
Extra in The Student Council

[This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know] [English isn't my mother language so grammar is suck. I used tool to help me correct my grammar as I don't have editor nor the fund for one] [Everything except for the MC belonged to their creator]

Lhometo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

14. The author was found dead, killed by readers.

Extra in the Student Council

14. Welcome back~

*Ding Dong

The doorbell rang. "Hmm? "Are you expecting someone today?" Shuu asked.

AI tilted her head and was also confused: "I'm not; maybe it's the president. I'll go and check it." As Ai left her seat. and went to open the door. "Coming~!"

When she opened it, what she saw was a stranger.

"Congratulations on your new drama," the stranger said, "and goodbye." He thrust a knife into her stomach.

That's what would happen if Shuu weren't there.

As Ai left her seat, Shuu felt there was something wrong and also had a bad feeling about it; it's like his instinct was kicking and ringing hard. And Shuu, in his training days, learned the hard way not to ignore his instinct. So he followed from behind. He saw Ai open the door and let out a confused voice; it was clear she didn't know the visitor, and Shuu also didn't know him.

Without hesitation, Shuu came and pulled her back with some strength, just to be safe. It might hurt Ai a bit, but it's better than the worst possible situation.

As Ai got pulled back in shock, it was the same as the visitor who didn't expect Ai to move like that.

When Shuu saw the knife on the stranger's hand without wasting time, he spinned and switched places with AI using one hand, and he used the other hand to deflect the stranger's hand, making him lose his grip on the knife. When the stranger was surprised by the pain and distracted with the knife, Shuu took a step forward and kicked her legs as he pushed his body to the other side, making the stranger drop to the floor cleanly. But Shuu wasn't done yet. Shuu kicked the stranger's stomach with enough power to immobilize him but not endanger his life. As the stranger got pushed back by the knockback, Shuu kicked the knife to the other side, far from the stranger.

After he did that, Shuu made one last glance at the stranger to make sure he was really immobilized before he went toward Ai, who was still dazed at the event.


Shuu flicked her head with a bit of strength without hesitation.

"Ouch!" Ai held her forehead and cried in pain.

"I always told you not to carelessly open the door!" Shuu embraced her. The warmth of others was the best way to calm someone down. "What do you think the peepholes and chains on the door are used for?" Shuu said exasperatedly, still gently stroking her head.

After a few moments

"....Hehe" she giggled, "I let my guard down, They never taught us that in the facility."

"Sigh…" Shuu only sighed but didn't stop calming her down, she acted tough, but even for her, it would be impossible just to brush the incident away. "You really should remember important things..." He also keeps a conversation going to distract her.

"Hehe!" Ai giggled again.

Meanwhile, Shuu also took a smartphone, which was different from the one he usually uses. He started dialing the number while still talking to Ai. and when the call was connected in just a mere second. "E. S. K." Shuu said before he waited while talking with Ai again.

Then before long, from the other side of the smartphone, "Secured," there's a reply.

Then Shuu started talking to the phone like he was informing the police of their emergency, but the meaning behind his words was simple: 'It's an emergency. Come here with two people, and don't forget your uniforms."

They waited for a few minutes before two police officers arrived on their doorstep. Seeing them, Shuu brought Ai inside before he made a hot cocoa, of course with Ai still on him. "We're looking like koalas like this," Ai joked around. "Yeah, we can now confidently announce ourselves as a koalas couple." Shuu played around with her and kept the conversation going.

After he's done, he finally lets Ai sit down, and he gives her the hot cocoa. They chatted for a while longer, and once Shuu made sure she was better, he left Ai for a while. And went to meet the police officers?

One of the police officers brought the stranger away while the other waited for further instructions.

"I want to erase him without any ripple, understand?" His voice was flat and cold. The way Shuu said it, it was as if he were talking about some little garbage.

"I understand," the police officer replied. "Should we inform the head?"

"It doesn't matter; it's up to you guys whether you inform my parents or not." Shuu replied that he really didn't care. The moment he told them his instructions, he had already brushed this incident from his mind.

"Understood," he said with a slight bow, then turned around, about to leave.

"Wait," Shuu called again. He remembered that time when Ai happily told him how happy she was when she received star sand from her fans "Actually, scratch what I said before. If you guys have ways to make him forget about me and today's incident and not harm Ai anymore, then you don't need to erase him. If you don't have it, then follow the original plan." Shuu was a bit confused about himself. He shouldn't care about something like this, but.... now that he's already doing it, he decides to keep going.

"Understood, then we'll also inform the head."

"Hmm," Shuu nodded, and then the police officer also left.

Shuu locked the door before going inside again and seeing that Ai was fine. He's glad that she didn't become anxious just by being left alone.

"Welcome back~" She greeted.

"I'm back," Shuu replied, then sat beside her. "By the way, we haven't decided where to go today. Do you want to go to the place where we first met? It's been years since then."

"The place we first met?"

"Yea, the Lalalie Theater."

"Sounds fun! Let's goo" Ai stood up, but Shuu quickly pulled her back. "Wait! You need disguise."

"Oh, Shuu's right! I forgot about it," Ai said as she made *teehee pose.

"Then I left it to you," Ai said, sitting on the front of her makeup desk.

"Alright, what about yesterday's 77th director of the funeral parlor?"

Ai stared at Shuu for a moment, quite speechless. "Then you won't be able to stand up and walk around."

"Hmm, you had a point, then let's go with the usual."


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