
Extra Case Files: Marvel

Hadrian thought that life would be different this time. Peaceful, and relaxing. No lives to take, no wars to fight. It would be a bit boring, but at least he can breathe easy and enjoy life more this time. Then, as if Fate heard him, chaos slowly ensued, barreling in the form of super soldiers, enhanced humans with X symbols over their yellow-themed clothes, nazi-like terrorists obsessed with conquering the world, a doctor who can turn into a giant angry avocado, and an alien invasion led by a mischievous god as a strawberry on top. At least his retainers are there for the ride… He can only blame Zelretch for all this shite. (MC is OC) (MC is OP) (MC was originally from FF15, then reincarnated in Fate/Extra, then into Marvel, with MCU as the world setting.) (This is a FF15/Fate-Extra/MCU crossover.) (Note: Due to some readers being confused about the synopsis, wondering where the hell are the Avengers, this story WILL NOT center around the Avengers. Yes, they will be making an appearance, but that's far in the future, and they are still not going to be in the limelight too much. No, this story is about the MC and his interactions in the MCU, okay? Not about the Avengers. So if you're expecting that, then leave now. You're just going to be sorely disappointed. You already have the movies and a lot of fanfics out there that centers around them, but you won't see that happening here.) [Warning: continuous mentions of graphic violence, sexual content, and profanities. Do not continue if you find any of these categories offensive.] Updates for Extra Case Files: Marvel will be once a week. And if I'm busy, then it'll be once every two weeks. The update will either be on Wednesday, or Thursday.

Sanguis13 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

MC Overview

Name: Hadrianus Rey von Aelrheit (present)

Full name: Hadrianus Nox Lucis Caelum (past)

Gender: Male

Birthdate: May 13th

Height: 176 cm (5'9") (present)

Weight: 65kg

Hair Color: Black (Platinum Gray)

Eye Color: Violet (default)

Blood Type: AB -

Place of origin: Insomnia (Lucis, Eos)

Circuit Quality: A (EX)

Circuit Composition: Unique, Rare, simple but complicated

Circuit Quantity: A+ (EX)

Bloodline: Lucis Caelum, Schweinorg, Peverell, (???)

Race: (???)

Character Type: Human, Magician, (Foreigner)




Aelrheit family (Schweinorg)

AEONS (present)

High Council (present)

Clock Tower (past)

Mage's Association (past)


(Note: The height and weight are obviously for his adult form. He's still growing.)

Also known as:

The 7th

God of War

Nabob Prince

Prince of Magic

The Azul Prince

Sovereign of the Moon

Magician of the White Void

Two-Faced Prince (nickname)

Prince of Obliteration (nickname)

Junior Wizard Marshall (nickname)


Henry Farron (in public)

Sieg Wahrheit (in AEONS)

Rey de Silva (in underground circles)


Culinary arts (cooking), research (magecraft, magic), creating (inventing, crafting, etc), planning (tactics, schemes, etc.), fighting (training, killing), collecting (treasures, valuables, etc.), business (management), hacking, fishing, drawing, secretly good at gambling, memorization, and multitasking.



Crafting, fishing, research (magic), cooking (and eating), sleeping (secretly), training (physically and magically), collecting (treasures), and exploring (dungeons, unknown locations, etc.)



Ambitious people with malignant intentions, low-quality goods being sold at high prices (scammers), and clutters (uncleanliness).


Jewel Magecraft

General Architectural Magecraft (Formalcraft, Customization)

Material Transmutation (Alteration, Reinforcement, Gradation Air)

Eidos & Psion Magecraft (Counter Magic, Restoration, Decomposition, etc)

Alchemy (Memory Partition, Thought Acceleration, Transmutation, Flash Air)

Others (Unified Language, Memory Manipulation, Healing Magecraft, Runes, etc...)


Telekinesis (A+) – The ability to move objects via thought. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Telepathy (C++) – The ability to speak to another via thought. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Empathy (EX) – The ability to sense the emotions of living beings in the near vicinity. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Teleport (EX) – The ability to transport from one place to another instantaneously. Can teleport himself anywhere as long as he knows the coordinates. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Elemental Sight (EX) – A sensory ability that allows Hadrian to connect to the realm known as the 'Information Dimension' and identify the landscape down to every detail.

Clairvoyance (B~?) – The visual ability that is also called "Eagle-Eye". Because of a good balance with 'Instinct', limited future sight is possible too.

Charisma (A++) – Charisma is a rare talent, and a (B) rank is sufficient enough to lead a nation. At this level, it is not a matter of popularity or skill, but closer to something like sorcery or a curse.

Golden Rule (A++) – Fated to live a life filled with riches, he can live his life as a billionaire. Although this ability seems unrelated to battle, it plays a great role in arming him, much like his predecessor (Gil).

Instinct (A++) – Enables the user to instantly identify "the best personal course of action" during combat. At rank (A++), it is essentially in the realm of predicting the future. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Natural Body (C) – Enables a perfect body as a living creature since birth, regardless of his reincarnation. His body shape will not change, no matter the amount of calorie intake. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Natural Born Genius (A) – One who has unparalleled natural knowledge. Allows the use of most skills, excluding those inherent to the body (Divinity) or ones unique to particular heroes, at proficiency of (A - B) rank.

Knowledge of the Sowa (A) – Prevents the reduction of accuracy, regardless of how many times the same technique has been used on the same foe. The ability to "render one's attacks unreadable to the enemy".

Single-Mindedness (B+) – The ability to immerse oneself in something, exhibiting a superhuman degree of focus. If he has a goal in mind, Hadrian can sleep for an average of 3 hours.

Vitrification (A+) – A serene state of mind. A mental protection that nullifies mental interference. (Lucis Caelum inheritance)

Void Magecraft (EX) – A special branch of sorcery that is only exclusive to Hadrian to support the First and Second True Magic. Comes with a set of abilities on a league of its own.

Regnum Lunae (EX) – Grants him the exclusive authority to command the Moon Cell Automaton (an alien artifact made by a lost ancient civilization), and its many various capabilities.



(Note: Letters besides the skills are 'Parameter Rules' for Servants. E is the lowest, while EX is the highest.)

(Note: I would include Territory Creation in the list, but Hadrian doesn't really need it…)


Armiger Arsenal (soul inheritance: Lucis Caelum)

Gate of Babylon (soul inheritance: Gilgamesh)

Death Hallows (soul inheritance: Peverell)

Chronostasis (soul inheritance: Lucis Caelum)

First Magic: Genesis (Alpha)

Second Magic: Kaleidoscope

Third Magic: Heaven's Feel

Seventh Magic: (unknown, Omega)

Serial Phantasm: SERAPH

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception



(Note: Powers on a different scale and quality are listed here.)

(Note: 'Soul inheritance' means powers that the MC gained in his previous life, imported into the present.)

(Note: This chapter would be too long if I added details on what these abilities can really do. This page will also be updated in the future as the story progresses.)

Just think of the MC as an OG character from RPG like Dark Souls or Bloodborne...

... with a 'New Game +++' save file.

He's literally an OG character with a 'NG+++' save file, and with plenty of backup save files, which in this case would be the stuff he accumulated in his previous lives (memories, exp, etc.).

Course, just cause he's on a 'NG+++' save file, does not mean things will be easy for him.

If you haven't played games like that, then I suggest you try it, it'll make you open your eyes what hardcore difficulty really is.

Sanguis13creators' thoughts