
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

38. Aftermath




The next day right at the gate of the Magical Academy,


" has the academy weakened vice principal, Patrick? "

*Click* Click*

" Mr. Patrick, please answer! Where were the professors at the time of the attack?!"

*Click* Click*

" How can families entrust their children to the academy Mr. Pat--"

" --Silence..."

as soon as the vice principal said those words, an S rank pressure threatened the reporters that anymore words will not be tolerated.

" We will send a report regarding the details. Currently, we are still investigating the matter..."

*Click* Click* *Click* Click*

" It was indeed a horrific accident. However, we promise you to get to the root of this.."

*Click* Click* *Click* Click* *Click* Click*

" please be patient as we also are as curious as you are... about the details of this incident..now please excuse me..."

*Click* Click* *Click* Click* *Click* Click*

"Wait! What about the dead children!!"

" Mr. Patrick. Who in your thoughts do you think were the identity of the attackers!!"




at the same time but in a different continent....

There was a group of wanderers who were living like animals. Drinking... fighting... playing.... a life of crazy bunch of barbarians...

in one of the tents in this wilderness. A muscular creature was sleeping peacefully inside the tent. If one looked closely, they would find out that the creature was actually a woman. 

suddenly, a man who entered the huge tent has awoken the sleeping creature from her slumber...

" Free Lady, we just received news that the plan at the Academy...has failed miserably.."

The woman seemed more annoyed that her sleep was interrupted than receiving the news. 

" ...What did I tell about waking me up, Cris..."

Cris seemed to expect such reaction, so he immediately tried to calm her down.

" Forgive me, Free Lady. However, miss Rakisha kept asking for an audience with you..."

the woman seemed flustered at the name ' Rakisha ' so she dismissed the man in an annoyed tone.

" Hah? That crazy women? Sighe.... get out before I change my mind and crush you..."

Cris knew that she wasn't joking, so he left immediately after bowing to the woman.





Inside car nearby, a red haired woman Rakisha was infuriated by the failure of the mission.

" These useless fools?! "

Rakisha was an alchemist who once was the most promising talent at the central continent.

She was a member of the ' Starlight ' guild. One day, she fell in love with the leader of the guild. A strong, smart and handsome man, Genos. However, unfortunately for her he was a married man. She kept her emotions to her self until one day she was saved in a dungeon exploration by Genos. After that incident, she couldn't hold it and confessed to the man himself, and obviously the man refused and told her that he already have children. She was saddened, and her mind was filled with questions of why wasn't her she the one who was his wife? What did she lack? That's why she didn't stop her gestures of her love towards him...

Then one day she met the ' wife ' he was so caring about. She warned her of ruining their family, and that was when Rakisha finally snapped. She made a poison that makes one go into a comatose state. She wanted the man to lose hope of his wife and one day return to her, but karma didn't like the sound of that.

Genos was in anger. He attacked her and demanded her to give him the cure. Rakisha on that day lost all her love to him and his family... she loathed them... why is it that they should live happily and she doesn't?

She escaped to another continent and managed to build her strength and influence there. Currently, not many knew of her hidden place. Even if they knew, she already built many connections in this continent, one of which was the free lady who is an SS ranker.

" Where is that fat cow?!!"




At the infirmary of the academy,

Arthurs POV:


" He left...."

Koorgil... just how powerful was he? He died but still he can communicate with me? Also he didn't only see my past, but also read me like an open book....

" ... at least I didn't die.... where am I now?"

This seems to be the infirmary of the academy. If that's the case then probably Livia saved us...




Jarrad... why in the hell was he there? It seems like depending on the novel is not a smart Idea... also Koorgil said something that wasn't described or even mentioned in the novel.

" Why did he want me to reach his planet? And what was his gift? "

Could it be something that hinders the side effects? Or is it one of-

"--Arthur?! You finally have woken up! Wait.... what the hell is wrong with your eyes? You look like a cat!!!"

Hmm... who is that? Wait... this sound... is that John?!

" John? You look like a damn mummy geez.."

".....Pfrt... what a nice thing to say to your friend...and here I was getting worried about you... you know I almost died right? Anyway what the hell did you do to yourself? No homo but you kinda look handsome "

What a preserve..... this kid can talk like this even after going through that beating...but what did he mean by handsome?

" Dude... There was this SS ranker, But guess what...I TANKED HIM..."

....He was an A ranker tho... well I shouldn't ruin his mood.


"??!! HeHAHAHA, Have you finally real-- OUCH!! Attatata..."

Pfft... at least brag when you can...

" relax dude.."


