
Extraordinary - Horizons

In this world, individuals possess extraordinary abilities known as Extras, said to have emerged since at the dawn of time. These powers grant the wielder control over nature, the ability to materialize objects from thin air, transform their physical forms, undergo mutations to enhance their skills, and elevate their cognitive capacities. These remarkable gifts have influenced individuals to shape their destinies and transcend the limits of ordinary existence. Join us on Drew's journey to the Peuroe continent to attend the esteemed Peuroe Academy. We will bear witness to the moments Drew will encounter.

AlwaysEc · Fantasy
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8 Chs


On a tempestuous night, the plaintive cries of a baby echoed through the house, where a desperate mother pleaded for mercy.

A mysterious man cradled the wailing infant in his arms, questioning, "Is this his child?" as he gently caressed the baby's head.

Illuminating flashes of light pierced through the windows, accompanied by the roaring storms and thunder that resounded ominously.

"Please, have mercy. He's just a baby!" the anguished mother implored repeatedly, but the man responded with a disdainful expression.

In a chilling tone, he declared, "This baby possesses it. The power."

The mother's cries intensified, yet the man remained impassive, striding towards an exit, presumably leading out of the house. The mother, driven by desperation, sprinted towards the man, attempting to reclaim her child. However, with a flick of his fingers, the man sent her hurtling into a wall. The impact left her back shattered, head bloodied, and mouth spewing crimson.

Undeterred, the man callously remarked, "Don't touch me, weakling." Summoning the last shreds of her strength, the mother crawled towards the retreating man. Her damaged throat rendered her speechless, leaving trails of blood in her wake. The man, exhibiting disdain and disgust, stood firm as the mother grasped his ankle. Preparing to deliver the final blow, the man's actions were halted by a commanding voice and the appearance of a man brandishing a gun. "Don't move!" the armed man threatened.

The malevolent figure recognized the voice and declared, "I'll be taking your son."

With a flick of his fingers, the father was rendered helpless, floating in mid-air.

Tears streamed down his face as he uttered, "You are monstrous."

Responding coldly, the menacing figure stated, "If that's how you describe someone with power, then perhaps I am. Unlike you, your son will be powerful, one capable of ruling the world."

The defeated father glanced at his wife, and as the evil man kicked her grip loose, he resignedly watched them vanish into the rain, the baby's cries fading into the distance.

Will publish more with enough support.

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