
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasy
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209 Chs

Cleaning up

Tap... Tap...

Walking through the desolate landscape dotted with random ruins that seemed to be frozen in time, I was humming a melody that echoed in the vast emptiness around me.

I wasn't afraid of attracting attention, there was simply nothing that could cause me any danger.

Tap... Tap...

My footsteps resounded against soft sand, creating a rhythmic beat that accompanied my tune.

"This day can't get any better..."

Wearing a small smile on my face, I swung a Shadowy Blade held in my hand, beheading a formless Shadow that lunged at me from out of the Darkness.

During my journey back, I was already attacked a few times, however, a single strike from my blade created by the Shadow Mana Art could behead these beings.

Also, during the past few hours I've noticed that my Weapon Style is compatible with my Mana Art.

It's like every time I use my Style with the Shadowy Blade, its effects are greatly enhanced.