
Extra's World

Imagine u died and yet for some reason u found your self in ur favorite novel. Jack Hermson dies of a heart disease and finds himself transmigratted in his favorite novel as the classic extra *who doesn't appear in the story* and like every other transmigrator he decides to stay far away from the main cast or does he ?

Avuru_Chukwuka_6919 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 12 - First Dungeon (2)

The F ranked wolf lunged at Jack but he calmly moved to the side avoiding the creature's bite before swinging his sword at it.


But the wolf just parried it with his claws. The shockwave from the clash sent them both back a few meters.

'Interesting'. Jack thought. 'So this is the power of an (F-) rank being huh. If this is all it has then I can do this'.

Thinking so, he channeled his aura towards his legs and bolted towards the wolf.

In an instant he was in front of the wolf. The wolf seemed a bit surprised but immediately regained it's composure and swung it claw while channeling mana at Jack but.




Silence was what followed next. The wolfs arm had been cleanly sliced off by Jack. His sword in the air, firmly in his grip.



Before the wolf could howl or whimper or even respond, Jack had beheaded it.

"Haaa, haaa". After killing the wolf he fell to the ground. This was his first time killing a living creature.

"Shit, haa, haa". But what bothered him more than anything was that despite this being his first time taking a life, he was not bothered.

"I don't feel anything taking it's life, is it because it's not a human or humanoid race. No no, I can't begin to think like that. It was kill or be killed. I won't die, not in this shitty world". "I'm definitely going to survive. Definitely".

"Hmmm?". While he was soliloquizing, he noticed that he suddenly felt stronger. Why?.


But he had no time to figure out why. Why, you ask. Because it turns out that wolf wasn't alone.

There were about six wolves in front of him currently. Each of them were (F-) rank and they were eyeing him warily. After all he had just killed one of them in their presence.

"Haaa, what a pain in the ass".

Is what he genuinely thought and yet he couldn't help but grin and feel excited.

"Oh well, since you're all so eager to die, so be it".



The sound of metal tearing flesh resounded in the atmosphere inside the dungeon.

There were countless wolf corpses, alongside different beasts. In the center two figures could be seen battling one another.

One of the figures was a young man wearing a white shirt and black trousers suited for combat with red hair and red eyes. His white was already stained with the blood of the monsters he had killed so far.

It was Jack.

He was currently fighting the alpha of the wolf pack. And surprisingly he was winning with such ease that even he found absurd.

The alpha slashed at him with it's claws at an astonishing speed.



But Jack blocked it with his katana and kicked out at the wolf.



The alpha wolf crashed into one of the palace structures. 'As I thought, I'm not imagining it'.

'I really did get stronger '. 'But how?'. He thought. Although he already had a slight idea how.

He noticed that since he entered the dungeon and killed that wolf, he had been getting stronger the more creatures he killed.

'But why? Could it be my trait? Wait earlier my system window didn't show me my trait'.

"Status" he muttered and a game like screen appeared before him.



Name: Jason Hunt

Class: Swordsman

Age:16 years

Rank: (F-) rank

Strength:(F+) rank

Agility:(F) rank

Intelligence:(B-) rank

Aura capacity:(F-) rank

Stamina:(F+) rank

Endurance:(F+) rank



Jack couldn't help but exclaim. About half of his stats seemed to have increased by a sub rank.

Despite not practicing and trying to rank up, half his stats had each increased by a sub rank. 'Most likely, killing those monsters increased my stats'.

'But ho-'


But before he could finish his thoughts, he heard a loud boom like something being destroyed, followed by a roar.


It was the wolf from earlier. It had recovered while Jack was thinking to himself.

But it clearly wasn't the same as before. It fur was glowing with a red hue surrounding it.

It lunged at Jack who skillfully moved to his left just slightly getting out of the beast's way.


The alpha crashed into one of the palace structures. 'Shit, it actually got stronger?!'. Yes. The (F) rank wolf had gotten stronger by a sub rank now.

The wolf immediately stood up and lunged at him again. Alpha wolves had the innate ability to forcefully increase their strength in exchange for consuming their life force and reasoning.

The alpha was now an (F+) rank being and yet strangely enough Jack who was only (F-) rank felt like, no he was positive he could handle the wolf.

He then channeled his aura and this time he lunged at the wolf.

The alpha swung it's claws at him but he skillfully parried the attack upward with his blade, then with a whoosh he swung his sword down slicing the alpha in two.

'Haa, haa'. As he was gasping for breath, he felt a sudden rush of strength. He knew what it was.

The novel had explained this phenomenon. He just had a broke through a sub rank. Shocked and bewildered he checked his status.



Name: Jason Hunt

Class: Swordsman

Age:16 years

Rank: (F) rank

Strength:(F+) rank

Agility:(F) rank

Intelligence:(B-) rank

Aura capacity:(F) rank

Stamina:(F+) rank

Endurance:(F+) rank

Traits: Devour (Unique grade)


"Wow. It really has appeared huh. In the novel, the traits section only appeared in your system window once or if you've awakened your trait". "Oh shit, it's a Unique grade one noiccceee". Jack screamed in excitement.

A trait was an inborn ability. It was almost like a bloodline ability as most individuals just inherit theirs from their parents.

It was also possible to awaken more than one trait.

Traits were grade accordingly. Common>Uncommon>Rare>Unique>Mythical.

That's why Jack was excited. Cause unique grade traits were rare in the vast universe. And there were only a few, no more than twenty Mythical grade traits.

Currently amongst the human race the only one who has a mythical grade bloodline was the protagonist, Leon Cromwell.

He then clicked on the trait *devour* and more info appeared.

Devour- This trait allows the user to absorb a certain percentage of slain enemies power and convert into user's own. (Subtrait of Gluttony).

"Whoa". 'I see how I got stronger from slaying monsters huh'. Jack thought to himself.

'But I didn't expect the trait to be this much of a big deal. A subtrait of Gluttony?. Mannn who is this Jason dude?. How can a random extra awaken a unique grade trait'.

'And not just any unique grade trait, but a subtrait of gluttony, one of only twenty Mythical grade traits out there'.

There were only twenty mythical grade traits in the entire universe. Fourteen of them were among the seven deadly sins and heavenly virtue series.

'Now I'm starting to get curious but forget it. I could bet my left liver that it's related to my reincarnation. In other words I need strength. Unparalleled strength'.

And with that thought he headed towards the palace.

I think I will start calling him Jason from the next chapter abeg, I don tire.

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