
Extra Is a Demon Prince

This Book Is Noval WSA 2023 please support ___He led a blissfully easy life as an otaku, immersing himself in a world of anime and manga. But all of that tranquillity shattered when he decided to delve into the comments section of an old novel he had authored, like stepping into a storm of criticism: [ "Why do all these characters have to meet such tragic fates? It's like the author enjoys torturing them!" ] "[The narrative feels lost, like a ship adrift in a sea of confusion. The author should abandon this style."] ["It's like a polished gem among ordinary stones—a shiny book worth exploring."] [He fumbles with storytelling as if words elude him. It's painful to watch. Maybe it's time to put down the pen.] With each comment he read, it was as if a thunderbolt of anger surged through him, raising his blood pressure to a dangerous level, leading to a sudden, unfortunate demise—an ending more befitting a dramatic plot twist than he could have ever imagined. --------------------------------------------------------------- In this strange twist of fate, I found myself reborn within the very world I had created, a surreal experience that held both excitement and disappointment. I had hoped to be the protagonist, the centre of attention, but fate had cast me as a mere extra, a bystander in my narrative. As I lay there, grappling with the irony of my underwhelming life and unfulfilled dreams, a voice echoed through the void. "You have the power to rewrite your story, to erase your regrets." "Who are you? Where can I find you?" "My identity is inconsequential. What matters is this: do you wish to erase your mistakes?" A resounding "yes" emerged from the depths of my being, a chance to rectify my past missteps. "Then, take this opportunity: step into one of your novels, face the challenges, reach the end, and survive." "So, you're telling me to enter my creation?" "Exactly. What's your decision?" "I'm in." Suddenly, a luminous system panel materialized before me, unveiling the path to redemption, an epic journey within the very world of my ____________________________________ That's how our MC will be going to his novel to make things right. he will do anything to survive. ______________________________________________ Hello, friends, this is my first novel and it's inspired by [ The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy ] so the first few chapters might be similar. thank you for your understanding.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Dance of Destiny

After breakfast, I found myself standing in one of the elegant ballrooms of Juliette Palace, a sense of trepidation bubbling within me. Princess Sara stood before me, her expression a mix of amusement and determination.

"Alright, Kali, let's start with the basics. Dancing is all about rhythm and coordination. I'll guide you through the steps, so don't worry too much."

I nodded, trying to hide my nervousness. Dancing wasn't exactly my forte, and the idea of stepping onto the dance floor in front of the entire court during the upcoming banquet filled me with a sense of dread.

Sara took a step back, her posture poised and graceful. "We'll start with the waltz. It's a classic and a good foundation to build upon."

As the music began to play softly in the background, she extended her hand toward me. "May I have this dance?"

I hesitated for a moment, then placed my hand in hers, hoping that I wouldn't step on her toes or embarrass myself too much.

Sara's touch was surprisingly warm and reassuring as she led me through the basic steps of the waltz. She moved with an elegance that seemed effortless, while I struggled to keep up with the rhythm.

"Step, step, slide," she instructed, her voice gentle. "And one, two, three."

I focused intently on her movements, trying to mimic them as best as I could. It was a slow process, but gradually, I began to find a semblance of rhythm. The music swirled around us, and the grand ballroom felt like a world of its own.

"Relax, Kali," Sara encouraged, her eyes meeting mine. "Dancing is about feeling the music and moving with it. Let your body flow."

Her words resonated with me, and I tried to let go of my self-consciousness. As the dance continued, I found myself getting lost in the melody, allowing my body to respond to the music's cadence.

Sara's patience was unwavering as she guided me through the dance, her touch a reassuring anchor. With each step, I began to feel a sense of connection with her, as if the dance was a language that transcended words.

"You're doing much better now," she remarked, her lips curving into a smile. "See, it's not as daunting as it seems."

I returned her smile, gratitude welling up within me. Her willingness to teach me, despite the challenges I presented, spoke volumes about her character.

As the waltz came to an end, I felt a mixture of exhaustion and accomplishment. Dancing was more taxing than I had anticipated, but there was a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I had made progress.

Sara's hand in mine, we paused in the middle of the ballroom. The music continued to play softly in the background, a serene backdrop to our momentary respite.

"Thank you, Princess," I said, catching my breath. "I never thought I'd be able to dance even a little."

She chuckled softly, her gaze warm. "You're welcome, Kali. Dancing is like any other skill—it takes practice. And I have to admit, you caught on faster than I expected."

Her words filled me with a sense of pride, and I couldn't help but smile. The interactions with Princess Sara had revealed a side of her that went beyond her royal status. She was a teacher, a friend, and a person who cared about those around her.

"As much as I've enjoyed this, I think I need a break," I admitted, feeling a bit lightheaded from the exertion.

Sara nodded in agreement. "Of course. Dancing can be quite tiring, especially if you're not used to it. Let's take a moment to rest."

We moved to the side of the ballroom, finding a place to sit and catch our breath. The grandeur of the room, combined with the soft melodies of the music, created an almost surreal atmosphere.

"So, Kali," Sara began, her tone curious. "Tell me about yourself. What were you like before?"

Her question brought a pang of unease. I hesitated for a moment before deciding to share a bit of my story.

"I don't know Sara, All I know is that demons attacked my village killed my parents and took me with them and before that, I don't have any memories."

Sara listened intently, her expression a mix of empathy and curiosity. "That's quite an enigmatic journey, Kali."

I nodded, unable to shake the feeling that my arrival in this realm was far from coincidental.

I needed to fool her somehow.

Sara's gaze held a thoughtful quality. "The realm has its share of mysteries and unexplained events. Perhaps your arrival is tied to something greater than you realize. But for now, all we can do is navigate the path ahead."

Her words resonated with me, and I found comfort in her understanding. The bond that had formed between us felt surprisingly deep as if our journeys were intertwined by destiny itself.

As we sat there, lost in conversation, I realized that the upcoming banquet party was just around the corner. The intricacies of court life and the web of alliances weighed on my mind, but at this moment, I found solace in the genuine connection I had with Princess Sara.

"Thank you for spending this time with me, Princess," I said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us.

She smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a sense of camaraderie. "The pleasure is mine, Kali. We're on this journey together, navigating the challenges that come our way."

As the day continued, I couldn't shake the feeling that my experiences in this realm were far from ordinary. The interactions with the imperial family, the complexities of court life, and the unspoken bonds that had formed all hinted at a larger narrative at play.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the palace grounds, I realized that my journey was only just beginning. The grand banquet party was on the horizon, and with it, a new chapter in my life in this enchanting realm.

With Princess Sara by my side, I faced the unknown with a renewed sense of determination and hope. The dance of destiny had brought us together, and I was ready to embrace whatever challenges and revelations awaited us on this path.