
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasy
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209 Chs

Combat Exam (3)


My Longsword collided with a Silver whip that coiled around its gleaming blade, sending sparks flying in all directions.


I could see the metal of my sword strain against the force of the impact, the sound of steel meeting steel reverberating in my ears.

It was already the fifth time that the whip had tried to disarm me during our duel.

"Just give up..."

However, I only sighed in response, dismissing my Authority with a wave of my hand and summoning it once again within seconds.

"Do you really want to fail the Combat Exam?"

I tried to persuade Stella to reconsider her approach, however, it seemed as if she was deaf to my warnings.


Massaging my strained wrist, I realized that there was no reason to hold back any longer.

If she won't listen to me then I'll just finish this fight quickly and decisively.

"Aura Blade..."