I furrowed my brows, observing the monster, lunging toward me. The monkey's eyes were filled with hostility and its long and sharp claws glistened dangerously in the sunlight.
My golden eyes followed its every move as I stepped back, trying to create some distance between us.
The monster's claws missed me by inches, however, this gave me time to swing my Katana in a zigzag pattern and envelop its blade with shadows.
My weapon dug deep into its fur, causing the monster to let out a blood curdling screech.
It swung its massive arms toward me and I was forced to dodge quickly, rolling to the side. The monkey, however, didn't allow me to recover and charged again, its jaws snapping hungrily.
I didn't even have time to stand up before it was already upon me, its stinking breath hot on my face.