored the thousands of ghostly eyes behind him and patted his chest, "I'm relieved when the Elder says so, I thought my qualifications were too poor."

The Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder also glanced at Chen Shen with a ghostly look as he heard this, cursing in his heart.

"Nima, the body of origin is born with cultivation, now you are practicing the third level of qi without relying on gongfu, what kind of qualification is this that you don't have some hang-ups in your own heart? Look at the group of people under the stage, who is the same as you!"

"Elder, in that case, can I stand over there?"

Chen Shen ignored the Elder's gaze and pointed to the group where Zhang Ji was and said with a smile.

"Go ahead."

The Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder barely suppressed the excitement in his heart and said with a bashful face.

Hearing this, Chen Shen walked next to Zhang Ji without saying a word.

"Big brother, you're too good!"

Zhang Ji couldn't help but praise Chen Shen when he saw him walk over.

Big brother was big brother, even an elder of the Heavenly Cloud Sect had to say that big brother was awesome! This made him, who was a little brother, feel honored!

"Generally average, it's just like that." Chen Shen waved his hand with a breezy face.


When the Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder heard the conversation between the two behind him, his suppressed emotions fluctuated once again, and the corners of his eyes twitched unceasingly.

After brewing for a long time, he suddenly said to the thousands of people on the schoolyard, "The path of immortality is difficult and far less glorious than the mortal world, have you all really considered embarking on this path?"

The thousands of people on the schoolyard looked at each other in disbelief, somewhat unsure.

If they hadn't considered it well, would they have braved the hardships to come to this Jizhou?

Why were the elders talking nonsense?

However, despite the questions in their hearts, no one dared to question them out loud.

At this time, the Heavenly Cloud Sect elder spoke again.

"I'll give you all another five minutes to seriously think about it, realize that once you get on this stage, there's no way back!"

After putting down these words, the Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder slowly walked towards the back of the stage, and when he reached a place where no one was, his emotions completely erupted, and an old face began to distort.

"Shit! What to do!"

"Will someone see my abnormality?"

"If this lets others know that I've brought an Origin Body back with me, I'm afraid that I'll be beaten to a pulp halfway!"

"It's a matter of the rise and fall of the Heavenly Cloud Sect, we must ask to see the Sect Leader! In the future, if the Heavenly Cloud Sect is destroyed, it will be the Sect Leader who takes the blame!"

With this thought, the Heavenly Cloud Sect's elder pulled out a special token, and then used his finger to make a false stroke on it.

This thing was their Heavenly Cloud Sect's summoning token, which only important people within the sect had.

"Sect Leader, something big has happened, a terrifying teenager has appeared amongst the disciples recruited this time, most likely an Origin Body, what should we do? Very urgent! Answer quickly!"

After writing this paragraph, the Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder was pacing back and forth, waiting in agony, and a moment later, the summoning token finally lit up.

"Is this matter true? You didn't misread it?"

"There are no traces of gongfu operation in that kid's body, yet he has already reached the third level of qi cultivation, and just as soon as my aura was released, all of it spontaneously surged into his body, Sect Leader ..."

As the Heavenly Cloud Sect elder scratched here, the summoning token suddenly cracked open.

Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Cloud Sect Elder was also speechless, this must be because the Sect Leader was too excited and pinched out the token over there.

Seeing that the communication token was about to break, the Heavenly Cloud Sect elder didn't dare to say more nonsense and hurriedly expressed the most crucial information.

"Sect Leader, this matter is of great importance, I'm afraid! Why don't you send a few more elders to meet me? Otherwise I can't afford it if something goes wrong!"


His message had just been sent out when the communication token directly exploded into pieces.

At the same time, several auras formed a sentence in front of him.

<font _mstmutation="1"> "Don't panic, my Heavenly Cloud Sect is pouring out their troops to meet them!"</font>
