
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasy
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209 Chs


The rays of the early morning sun filtered through the window, casting a soft golden hue across the room. The tranquility of the dormitory slowly faded away as the world outside awakened. It was a new day, brimming with possibilities and adventures yet to unfold.

'Is it morning already?'

Gradually, my consciousness emerged from the depths of sleep, my mind transitioning from dreams to reality. With a stretch and a yawn, I rose from my bed, the fatigue of yesterday's battle still lingering in my muscles.

I dressed in my usual black attire, a comfortable yet durable ensemble that would allow me to move without any restraints.

The events of yesterday had prompted me to glance at my Status to make sure I truly advanced in my Weapon Style.

"It really wasn't a dream, huh..."