
10. Street performance

Extra in the Student Council

10. Street performance

"Alright, let's end it here today."

"Phew...," Fumino sighed in relief after Shuu ended the study session. She becomes like shriveled old cloth while lying her head on the table.

"Well then, see you again next time." As Shuu packed his belongings, Fumino suddenly stood up and said, "Wait!" She called.

"Can we stop doing that?" Fumino said it with a low voice, like she was pleading. No, it IS a plea.

Shuu thought a bit. "You mean that 'Kabe-Down'? "But isn't it because you're trying to run away that I did that?"

Fumino quickly evaded Shuu's gaze when she heard that. Then Shuu realized her hands were trembling, rather than hate him because of the teasing he did last time. It's more like he was scared of him. Shuu didn't know whether he was scared of men altogether or just scared of him.

(With how easy it was for her to be pushed around, it's most likely that she was scared of me, or more precisely, the way I acted with her. And she's quite good at hiding it) whichever the case, now that Shuu knows about it. It's easy.

"If you stop running away, then obviously I would stop too," Shuu replied calmly. But Fumino still refused to look at him. (She's most likely trying hard to calm herself.)

"Furuhashi-san, I'll be honest here: If you are serious about what you said in the student council's room that day, then at your standing right now, you didn't have the leeway to choose. Even if you don't like me, you have to bear with it if you want to advance. There's also a choice to find someone who can replace me. But there's a reason why the principal asked us as students rather than teachers to teach you two. Am I right?" observing Her body flinched when he spoke about that subject. Shuu continued

"You don't have to answer, just looking at your reaction, I know, you two failed to learn anything from those teachers. On the other hand, now that you two have already experienced it firsthand, you two should also understand why the principal asked us, the student council's members, rather than other students.

"I know sometimes it's hard to keep doing something you're bad at. That's why, I forced you to wait at least until you're able to see something before giving up. The time limit is until the next exam. I'll force you to keep up with me till then. "And after that, you'll be on your own," Shuu explained. "Here's for you," he said, putting a candy beside her. "And good work for today." He left without any excessive contact, like before.

(Tch! I misunderstood her traits… )

(I'll correct my acting until next time.) Shuu clenched his fist as he cursed himself.

Meanwhile, Fumino was sitting still, dazed. She's no good with aggressive men because of her father; she is afraid of them. That's why she is really unable to handle Katsuragi Shuu, who enters her personal space as he wishes. He's the type that she is unable to handle the most.

After gathering her courage all this time, she was finally able to say it to him. and the results were better than she expected. The people she knew usually wouldn't even care about her comfort. From the way he said it, it is most likely that he would correct his behavior around her. Fumino had to wait until next time to find out whether Shuu would keep his word or not.

However, Fumino had quite a bit of confidence that Shuu would correct her behavior because she peeked at him for a moment when he was giving his advice. Actually Fumino was shocked by that.

Shuu's face was flat and cold without any fluctuation at all, very different from how he usually is.

(It's as if even if I were murdered by someone in front of him, he wouldn't bat an eyelid. as if looking at some small stones on the road), Fumino thought. She is always sensitive to other emotions. Thus, she knew she wasn't wrong with her impression of Shuu just now. (It's a good thing that he would stop from intruding my personal space, yet somehow I can't feel happy about it....)


"I'm back." Shuu's voice rang as he entered the student council's room.

"Welcome back," Miyuki replied, and before long, "Welcome back," Kaguya also replied.

"Shuu!" Suddenly, the bubbly, eccentric girl flew toward him. "What do you think?"

Shuu took a moment to see Chika with a nekomimi (cat ear) on her head. Shuu smiled gently and said, "It's cute." Then he started patting Chika's head and tickling under her chin as if she were a real cat.

Meanwhile, he turned to Miyuki and said, "President, I contacted Nakiri-san for 'that' matter, and she agreed to help us."

"Ooh, you got her promise?"

"As expected of you," the president replied in an impressed voice.

"I thought she wouldn't accept the order this suddenly." especially after she's been very busy since she entered high school." Kaguya followed up, also a bit impressed.

"Haha, it's nothing, I didn't do much." Shuu acted like he was flattered by them. "You know, I just need to flaunt Shinomiya's name here and there. and *Hwalah everything is solved."

""...."" They were lost for words.

After a moment of silence, Miyuki peeked at Kaguya, wondering about her reaction. After all, Shuu used her name without asking beforehand; he might need to step up if everything goes wrong.

"A Katsuragi reserving an order using Shinomiya's name." Kaguya muttered before she suddenly let out a giggle: "That's wicked."

"Right?" Shuu also laughed along with her. "Of course, my wickedness is still below you, Shinomiya-san."

"No, no." Kaguya replied in humble "You're already taking the cakes, Katsuragi-san," She let out a small laugh along with Shuu. If there are seven mysteries in Shuchi'in Academy, then one of them would be the "relationship between Shinomiya Kaguya and Katsuragi Shuu'.

While giving them a strange look, Miyuki didn't stop thinking about them. He never got the evidence, but... (Katsuragi is most likely quite a prominent family among the nobility too) he started to get the hint before their everyday conversation. (Well, at least nothing bad happened.) Miyuki decided not to delve further.

"By the way, what about the others? Have you guys decided what to do?" Shuu asked. Chika caught Shuu's hand to stop him from playing with her head for a while before she answered him.

"Hear this, Shuu. I won against Kaguya-san and the President!" Chika spoke proudly of her deed.


"Yes! We played a 'NG word' game to decide who's to go shopping, and I won against them."

"Oooh," Shuu said, impressed. "Which means Shinomiya-san and President will go shopping together later, Heee~" Shuu turned his gaze to them, and Kaguya gazed at him back with her usual smile. However, Miyuki evaded his gaze, letting the cat out of the bag. Shuu decided to ignore them before he faced Chika again.

"Then you're most likely free this weekend; do you want to go out and play?" Shuu asked.


"That's fun!" Chika stretched her arms as she and Shuu left the cinema together. "Where do we go next?"

"Hmm, let's see... oh! It seems there's a festival nearby. Wanna go there?"

"I want!" "Let's go," Chika replied, as spirited as usual.

As a result of Shuu asking her the last time, now they're here playing together. Well, from the outside, it's unmistakable they're on a date. Only the eccentric girl seemed to have not realized it until now. Chika is usually sharp about this kind of relationship, or she wouldn't call herself 'Love Detective," yet when it comes to Shuu and herself, she's oblivious to everything, just like how she still hadn't realized Kaguya's feelings. On the other hand, Shuu doesn't really care, whatever it is, to him, it's just playing together.

On the way to the festival, someone's voice caught their attention. "Attention everyone~! We're going to start a street performance. It's free, so check it out if you've got time!"

"Shuu! Let's go check them out!" Chika suggested.

"I was about to ask you that." Shuu patted her head.

By the time Chika and Shuu arrived, they had already started their performance. The two girls were playing guitar and bass without vocals.

It's not that good at first, but for the level of street performance, it's quite high.

Then, when some of the audience's encouragement The guitarist suddenly became better, but the most important thing is that her show was somehow attracting attention. Well, her choice of uniform was wearing a pink jersey from top to bottom, and her pink hair was already quite attracting attention, but her play exceeded that.

*clap *clap *clap

Cheers and applause took place after the performance was over. Shuu also saw the sign advertising tickets for their concert from the beginning. Then, after two girls went and bought their tickets, Shuu and Chika also went to buy them.

"Is there any ticket left?" Shuu asked because the jersey girl seemed bad with communication. So Shuu went to ask the drunken woman who had played bass before. and with her help, Shuu bought two tickets.


Lhometocreators' thoughts
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