
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasy
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209 Chs

Shadows and Dungeons

"Fucking Shadows..."

The Demon's frustration grew as he found himself at a dead end, surrounded by the remnants of a forgotten chamber.

The shadows seemed to dance maliciously, mocking his efforts to uncover the secret he had sought with such determination. It was as if the very fabric of the dungeon was conspiring against him, testing his resolve to the limits.

"If I could strangle you..."

He muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with irritation. He had grown weary of their elusive games and half-whispered riddles. He had come too far to be thwarted now.


Gritting his sharp teeth, the Demon turned on his heels, determined to retrace his steps and find a new path, one that would lead him to the truth he sought.

The air around him felt heavy with anticipation as if the dungeon itself was watching, waiting to see if he would give up or press on.