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In his reborned life, he was a Demon King, but now he wants a fresh start as an ordinary person in a new world. However, things go awry, and he ends up in a novel world where the author himself is part of the story. Trying to recall his past lives, he only remembers one where he was an ordinary person on Earth.

Ko_psy · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 54

In the dense forest, cloaked in an eerie mist, Charlotte Isabelle, ranked 2859, stood in her fox form alongside her companions Miko Takahashi, ranked 1962, and Alicia Carter, ranked 1951.


"Did we get them?" Miko inquired, her twin buns bouncing with anticipation.


As the fog dissipated a little, revealing Kardama's petrified form, Miko couldn't resist a quip. "Impressive as always. Your charms never fail, Charlotte."


Up until now, no student had managed to resist Charlotte's charm techniques.


After being teleported, Charlotte quickly formed a group with two other girls. While most charm users would prefer to ensnare powerful students and keep them as teammates, Charlotte took a different approach.


Her charm techniques were unconventional. Rather than bewitching targets for an extended period, she discovered that reducing the duration of the effect significantly boosted its potency.