
Extraordinary Teens

There I stood staring at this horrific being, standing on it's hind leg growling at me With it green eyes and it's chest heaving like it's almost about to pounce on me, Suddenly I saw it move but I felt numb all over like I was saying at my end, the next I knew it started running towards me , I felt all the joints in my body become stiff and numb my cheat was thumping like my heart was going to beat out of my chest 'bang' was the sound I heard next like something was hit by a force 'you okay' a voice said I opened my eyes and gazed at the where the voice but all I could see was light a figure standing there staring at something but it wasn't me Then towards we're the figure staring and saw the being which looked like a wolf I couldn't see then cause there wasn't enough light. There it laid out like it was but I could it's chest heave up and down , it had a height of about 7 feet and I could see it's deadly scratch the floor, 'step back' the voice shouted at me not to go near it Before I could move I saw it pounce towards me then I immediately shut my eyes and hugged myself in defence and fear, I heard another gunshot this time it sounded near me like it was fired directly to the wolf

The_flame_prinz · Fantasy
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15 Chs


My name is Evelyn Boswell, am 16 years old. Yeah, I get what you are thinking, am the girl in the car and those guys were my brothers.

Mike and Tony, as you read, I was, and I am regarded as a cursed child or as someone who is cursed because anywhere I go bad things happen every time starting from when I was born, though the bad things don't happen to my family or friends but strangers

I met for a brief moment or people that interact with a few minutes because of that, my family has been moving around cities all my life.

Funny thing is that I always repeat class every time we move and right am in going to the class I was while I was 14 and am 16


So, right now, we are moving to Summerville to start a new life. Hopefully, no bad things happen but nah we were greeted by one already, so I can't escape it, so I've been investigating it and from my perspective I think know what's really happening. It feels like they (my parents) are running away from something or someone.

Because I see them sometimes discussing in frantic silent voices, and they hardly do that, but I don't know yet, so the investigation continues,

"okay we are finally here guys" Mrs. Boswell's voice could be heard

Mike:oh finally I get some time away from this freak

Mr. Boswell:stop saying that, and your sister is not a freak

Tony :then why do bad things happen anywhere she goes if it's not, then are we all freaks then

Mrs. Boswell:no, honey, no one is a freak here or anything. It's coincidence that we happen to appear or come across bad things, okay, she says reassuringly,

Mike and Tony 'okay 'and they scoff

Would you mind giving me a hand here, we have our things, remember? Mr. Boswell's voice can be heard shouting at the boys

Mrs. Boswell: Hun, did you look up a school for them?

Mr. Boswell:yes, I did, and I got them enrolled too. They should start by Monday. I heard it's quite a great school too.

Mrs. Boswell:hmm mm okay.....

With a few minutes of moving their things everyone Mrs. Boswell made dinner for everyone, they ate, freshened up and went to bed. Well, you could say that for the parents, but the boys up in their room playing games.

While Eve was busy drowning in her thoughts, looking at the night sky and a look of readiness and determination could be seen in her eyes after some went back to bed and dozed while listening to music.

Fast-forward to Monday morning, the alarm was sounding to wake someone up, and it was Eve, well, the alarm stopped after some seconds because a hand could be seen stretching out to turn off the alarm, Eve wakes up and stretches out herself getting off her bed to get ready for the day freshened up and went down for breakfast.

After breakfast, they all moved to their dad's car, so he drives them to school, it took 30 mins to get and coincidentally, their form teacher was also getting out of his car, so Mr. Boswell honked at the teacher to get his attention (don't ask me how they knew each other)

The teacher stood by the side, to let whoever honked at him park and alight from the car.

Hello Mr. Smith" Mr Boswell says as he alights from the car

"ohh you are Mr. Boswell, right these are your kids"shaking his hand while referring to the kids sitting in the back of the car

Mr. Boswell replies to him with a nod and says, "yes they are, and I hope to leave them in your capable hands. I have to run off to work." then he turns to the kids and says to them

"be good guys and try to make some friends here"kisses Eve's head and enters the car and leaves

"dad's busy on his first day right"says in of a mocking worried joking tone (some of us will understand what I mean) and he drives off

Mr. Smith:okay boys, since you're not in my class you can go to the teacher's office while I take Evelyn here for some introduction as he points to the direction of the teachers' office"okay let's go Evelyn.

'Okay ' with that, both of them turn towards the classroom and the boys start going to the teacher's lounge

"Hello class can I get your attention please"

'We have the newest member in our midst'

The whole class suddenly fell silent and their gazes all fell on me, well, it ain't the first time it frequently happens whenever I get introduced to a new class I always have people staring at me like they saw a ghost, yes am strikingly beautiful I got that from my mom so am used to being stared at.

'Hi am Evelyn' I said to the class, snapping them back to reality. Then I just stood there mopping at them with a smile on my face.

'seems like that's all we get to hear from her' Mr smith says

'you can pick a seat to sit down' he added

That'is when I started walking to look for a seat. Lots of people left their seats, some made space for.me to join them, but I ignored them and went to an empty seat beside a nerd looking boy

'Hi am Becky' a hand was extended to my face needing to be shake , I didn't know when the person who extended the hand worked up to me though all heard was her voice then I had to look up to see the figure you was trying to get my attention., ....

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