
Extra Protagonist

Reincarnated as an Extra? Or Protagonist?

KingJosh017 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


[In the Tower of Hero]

Yun Seung-Ah was reading the records on the recent incident. The video she was watching was filmed by the museum camera. Naturally it contained the the battle between the Dijin and the and the Cube cadets.

Reading the documents she pause at the one particular sentence.

-A large amount of light attribute mana was found at the scene.

Light atribute mana was extremely valuable in playing vital roles in suppressing a Dijinn as most Dijinns has darkness attribute.

She know the person who has light attribute. She just confirming it. Kim Suho and Yoo Yeonha also said that Kim Hajin is the one who killed the Dijinn.

Kim Hajin. She also watch his video when they fight the octopus. At first she think nothing if it but....

"He's hiding his strength"

I don't know why is he hiding but i need to know to recruit him. She think that he is pretending to be weak. Because If a person has a high control over his/her mana he can reinforce his physical ability, but Kim Hajin in the training was panting out of breath.

She thought that Kim Hajin has a high control over his mana. Because he can also form a mana shield something that a first year cadet can't do.

And him possibility of being a djinn is already out of his mind because Dijinn has a darkness attribute and Kim Hajin has the opposite.

There was also something that intrigue her. Chae Nayun according to the records Chae Nayun was using a bow and changed into a sword after entering Cube.

Thats not what bothered her. Looking at the video he can see that Chae Nayun was better at swordmanship than Kim Suho. If Chae Nayun is enlightened the same thing can also said to Kim Suho. Kim Suho was enlightened at an age of 15 earlier than Chae Nayun.

But looking at the video she's clearly much better than Kim Suho and more experienced?. Should i say as expected of Chae Joochul granddaughter.

"But the first priority is Kim Hajin"

At that moment, the door shot open. Started, Yun Seung-Ah turned to the door.

There, she was the Association executive, Aileen.

Even she had a small build and was only 153 cm tall. Yun Seung-Ah knew that she can take down a giant 100 times his size.

"Ahm, Un-unni?"

"I knew you were here. Come out"

"Wa-wait unni i can explain"

"No. Come out"

Yun Seung-Ah didn't want to come but her body move on its own. It was Aileen's Gift 'Spirit Speech'.

"Only Association's Heroes are authorized to come in here"

"I know! I will leave on my own, so let me go!."

"You have two choice. First is to be punished. Second, help me with something"

"Im sorry, Please let me go this one time. i don't want to do that either"

Only the video Yun Seung-Ah was watching qas left to play in the empty room.

"Save me-"


Today is combat training. While im in my room yesterday i was planning to create an art or physique but there's something that catch my eye.


{Gift Creation}

➣Elemental Attribute Control

[Low intermidiate rank] [Spirit attribute] [Elemental Attribute] [Evolving - Grade 10]

-Elemental attribute

*Allows the user to use any elemental attribute (The higher the grade the more element user can use)

-Elemental Control

*Allows the user to control the element

-Elemental Summoning (Spirit)

*Every 5 minutes a day the user can summon an elemental of his choosing (The user can form a permanent contract to the 'Elemental' the higher the attribute the user has)

>System Points - 6000


He cant buy it now because of the system points but it will not be long.


System Points - 4091


Immagine shooting a bullet that can freeze a mountain or flying using an air atribute.

Just thinking about it excite him.

He didn't know about the Elemental summoning but she knows by its name it will be powerfull.

While he was thinking someone said something to him.

"Kim Hajin-ssi can you see something"

I look at the person speaking and saw Yoo Yeonha said staring at Hoseung because its dark she cant see me so she thought i was the one beside her.

Ever since the museum incident. Yoo Yeonha was always calling me with honorifics and didn't looking down at me anymore. She even treating me with with nore respect now than Kim Suho now.

Currently we are in the artificial dungeon design after the dark labyrinth. The goal of the training was to break through the labyrinth filled with undead monsters and reach the labyrinth's center.

Because of the mist created through the darkness mana, the cadets found it difficult to see in the cave. But thats not the case to me.

"I can see"



"Then please lead the way Kim Hajin-ssi"

She said looking at at me now she must have heard my voice behind her.

"Just follow me"

"Oh, How reliable"

Joked, Hoseung. I grabbed his arm and move forward with Yoo Yeonha and Hazuki behind me.

I just had to walk, dodging and killing anything that come in our way.

After some fighting and avoiding traps. We arrived at the center of the labyrinth.

Looking around i only saw Kim Soohyuk who was waiting and read our time.

"Team 5. 29 minutes and 31 seconds. First place"

"Wow we are the first"


Said Hazuki giving a high five to Hoseung.

"That was amazing Hajin-ssi, are you sure you are not only pretending on our first field training"

"Yeah, yeah look at you. You are basically fine without ounce of sweat"

I dont know how to answer at Hoseung and Hazuki's questions. Even is Yoo Yeonha were obviously listening to our conversation while sitting on the rock.

"Haha, i didn't use my mana there because i was measuring my stamina without reinforcing my body"

I thought i can bullshit my way through. But it looks like i only add a fuel in the fire looking at they're reaction.


"You can do that?"

Hazuki ask me with a surprise face

Even Yoo Yeonha is looking at me with doubt and mix surprise.

"Uhhm, you can't do that?"

"Of course not"

"That was hella hard you know"

"Yeah, you need a high control in mana to do that"

Yoo Yeonha also join our conversation. While i was loss about wat to say. Shin jonghak and his team arrived.

"Yoo Yeonha, you are already here?"

Shin jonghak said glaring at me for a second before going to Yoo Yeonha.


"How did you do it"

"Its thanks to Kim Hajin-ssi, he can see through a fog and guide us here"

When he say that Shin Jonghak stare at me surprised before saying.

"Atleast he has good eyes"

"He also fought you know"

He's face stiffened before coughing and looking away.

"Dont be sore loser Shin Jonghak and accept your lose"

Teased Chae nayun who arrived the same time with Kim Suho and his team.

"Im not"

While they were joking to each other Yoo Yeonha come in my way.

"Can i talk with you for a second?"


I didn't know what she want to say but i follow her with a nod.



Name: Kim Hajin

Age: 17

Title: Dijin Hunter

System Points: 4403

➣ Strength 3.9

➣Stamina 4.1

➣Speed 4.1

➣Perception 4.7

➣Vitality 4.3

➣Stigma 7.1

➣Intelligence 7.3

*Invariable Stats

➣Perseverance 7.2

➣Luck 9.1

➣Charm 4.1


➣Observation And Reading

-Null Attribute

➣Master Sharpshooter

➣Book of truth

[Arts (0/3)]


[Physique (0/3)]


➣Setting Intervention [Authority]