
Extra's World

Imagine u died and yet for some reason u found your self in ur favorite novel. Jack Hermson dies of a heart disease and finds himself transmigratted in his favorite novel as the classic extra *who doesn't appear in the story* and like every other transmigrator he decides to stay far away from the main cast or does he ?

Avuru_Chukwuka_6919 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 - Combat Class (3)

"Jason Hunt, you're up". A voice called out to me.

"H-huh? Where am I?" I barely muttered out.

"Jason". The same voice called out again. Wait, I recognize that voice, it's Leo's. Shit.

"H-here". I hurriedly responded while getting up from the chair I had been sleeping on.

"Get up here". Leo spoke with a bit of annoyance and anger in his voice. He probably couldn't believe that I was sleeping through his class.


So it's my turn huh. I wonder who I'm going to fight against.

When I got to the stage tho, I was surprised to see who I'd be fighting against.

Jessica Gates. One of the main characters in the novel world HEROIC SWORDSMAN.

A true prodigy who was apparently even more talented than Leon.

And at this point in time, she was still stronger than him. So if you thought Leon was strong, then know that Jessica was a beast.

As I climbed the stage which was only about a meter above ground, I noticed Jessica already wearing the suppression bracelet on her wrist with a bored expression on her face.

Honestly seeing that look on her face kinda pissed me off. I mean don't get me wrong, I know this will probably be a one sided fight for her but that doesn't mean she has to show it off.

Forget it, the fight's about to start anyway.

Whilst thinking that, I placed my hand on the hilt of the katana around my hips and started channeling my aura towards my hands and feet as I awaited Leo's signal to start.


Meanwhile, Jessica kept staring at her opponent, she didn't know anything about him aside his name but she was curious how well versed in combat her opponent was.

As soon as she saw him take out his long katana and start channeling his aura, she too did the same by taking out her chosen weapon, a rapier with cutting edges for slicing and stabbing opponents.


As soon as Leo uttered that word, Jack and Jessica lunged at each other.

Jack slashed at Jessica who nimbly dodged and counteracted by sending the sharp end of her sword at the other's throat.

Seeing this Jack immediately pulled back his sword to block her stab, but as soon as he tried to, his vision suddenly turned upside down and then.


He had fallen on his back. As soon as he fell, he immediately realised that the stab was a feint.

But before he could even get up to retaliate, he saw the blade of Jessica's sword right in front of him, heading for his throat.

So instead of getting up, he rolled over to the side, just barely avoiding Jessica's attack.

But Jessica was far more experienced than him when it came to combat.

As soon as he rolled over to the side, she turned her stab into a slash which hit Jack squarely in the shoulder.


"Aargh", Jack moaned out in agony and crashed against one of the stage pillars.


'Shit, she's strong'. Jack cursed in his mind. Although he had sort of expected this to happen, it was still frustrating for it to go exactly as he thought it would.

Luckily the combat suits they were using for this fight were extremely sturdy and had a feature that protected the user in a case of certain death.

Which was why the students were freely going all out without fear of death.

That said, it's not like their attacks wouldn't hurt their opponent.

As Jack shakily got up, he could see Jessica casually striding towards him.

'Shit. I have to do something to stop her'. Thinking so he started channeling his aura again.

"Give up". A sweet melodious voice sounded in the air. It was Jessica's.

"You won't be able to beat me". She continued with a calm air of confidence around her.

"Tch". Clicking his teeth, Jack decided to ignore her words and focus on the fight.

"Sighhh. I at least gave you a chance to back down".

Saying so, Jessica took a Schlussel Stance whilst channeling a large portion of her aura towards her feet hands and then she leapt towards him.


In an instant she appeared in front of Jack who had taken a defensive stance and then unleashed a barrage of thrust attacks on him.



Jack tried to defend the barrage of attacks but he could only dodge and parry a few.

Her attacks were just too quick and in harmony as well, as there was not a single flaw in the technique.

While training in the void helped gain a little familiarity in martial arts, it didn't give him actual experience, hence could only help Jack parry three of the nearly a dozen strikes she sent him.


And the result of him taking seven of her strikes head on without defending sent him flying across the stage and crashing against one of the pillars again.

'Shit. I knew she was a beas-'. But before he could complete that thought, he lost consciousness.

Jessica had knocked him out before he could get up again.

"Winner. Jessica Gates".

And with an air of confidence around her, she came down from the stand.