
Extra Rising

I transmigrated into the game that I loved. Not as protagonist or villain. Neither was heroine nor any hidden characters. I become an extra that not even worth mentioning in the plot. The name? Vincent…Vincent Zander. Remember that name. Because one day, that name will be the name of the strongest in this world. ........................................ This is my first novel so expect some shortcomings. Please leave comments to help me improve. [A/N] I will upload max 5 chapters per week.

Farze · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 17: Onslaught (1)

Vincent's new ember eyes, glowing with arcane energy, "How long you're going to stare? You're going to make me blush, you know?"

Alisa's blue eyes blinked a few times, a mixture of surprise and curiosity flickering across her features. "What... what just happened to you?"

Shizuku, equally stunned, took a step closer, her gaze fixed on Vincent's transformed eyes. "It's... beautiful," she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the aftermath of the explosion.

Her eyes almost shining with excitement.

'Oh? Look like Shizuku fancy pretty things.'

Vincent smirked, his eyes curved in playful amusement. "I don't mind if pretty girl want to stare into my eyes however long they want," he began, his tone measured. "But for now, we need to focus on the task at hand."

With a light tap on Shizuku's nose, Vincent snapped her out of her daze. Startled, Shizuku flinched, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "S-sorry..." she stammered, her voice wavering.

Vincent couldn't help but murmured his thoughts aloud, "Cute," as he watched Shizuku's blush deepen.

Realizing his slip, he chuckled. "Did I say that out loud?"

Turning her face away with a cute 'hmph!', Shizuku refused to meet Vincent's gaze, confirming his words without uttering a single syllable.

Alisa raised an eyebrow at Shizuku's antic. 'Oyaoya?'

From what she knew, her friend here was always cool and collected type of person. This was a rare occurrence, even for her as Shizuku's best friend. She smirked knowingly.

Though tempted to tease her friend, she restrained herself, reminding herself to focus on the task at hand... for now.

There's no way she lets go of the opportunity to tease her friend. 'That's my responsibility as your best friend, right, Shizuku?'

Nodding at Vincent, Alisa said; "Right. We can discuss this later. I just need a bit more time before ready."

As she said that, she showed her hands to Vincent. Glowing green arcane energy gathered and grew in intensity with each passing moment.

Vincent nodded, gaze shifted to the robed figures regrouping in the distance. "We need to strike now while they're still recovering," he said, his voice firm. "Alisa, continue your preparation,"

"Oh!" Alisa took a deep breath, channeling more of her magic as she focused on the spell at hand. The surrounding forgotten by her. The air crackled with nature type arcane, anticipation mounting as they prepared for the impending clash.

'As expected of the heroine.' That was what in Vincent thought, looking at the impressive amount of arcane utilized by this girl even when she had never focused on improving her ability yet.

The sheer amount and intensity, along with affinity to rare nature magic, was like heaven and earth compared to when he tried to use elemental magic before.

Vincent paused, then brought out a shield in his left hand, with a long spear resting on his right shoulder, before continuing with a serious tone at Shizuku. "Have you ever kill human before?"

His expression, as he asked, was the most serious she had ever seen today. Even when he did something with his eyes before, she didn't see him this serious.

Shizuku gulped, adjusting her expression and shook her head. She decided to be honest here. "No, I only ever experienced in monster hunting."

She thought he would frown or sighed at her inexperience in this tense situation, but what came out of his mouth was not what she expected.

"Shizuku," Vincent said, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility. "When we engage the enemies up ahead, I'm going to take an aggressive stance. But keep in mind, some might get past me. At that time, your focus should be on defense. There's no need for you to fight to kill. Just stay alive and protect Alisa."

'Ah,' only then she catch on, 'Did he worry about me?'

"I'll come save you two if anything dangerous happens." He assured as he turned around.

Looking at the back of this man she just met, she didn't know why, but she felt quite sweet inside. The genuine concern in his voice was comforting. That's why...

"Wait," she called out.


"Can you at least tell me your name first? I don't like the idea that I could die without knowing who save me, you know?"

Vincent didn't turn back to her, but she heard him, "Name? Vincent, Vincent Zander."

"Vincent," she called out softly, causing him to smile. "Best of luck, Shizuku."

She nodded, her eyes reflecting steely determination as she gripped her sword tightly. "You can count on me."

"Oh! [Enhance]" with an activation of his magic, Vincent rushed forward.

From earlier conversation, Vincent realised his new appearance did increase other opinion of him from the girls' reaction. In a good way. Appearances might not be everything in someone but god, does it help?

'Fucking yes.'

The more pleasing you are in others' eyes, the easier for you to get close to them.

That's why Vincent felt a burning rage as he rushed to his first target. From what he had observed so far, this guy was the type that usually play tiger in sheep's clothing, using his appearance and acting skill to deceive others and strike from their back.

This type of snake person was the type Vincent hate the most.

With a thought, Vincent activates a skill that came from his eyes. He didn't remember their official name, so he's just going to call them 'Weakness detection'.

The intensity in his reddish brown eyes grew stronger.

Instantly, three color spots filled his vision but then, not a moment later, following his wish, pink and green spots disappeared, leaving only red spots.

"Ngh. what the heck happened?" A handsome blonde man, Fred, who had just regained his consciousness, tried to get back on his feet when he felt someone approaching him.

He looked up and nearly got a heart attack. A man in a messy black outfit was coming towards him with an expressionless face, but the terrifying momentum made his intention clear.

'He's going to kill me!' Fred staggered backward, his eyes widening in panic. The blonde man's hands trembled as he fumbled to reach his weapon not further from him, but his efforts were futile.

Just as he grab his sword, Vincent reached in front of Fred.

Vincent stared deeply at the man that caused Alisa suffering in the game. He didn't know exactly the nature of their relationship, but surely Fred was the one that betrayed and killed Shizuku.

'I need to finish this fast but firstly, for betraying Alisa!'

Vincent swung his shield with all his strength, aiming the sharp edge at the red spot on Fred's sword. With a loud crack, the sword shattered into two pieces.

"What!?" Fred's eyes widened in disbelief as he stumbled backward. Before he could recover, the sharp edge of Vincent's shield sliced through the air and struck him directly in the side.

"Urk!" Fred gasped in pain, doubling over as the impact hit his liver.

"It's a liver strike, you fool!" Vincent declared, his voice cold without any pity.

Spinning his body to gather momentum, Vincent thrusted the spear in his right hand. 'Secondly, for trying to kill Shizuku!'

Panic flashed across Fred's face. He clenched his teeth tightly.

Desperation to evade flood his mind but when he looked at the man's eyes in front of him, he froze. 'W-what, what had happened! Move! Why can't I move!?'

A deep seat of fear creeping inside him made him unable to do anything.

For a moment, he felt like a frog in front of a snake, helpless to do anything aside from giving up.

"Urk!" A soft exclamation came out of Fred's mouth as Vincent's spear pierced his neck. Blood spews out from his mouth while his eyes gradually losing focus before he becomes limp. Dead.

"The heck? Why did he not dodge?" Confusion colored Vincent's expression.

He calculated three strikes to kill Fred, as the last one for making Alisa traumatized in the original game, but it seems like for whatever reason, Fred couldn't avoid the second strike that Vincent expected him to dodge.

But look like he didn't have time to delve deeper into this.

"Aim for Kozlova! Catch her alive!" Max had quickly shouted his orders towards his regrouping minions.

Their group was not bunched together anymore as resulted from the explosions and it will be easier for Vincent to settle the battle before they finish regrouped.

'They were targeting Alisa to be captured alive, just as expected.' Vincent focus sharpen as he rushed forward.

The guy closest to him hurled his magic, a blazing fireball, at Vincent's way.

The fireball hurtled toward Vincent with searing intensity, but he reacted swiftly, raising his shield to deflect the attack. And then an unbelievable scene folded out.

The flame disappeared after it made contact with the shield without doing any damage. Vincent only felt slightly hot from the heat.

'Ember eyes the best!'

Vincent noticed a flicker of shock and panic in the enemy mage's eyes. Sensing an opportunity, he lunged forward, delivering a swift strike with his spear, killing the poor mage.

Vincent continued with unchanged momentum, killing anyone he could and controlling the threats from reaching Shizuku.

"What the hell you guys doing!? He's just one person! Kill him!" Max shouted an order in frustration, leaving to front line too.

The battle raged on, each clash of magic and steel fueling the intensity of the conflict. But amidst the chaos, Vincent remained standing.

He exchanged blow after blow with Max with ferocity that make others hesitated to butt in. A spear and a blade dancing to sparks of clash.

'As expected, the leader sure is different, but he's not that strong.' That was what Vincent thought as he continued fighting. With ember eyes, everything became easier for him.

He just need to attack on the spots on his enemies while avoiding them from attacking red spots on his bodies. Simple.

Every swing and every strike made it clear of his composure despite the battlefield. There was not a hint of panic on his face.

Meanwhile, Max was not that composed. He's panicking inside. 'What the hell with him!?'

He ordered his subordinates to aim to overwhelm this guy with sheer numbers before, but clearly, it didn't work. Everyone that came in contact with him meet their demise.

When they attack, he would crush them almost instantly. Even when they attack from the far, a rusted knife would come flying for lethal injury. Almost like he knew exactly what would kill them at any moment.

If not for him contending Vincent with his all, more would have already died. Not that he cares about them, but he needs to complete this mission. It was one instant way of success for him.

When he got this order to lead this mission, he knew his time had come.

To improve from just a disposable minion to someone important, there's no way he's going to fail!


'The way he effectively uses various weapons is terrifying, but fortunately, he's just one person. Some guy already went ahead. It should be easy to take down a harmless girl.'

"Vincent! It's ready!"

Suddenly, they heard Alisa's voice called out.

'Kya! Alisa called out my name!' Vincent silly thought inside, though he just smirked outside.

Max glanced at the source of the voice, but what he saw made him shocked.

Alisa was surrounded by astounding green arcane energy swirling around her in a mesmerizing dance.

In front of her, Shizuku stood at the ready with a flaming sword in hand surrounding by bleeding collapsed figures. Though palpably exhausted, she exuded a quiet confidence through her sharp eyes.

"Do it!" Vincent's voice reverberated through the air.

Alisa, not wasting any more time, muttered a long ass chant in a low voice.

"Not good! Stop her!" Max, realising the impending danger to them, tried to rush at Alisa but before he could, spear tips greet him which he quickly blocked but the sheer force behind it sent him flying a few metres back.

"Fuck!" he curse out loud.

"Too bad bro, it too late." Vincent commented as he rushed back towards Shizuku.

"[Sea of Vine]" As Alisa finished the incantation for her spell, the air around her began to ripple. The green arcane energy swirling around her intensified.

The ground beneath enemy force erupted in a mass of twisting vines and thorns, snaring anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in its grasp. Screams of pain and terror filled the air as the vines constricted around their victims, rendering them helpless.

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Well, writing is harder than I thought, but I'm doing my best! Comment what you guys think of the story 'till now and some advice for me to improve.


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