
Extraordinary Tracking Technique

Chen Shen lives in a stone village. In an accident, he obtained the mysterious "Invincible Tracking System". The system gives him the ability to track anything within a ten-meter radius. Excited, Chen Shen began to test the system, and he accidentally discovered that the system could not only track objects, but also predict people's destiny. Gradually, Chen Shen begins to use the tracking technique to solve problems in his village, helping people to recover lost objects and improve their lives. However, he realizes that there may be a bigger secret hidden behind the system. Guided by the system, Chen Shen embarks on a journey full of adventures and challenges, where he encounters a variety of mysterious existences and forces, and unravels the mysteries of the Immortal World. In the course of his exploration, Chen Shen befriends like-minded partners, and together they face enemies and solve mysteries. They discover that there is a dangerous balance between the Immortal World and the Mortal World, and that Chen Shen's tracking technique may be the key to breaking this balance. Thus, they decide to join forces to fight against the forces of darkness and protect the peace between the two worlds. As time passed, Chen Shen not only continued to improve his tracking ability, but also gradually mastered more advanced tracking techniques, making him stronger and stronger in battle. In the midst of one challenge after another, he gradually realizes his mission to become a Guardian and guard the peace and balance between the Immortal and Mortal Realms. Transcendental Tracking is a story of growth, friendship and courage. Chen Shen marches on the path of tracking and eventually becomes the Guardian of the Immortal and Mortal Worlds, demonstrating his unparalleled tracking skills and guarding the peace and tranquility of the entire world.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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75 Chs

a pig with a dream

Late Night.

Stone Village was pitch black.

A dark shadow silently approached in the direction of Chen Shen's house.

This black shadow named Wei Laosan, is a killer, skilled in business, skillful, never miss, is Shichuan County, the industry is a well-known figure, people send nickname "small Yan Wang".

Looking at the dark earth house not far away, Wei Laosan felt insulted.

This kind of mud leg house, even invited him this kind of old killer, is simply an insult to his professionalism.

Humph! If it wasn't for the thirty taels of silver, he would definitely not take on this kind of job where practicing for a newcomer was a bit underqualified.

Unconsciously, he got close to the wall of the earthen house, and after looking around, he fished out a sharp knife from his pocket and started to gently pry the window.

Under the darkness of the night, his movements were extremely small, almost inaudible.

What does it mean to be professional! This was professionalism!

"Hmph! Humph!"

A few pig squeals suddenly came out from the pig pen next to the earthen house, frightening Wei Laosan and making him tremble.

"Damn, these mud legged people, who can't even feed the pigs well, are worth thirty taels, the employer is really blind."

Spitting silently in his heart, Wei Laosan continued to pry the window, and a few moments later the window was pried open a crack by him.

"It's far worse than the windows of big families."

Wei Laosan thought secretly, then gently pushed the window open.

According to his plan, after pushing the window open, he would silently sneak into the house and stab one by one, so that all the people inside would die in their sleep.

After that, he left without taking a single cloud with him.

However, the reality was much more cruel than his imagination!


A muffled sound!

The window he pushed fell directly to the ground inside the house.

The window fell?

At this moment, Wei Laosan was a bit confused, practicing for so many years, he had never seen such poor quality windows.

Just when he was at a bit of a loss because his plans were disrupted, a teenager climbed up on the bed inside the house and walked to the window to look at him sleepily.

"What are you doing, old man? My home window is broken, I randomly glued it, you can't push it."


Chen Shen said in a daze, but after seeing the knife in the other party's hand, his spirit shook and he came back to his senses.

Crap! Killer!

After reacting, he hurriedly ran towards the house.

"Father! Mother! There's a killer outside!"

Hearing his voice, Chen Shan in the inner room jumped up at once, having once been in the military, even after so many years had passed, his hands were extremely agile.

After getting out of bed, Chen Shan without saying a word lifted a wood knife from the corner and rushed out.

At this moment, Wei Laosan came back to his senses.

Just now the young man shouted that the movement is very great, around many households have begun to light up.

Seeing this, he clenched his teeth fiercely and jumped into the house through the window.

He had to fight quickly!

As a professional assassin, in addition to all kinds of sneaking and hiding skills, his hands were also very good.

At least in his opinion, it was more than enough to solve a few ordinary people.


With a crunching sound, as soon as he entered the room, Wei Laosan was matched against Chen Shan, and under a single strike, he was surprised that he was only able to gain a slight upper hand.

At this moment, he finally understood why this family was worth thirty taels.

"So surprisingly, he knows some kung fu." Wei Laosan said in a deep voice, at the same time, the knife in his hand swung faster and faster.

Chen Shan had retired from the army for twenty years, his martial arts had long been deserted, so how could he be a match for the professional killer Wei Laosan?

So in but a few moments, he fell into a disadvantage and could only swing his sword to resist.

"Little Shen, you and your mother quickly leave, go call the village chief!"

Seeing that his father was in danger, how could Chen Shen just leave?

In his haste, he shouted, "Older brother, how much did the buyer offer, I'll double it?"

Wei Laosan smiled disdainfully at his words.

Damn, the people who can't even feed their pigs and can't even afford to fix their windows, still offer double?

Life sold is not worth that much money ah!

However, under the disdain he still slightly distracted himself, allowing Chen Shan to catch his breath.

"System! Is there anything nearby that can exterminate this guy?"

At a time of helplessness, Chen Shen could only ask the system.

The system quickly replied.

"Run forward five meters and turn left four meters."

Hearing this answer, Chen Shen was overjoyed and directly ran out the back door.

He was more than familiar with that place, and a few moments later, he arrived in front of his family's pig pen.

That pile of precious shit had already air-dried by now, and he wondered if it still had any life-extending effects.

"Hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph!"

Old Black inside the pig pen looked a bit grumpy at this time, his three hundred pound body swaying slightly, his short limbs constantly rubbing against the ground as if he wanted to rush out of the pig pen at any time.

"Old Black! You pigs have given me so many surprises!"

Chen Shen said as he quickly walked to the front of the pig pen and moved the pen's bars.

As soon as the pig pen opened, Old Black stepped out with his short limbs, and with that dragon-like stance, if it wasn't for that piggy face being too comical, Chen Shen would have even thought that it was a ferocious tiger out of its cage somewhere.

"Hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph hmph!"

Old Black grunted twice at Chen Shen, his eyes very humanized.

Looking at its eyes, Chen Shen was inexplicably moved.

It was because he saw the emotion of protecting his calf in it, just like the look in his old dad's eyes when he was a child after he was bullied by the grandson of the village head's family.

"To send an assassin over to try to kill my entire family, very well! This is what you have forced me to do!"

Chen Shen was secretly furious in his heart, originally that search opportunity, he still wanted to find some kind of immortal master or something so that he could be taken to cultivate immortality.

Now it seems forget it, he'll use it when he's taken care of this killer.

No need to wait until tomorrow, use it tonight, otherwise even a little self-preservation power is not there, but also cultivate a hair of immortality?

"Old Black! Let's go!"

The thought just now was but a flash, and after Old Black came out of the circle, Chen Shen immediately led him to the front of the house.


A muffled sound!

A silhouette directly crashed through the front door of the house and flew out of the house.

Chen Shen took a look and it was none other than his father, Chen Shan, who was on fire when he saw this.

Even Old Black grunted angrily, his four short legs constantly rubbing against the ground as if he was about to charge a bull.

The old master was beaten up? How can this be?

As a member of the family, I should step forward! A pig with a dream, looking after the family, no matter what!

"I didn't expect you, a mud leg, to be able to last a few dozen moves under me, very good! But that's as far as it goes."

A sardonic laugh came from Wei Laosan inside the house, followed by him directly rushing out from the door and walking swiftly towards Chen Shan.

"Old Black! Go and exterminate him! I'll make you braised pork later!" Chen Shen pointed at Wei Laosan who had just walked out of the door and said angrily.

Old Black sniffed and grunted up to the sky, and an angry pig squeal came from the darkness of the night, followed by its hundreds of pounds of body slamming towards Wei Laosan like an arrow.

Seemingly sensing something, Wei Laosan turned his head to look at Chen Shen's side.

This look didn't matter, it directly scared him to death, before he could react, Old Black ruthlessly crashed into his arms!


A muffled sound!

Wei Laosan felt as if he had been hit by the magistrate's luxury carriage, his body ached to the extreme, and then his entire body flew up, flying out more than ten meters before he fell to the ground with a thud.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Chen Shen's eyes twitched.

Chen Shan, who was sitting on the ground, was also dumbstruck.

Only Old Black's four short legs stood majestically in front of the house.

At this moment a word inexplicably popped into Chen Shen's mind ...

People fighting against pigs!
