
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasy
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209 Chs



Looking at my Katana's blade, I noticed droplets of black blood trickling down its edge.

Who could have imagined that shadows were capable of bleeding?

I quickly turned my attention to the silhouette of a Skeleton, which I had killed a while ago searching for the 'Elixir of Life'.

The shadow was missing an entire arm, and it was writhing in silent agony. It was almost as if it could feel the pain of losing its body part.


Scanning the other shadows, I saw a hint of surprise on their dark faces as they stared at the bleeding shadow.

Soon, their attention then shifted to me, and their piercing eyes seemed to bore straight into my soul. It was as though they were searching for something within me, something that only they knew.

The intensity of their gaze was unsettling, and I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead. I had never felt so exposed and vulnerable before.