
Extra With SSS-grade Skill

If you were to own a power that transcended everything, would you give it up for a chance to be with your loved ones? or would you do the otherwise? James experienced a tragic death and got reincarnated in the World of Swords and Magic. Along with him were a thousand souls who had to participate in the creation of the World's Prologue. Will James be able to survive till the Prologue ended with his mere role as Extra? or would he be the World's greatest anomaly with his Celestial-grade skill "Skill Creation", a skill that was unheard of even in the Novel's script? Witness the rise of the World's Extra and how his decisions would affect the trajectory of this Novel World. ------------ AN: Book Cover is not mine.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Sylvie's POV

(Sylvie's POV) 

The past few days had been taxing. We had no break from these piles of papers that needed to be organized before the semester started a week after. 

Though there were only 1,000 students that got admitted from the initial 5,000 qualifiers, the number was still enormous. 

'I guess, I wouldn't be having enough sleep again today' *sigh* 

"These dorms, I even had a part in cleaning them", it was probably that lewd principal's doing that I was getting the most task among my coworkers. 

'Had I not done that, maybe I would be living my days here in peace'

Regrets occupied my mind every day, but nothing could be done now. Besides, I know that what I did was right so there was no need for this needless regret. I could only hope that the semester would finally start and I could begin teaching.


Who was it? It was not that lewd principal was it? 

It was 8:45 in the morning, just who would call me this early aside from that lewd guy. 

I wasn't planning to answer the call but it just got too much. It called for the 20th time now! Was there an emergency? 

Thinking that, I picked up the phone with hesitation. 

"Hello, Sylvie Hemsworth on the l---", I wasn't able to finish my usual introduction when the anxious voice interrupted me from the other line. 

"Ms. Sylvie, we need your help! T---there is a monster here. Please, s---save us!"

It was a young and vigorous voice. Though stuttering, I understood that they needed help from a monster.  From his tone alone, I could feel that he was crying, suggesting that the situation was indeed bad. Explosions and screams could also be heard from the background. 

"Send me your current location, I will go there", I queried as with no guess needed, that young buddy could be an Academy's student since they were given our numbers upon admission.

Having said that and getting the address, I heaved a sigh of relief as gladly, I had been there once. It was Puerto Galera Resort, a resort located on a secluded island with no inhabitants. It was supposed to be a gathering place for wealthy individuals. 

These buddies, how could they do a Welcoming Party without bringing a guard or high-ranking awakener? 

After figuring out the venue, I immediately used my skill. 

"Spatial Door" 

A greenish door appeared before me. Without hesitation, I stepped in. 


A bright radiance greeted my eyes the moment I reached the other side of the door. Apparently, it was a glorious beach that I just visited a year ago. It felt nostalgic but I had no time to waste on these unwanted thoughts. I needed to hurry and save those buddies. 


I immediately disclosed my mana and enveloped the entire island. It was an A-grade skill called 'Scan'. I immediately felt my mana declining at an alarming pace as the island was still a land area of 1,203 sq. mi.

Seconds passed and eventually, I got a vague outline of the island.

There was a resort in the middle part with the rest of the land surface being a greeny forest and some tourist attractions. I also spotted some life forms in that resort. 

'This skill is really useful but I have to increase the proficiency more and reach A-rank' 


With my feet blazing with lightning, I stomped on the ground, bent my knee then stretched it with great force. Thanks to my footwork skill 'Thunder step', I was able to exert a speed that reached the peak of A-rank. 

Filthy smoke swept through my body but I could care less. Time was ticking and I needed to save them. 'Hopefully, they would survive till I arrive', I thought as an E-grade monster could easily kill an F-rank awakener with a single attack. 

Not to mention that it was an Orc, an E+ monster.


"S-save us!" 

"My foot, acckkk, it hurts"

Turmoil echoed as I got closer to the resort. Until I was greeted by buildings that if not destroyed, would be burning with fiery fire. 

A bunch of students had already come out of the resort. Some of them were already on their feet, crawling on the ground probably got stepped on by others due to panic. I just left them as they were still breathing anyways. 

Some students might need urgent help.

With that thought, I didn't bat an eye on students calling for help and just passed by them. 

My eyes were locked on the center of the resort, where a massive orc stood. I saw the orc slamming a male student whilst enforced with its skill. 

With that hit, I doubt that that student would survive. 

'Only if I had gotten here earlier', gritting my teeth, I hastened my pace as I saw the orc now targeting a beautiful student that was laying on the ground.

It was Anastasia, one of this batch's prodigies.

To make her feel at ease, I let my presence be known in the area as I spread my mana. 

'Tsk, I should have learned a long-range skill!'

Though I was called SpellMaster Genius, I didn't have any long-range attack skills at my disposal. 

Thus, I could only shorten our distance to 10 meters before I could unleash my skill of the longest range. As I was in worry that I could not reach the orc at the right time, a bomb exploded just right behind the monster, bringing forth a paralyzing effect.

'That. Thanks!', I heaved as it saved me some time. 

'Closer, just a little bit closer!' 

With my heart assured that I could save the girl now, I exerted more mana in my 'Thunder Step' skill, my speed became more rapid until I reached my desired range. Then… as I was about to use my skill, I felt a brewing presence of an ominous cloud forming right above the orc. 

It only took a second before eventually, a massive blue thunder descended. 

'That power… I'm afraid it had the potential of at least S-rank! Just who?' 

I didn't remember any student possessing such tremendous power. It could either be an item or a skill that was newly awakened by whoever. 

'That male student, I need to check on him', without bothering myself on this and seeing the burned orc, I directed my step towards the place where the young boy earlier hit the wall. 

'I hope he would survive', the chance was slim but I could not bear seeing a potential dying right before my eyes. 

This thought was soon validated as I saw the boy, drowned in his blood. His limbs twisted in exaggeration that I could see his bones peeking under his bloodied skin. 

I was already used to this sight but this was still too much. 


Hearing him groaning then faint, I hastily got closer to him. 

'There is still a heartbeat! He is alive!' 

After that discovery, I once again used my skill 'Spatial Door' and transferred him to the Awakener Hospital on the nearest island as this land had no Hospital for Awakeners.