
Extra reborn in novel

A boy. Broken after all he has been through. His life has become as miserable as it can ever be. His only wish is to disappear from this world. There is nothing left that can bind him to this world anymore. Not his family, friends or lover. Nonetheless, his hollow eyes hold a tiny bit of hope, a little expectancy from this life... Or rather from the death.

Amit_Singh_Rathore_3880 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

2. Prologue 2

I glanced at the phone one last time. On the screen, a few words could be clearly seen: 'strongest swordsman of history '. It was the only thing that had kept me in this world for the last few weeks. It had nothing unique about it but I still read it. Because the protagonist was dumb, just like me. He had become a slave of his relationships, he even forgot to take care of himself because he was so busy with completing others' requests, which reminded me of myself.

"I can't blame him tough. I was the same guy in the past. It's not like you can easily realize how messed up your relationship can become." I nodded in acknowledgement.

I stood up and stared at down. The wind was so strong that my clothes were fluttering non-stop. The city was mesmerizing. However, all I could think at that moment was my life. It was a pitiful life. There was nothing to be proud of it. It was a complete failure.

But it wasn't always like this. At first, I was doing pretty well. I was happy, I could put a genuine smile on my face. But the older I got, the more burdens popped out. Everyone - my family, my friends, and even my lover - they all raised their expectations, higher and higher.

It all started when I started to fail to meet the expectations of those around me. In fact, it only got worse as time passed by. The pressure on me increased many folds. The stress of being a disappointment crushed me. The last push was the meaningless remorse and guilt I felt.

I don't know when, but at some point in my life, a string just snapped in my head and I found myself broken. My feelings became numb towards people. And now here I am. On the top of a skyscraper.

I sighed again and whispered, "This life is really not worth living."

With those words disappearing into the darkness of the night, I took a step and let the gravity take me into its embrace. As I fell down, accelerating rapidly, I thought about the only and last wish of mine.

If god somehow exists and grants me an extra chance, then I will definitely live a life where I won't need to shoulder the expectations of others. Or where I am not bound to any other human. Free of the chains of relationships.

I shouted my lungs out with a satisfied smile on my face, "FREEDOM!"

Then everything suddenly went black and I lost consciousness