
Extra Is a Demon Prince

This Book Is Noval WSA 2023 please support ___He led a blissfully easy life as an otaku, immersing himself in a world of anime and manga. But all of that tranquillity shattered when he decided to delve into the comments section of an old novel he had authored, like stepping into a storm of criticism: [ "Why do all these characters have to meet such tragic fates? It's like the author enjoys torturing them!" ] "[The narrative feels lost, like a ship adrift in a sea of confusion. The author should abandon this style."] ["It's like a polished gem among ordinary stones—a shiny book worth exploring."] [He fumbles with storytelling as if words elude him. It's painful to watch. Maybe it's time to put down the pen.] With each comment he read, it was as if a thunderbolt of anger surged through him, raising his blood pressure to a dangerous level, leading to a sudden, unfortunate demise—an ending more befitting a dramatic plot twist than he could have ever imagined. --------------------------------------------------------------- In this strange twist of fate, I found myself reborn within the very world I had created, a surreal experience that held both excitement and disappointment. I had hoped to be the protagonist, the centre of attention, but fate had cast me as a mere extra, a bystander in my narrative. As I lay there, grappling with the irony of my underwhelming life and unfulfilled dreams, a voice echoed through the void. "You have the power to rewrite your story, to erase your regrets." "Who are you? Where can I find you?" "My identity is inconsequential. What matters is this: do you wish to erase your mistakes?" A resounding "yes" emerged from the depths of my being, a chance to rectify my past missteps. "Then, take this opportunity: step into one of your novels, face the challenges, reach the end, and survive." "So, you're telling me to enter my creation?" "Exactly. What's your decision?" "I'm in." Suddenly, a luminous system panel materialized before me, unveiling the path to redemption, an epic journey within the very world of my ____________________________________ That's how our MC will be going to his novel to make things right. he will do anything to survive. ______________________________________________ Hello, friends, this is my first novel and it's inspired by [ The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy ] so the first few chapters might be similar. thank you for your understanding.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Read before reading noval. It's important.

Hello, friends I just want you to know that this book is inspired by ( demon prince goes to Academy) and you can find starting few chapters similar. At least 8-10 maybe but I want you to know that after that everything is different.

So please be patient and read a few chapters so you can understand.

AND second MC will not directly jump into action at starting point in the chapter.

I want to build his character first, he will be friendly, an ally, and an enemy, to others.

His top priority will be his survival and nothing else. He can do anything for his friends but if they are on his way so he can also cut them off.