
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasy
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209 Chs


With the Giant's attack temporarily subsided, Rose and I seized the opportunity to counter. We emerged from behind the weakened Ice Walls, determination burning in our eyes.

Rose raised her ice blade, its crystalline surface gleaming with a frigid intensity.


She unleashed a torrent of icy shards, propelled by her cryokinetic abilities, towards the Giant's flickering form. The shards pierced through the air with deadly accuracy, piercing the Giant's molten flesh and causing it to roar in agony.


I, on the other hand, sprinted towards the Giant's colossal legs, my longsword gripped tightly in my hand. With every stride, the ground quaked beneath me, but I pressed on, undeterred. My mind focused solely on the task at hand – finding a vulnerable spot to strike.
