
Extra With SSS-grade Skill

If you were to own a power that transcended everything, would you give it up for a chance to be with your loved ones? or would you do the otherwise? James experienced a tragic death and got reincarnated in the World of Swords and Magic. Along with him were a thousand souls who had to participate in the creation of the World's Prologue. Will James be able to survive till the Prologue ended with his mere role as Extra? or would he be the World's greatest anomaly with his Celestial-grade skill "Skill Creation", a skill that was unheard of even in the Novel's script? Witness the rise of the World's Extra and how his decisions would affect the trajectory of this Novel World. ------------ AN: Book Cover is not mine.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Finally! The System

'Ehhh???!! Am I still alive?' 

Opening my eyes, I saw a boundless expanse of white clouds that were standing tall beside the smiling sun. 

It was smiling, or so what I thought, as the flying birds formed silhouettes of eyes and lips that fitted the sun surprisingly, making an image of a smiling sun, probably the art of fate. 

It was looking down at the area where I stood. 'Is this b*tch laughing at me now? You looking down at me, huh?!' 

The birds flew past the sun, but the smile that now turned into a mischievous smirk plastered on the shitty sun's circular face. Indeed, he was laughing at me! 

Seemingly, the sun's eyes moved from my position then it tracked a place that was right behind me. 

He was playing at me so I tried not to follow his sight but curiosity got me! Not that I was being nosy or what, I just wanted to see just what this sun was up to this time.  

As I traces his sight, I spotted the very reason why he was smirking at me. 

A dead body was lying on the ground. The insides erupted as if a 10-meter-truck that was overloaded with thick tree branches, swept through this pitiful man. Yeah, that man was pitiful. 

Looking further, I saw a truck that boasted familiarity. It was black and was tinted red which was most likely to be blood. The eyes of the deceased man from earlier got stuck in this truck's side mirror. Gruesome indeed. 

As I was looking at this truck, I saw the driver getting out of the driver's seat in haste. His body was already protruding with sweat. He was nervous. He just killed a man after all. 

Scanning his surrounding, he heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Gladly, no one is here, there is not even a single CCTV!", the driver jumped with joy. 

No one in here? Didn't he see me? Just how in the heck would he miss me when I was standing right in front of him. Just meters away! 

I knew my body was thin, but surely, in this broad daylight, I would be visible. Highly visible. 

I was about to touch my waist, searching for my phone and planning to call the police. This event must be reported! Shit this insane killer. 

'Ehhh??!! It's not here?' 

I didn't find my phone. I searched for a few more but it was not there. At this moment, my eyes were still fixated on the driver who was now dragging the gruesome body away, bringing a plastic bag. 

'Fudge! Is he really planning to run away! You killer! Trying to throw away the body, arent you?!' 

It must be reported. This killer must be imprisoned, I didn't know just how many people would suffer for his reckless driving. 

The driver opened the plastic bag, then in quick succession, put the pieces of teeth, eyes, skin, and even liver in it. It all happened in an instant as if the driver was already used to it. 

After being done with the scattered body pieces, he was now positioned in the main body that was laying on the side of the street. The body had it's hand-stretched upward, its waist being jolted downward. If I were to define it, gruesome would be an understatement. 

I was clueless as to how I was able to maintain my composure the entire time. Heck, I didn't even feel my heart pumping with fear. Maybe, I got used to this scene out of writing similar scenes? 

Yeah, most likely… fuck I was wrong! 

Immediately, I realized the reason for this freaking neatly composure. Fucking heart, there was no throbbing for I didn't have the heart, to begin with! 

I saw the driver tilting the body's head and there I saw a face that greeted me first thing in the morning. A face that I saw in my mirror's reflection. 

Freak. Yeah, It was the freaking me! I died. 

So that was the fucking reason why that truck felt familiar! I actually didn't survive, rather, I got hit by it… in a very pitiful way possible. 

Ackkkkk, my body, my precious body. 

I couldn't help but get closer to the driver. 

Agghhhh, I wanted to strangle this driver to death! But I didn't have a body, I was now nothing but a floating soul. 

Fuckkk, just how did things turn this fast. I was just writing a moment ago. Fudgeee. 

I could only watch the driver clean up my body and put them into the plastic. After all this, he threw my precious body into the lake that was only meters away from the roadside. Pitiful lake…

He then cleaned the scene, ensuring that no stain of blood would be seen. It was perfect I must say… yeah, a master of his craft. 

Fuck you, killer. 

As I was about to look up at his name tag that he left intentionally in his truck, a notification that rang inside my head, or rather vibrated in my soul, distracted me. 


[Entities have been found to cause an anomaly in the Novel's plot.]

[Your Novel needs you!]

[The host will be transferred into the Novel world immediately!]


[It is detected that the host is not in the best state right now. An unfulfilled desire has been found]

[Transferred has been canceled] 

'What? System? Is this the freaking system in the fantasy novels?' 

I couldn't contain my joy as this was my long-awaited event. The otherworld! 

But what the fuck? Why did it get canceled? Bring me now, I was now a soul anyway! 

*broom, broom* 

Acckkk, the driver's name. I watched helplessly as the truck drove farther and farther from my sight until it finally left the area. The killer had escaped ~sigh~ 

I was still surprised as to how I handled this as if dying meant nothing to me. Not to mention it was not a very peaceful way of dying. 

But, it seemed fine. Maybe I was waiting for this day anyway? Not that I was influenced by isekai novel and got excited at the thought of dying by being hit by Mr. Truck-kun. Well, at least, I now got a system! 

However, just how in the world did the transfer got canceled?! Bring me now goddess-nim! god-nim?! Or whatever high entity you are. Bring me!!! I'm begging. 

It was futile. There was no god. No goddess. And no higher entities. 

Fudge. Maybe I needed to be hit by a truck again? But this time a soul type? 

Driver-nim, come back, please?! 

Aghhhh, fuck this sh*t! 


It had been an hour since I turned into this measly soul. 

I experimented and figured out that I couldn't leave 10 meters around my dead body. O am freaking constrained. 

I even explored the system and tried to remember the announcement.

It said that the Novel World needed me. And there was an anomaly. That was all I got so far. 

During this time, several cars passed by the street, clueless by the hideous event that occurred just an hour ago. 

Shit these cars! Just why would you pass by only now? Why not made it a little earlier, huh?! 

Probably fate's works again. Shit this fate! 

But what was the most interesting discovery was that one moment, I tried to look at myself in the car's side mirror. Probably out of the habit of checking out on my looks. 

I was about to remember and get disappointed by the fact that I was now a soul, I saw a silhouette of a man in the side mirror, seemingly smirking… hella!! That creeped me out! 

The silhouette jumped from fear too, might be faint and foggy, but the silhouette was there if you would looked closely. It was still smirking with joy. And yeah, that was hella me. 

I even tried different poses to validate my guess, and what I got was affirmative. My soul could still be visible. 

At this moment, a daring idea came into my mind. I was now looking at two women that were walking along the street. 

Shit that driver, how did he even mask out the smell of blood and the dead body in this place! 

When the two women entered my range, I immediately floated toward them. 

The woman was busily adding the 10th layer of foundation to her face, she was doing it rather elegantly. Her res lips had been pouting and as thick as her ear. She was too busy to notice a dark silhouette that was slowly forming in the reflection of her small mirror. 

After puffing her cotton on the powder, she was about to put the foundation on her face when suddenly, something creepy greeted her. 

In her mirror, a silhouette of a man was grinning at her. However, it didn't stop there, she saw the grin getting wider and wider until it literally reached both the ear of the man. Then, a dark hand touched her back


"Accckkkkkkkkkk, a ghost!!!", screamed the girl as she run, leaving her make-up kit and her clueless friend behind. 

The other girl was wearing a headphone and was surprised to see her friend jolting from fear, she was clueless until she tilted her head and witnessed a man just right beside her, smirking from ear to ear, and walking slowly. 

She observed a little more before finally, " Acckkkkk!!!!!", she run too. 

Left behind, I was on the ground, laughing my stomach out. 

It was just way hilarious! Seeing their expressions that were shuddering with fear, made me jump with delight. 

Hayssy, I would probably be doing this till I got transported to another world. 

But hey lady, you left your make-up kit!!! …. Guess someone would be coming back, hehe.