
External Problem(High School DxD, Lord Of The Rings and Silmarilion)

Embers of fire consume existence. Its nature is a calamity, living destruction.

NoLightWritter99 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Demon Princess

Year 587 of the first age of the sun, Western Middle Earth, West of Thangorodrim.

After the fall of Morgoth in what is the War of Wrath, the servants of the first dark lord disperse throughout the hidden underground passages, taking their spiritual form or moving away to other continents.

One of his Balrog, a female greater demon named Zālga'nid, took the pragmatic option in the whole situation.Their allies, in the best of cases, would be hidden or work from anonymity so as not to draw unwanted attention to them.

In the worst of coincidences, the extinction and ultimate death of their souls was something to behold. Even the traitor of Gorthaur, a Maiar of Greater Rank who changed his name to suit his new role under the Fallen Valar, was not exempt from the fact that his ruse could result in a certainty. Feigning regret would get her nowhere, and that's something she can't even consider.

Zālga'nid:(Thinking) I must take my spiritual form now. With my infinite speed, I can reach any distance automatically. I'll deal with restructuring my body later.

Upon arriving at a higher plane of existence, Zālga'nid chooses not to take inappropriate risks and makes sure that she is not pursued, hiding in the center of the lands of "Avathar", former home of the eldritch abomination nicknamed "Ungoliant".

This place abandoned by the hand of existence itself, Eru, the Valar and the Universe, would be the perfect place to hide. As long as he didn't come face to face with the monstrosity, of course. In Fact, the probability of having legendary bad luck would be brutal and at a clear overwhelming disadvantage.

The demonic entity sits on the floor and changes its form into that of a solid rock. Not so much out of fatigue, but because he wanted to give himself the opportunity to contact the rest of her companions by telepathy. Her suspicions are immediate, only 41, including her and Gorthaur, or Sauron, had survived. Scattered and being hunted to turn them into soft ethereal entities.

Considering that she was even a direct subordinate to any minor god, it would be foolish to stand by and watch while doing absolutely nothing. Waiting for everything to fall to you is not an option. And even less passivity.

On the whole, and after seeing the ancient black cobwebs of Ungoliant, her came up with a potentially stupid but viable idea. Or at least, that would be the case if she were a true mortal and not a non-physical, immortal being who lived for thousands of eons before setting foot on Arda.

Zālga'nid:(Thinking) I will have to return to the higher planes of existence. The physical universe is a limitation.

As Valaruakar, she abandoned her rock form and propelled herself into the spirit world. While her knew that his creator, or her former master, twould be furious at her defiance of divine rules and following Morgoth's corruption. Her escape as an energetic entity was his only possibility.

For the first time, I reach the Void. The Abyss, also called the Timeless Void, is an existence of pure darkness, alien to physical reality and the Timeless Halls of Eru. And, if assumptions are correct, it is the home of the preceding "Ungoliant".

Zālga'nid, in all likelihood, believed that there was something beyond the bubble of Eru Iluvatar. And if the experience with the supposed spider wasn't a warning. It was implied that there "outside" would be a realm of chaos, monstrosities and "nameless" aberrations.

???: Little girl.

If I were you, I wouldn't open the portal. (Behind Zālga'nid, before she decided to do what she planned, a rumble is heard in her mind.

A decisive and serious stoic vocality with solenme firmness, with a soft, slow touch, and with a constant sensation of echo.

A familiarity for the Greater Balrog)

Zālga'nid, the Balrog who sought to produce this existential alienation, pays attention to that paular excreted by a being with whom she had already rubbed shoulders in the past.

Turning her body 180 degrees from the right, her vision is directed to a gravitational monstrosity with a brutal and lethal extreme field of attraction.

A black hole which, in another universe, would be equivalent to something 7,000 times larger than TON 618. A natural warp of existence that is 66 billion times larger in mass than Earth's Sun, or in this case, of the central star that illuminates the world of Arda.

There is the entire accretion disk, a tangerine orange hue, surrounding the spherical event horizon where 100,00 wings of sidereal length extend. These extensions blend into a stabilizing flight that heads in all directions.

Internally, at each end there are thousands of galaxies. With a countless dose of stars and cosmic phenomena that reflect the secondary dimension that is the physical universe of Arda. Or in better expression, the material universe where entropy and creation are shaped and annihilated.

Each "dot", or galaxy, represents a life, history, destiny, soul and timer. All within the guardian of endless time, the eternal dead and the infinite knowledge of decillions of eons.

A monstrosity, with such gravitational force, should have torn it to pieces on the physical plane. Since, being a cosmic devourer, not all of its resistance would be enough to last 1 second near that.

But this is a higher dimension or plane of existence. Where the laws of physics are applied so differently, it would be useless to try to compare it with the fragility of three-dimensionality. Since Namo, or "Mandos" to mortals, is the key, the door and the protector of his own living room. Who in turn, is the same temporality.

Námo: You're a disappointment, you know.

It is a pity that your potential was wasted during your journey. (The Valar, who has no exaltation in his disturbing and monotonous chatter, reminds his former student of his dilemma in that she will be done)

You're not my problem, Zālga'nid.

Well, next time you're going to betray someone, you could try not to stub your foot and turn into jelly.

Zālga'nid: I still don't understand your sense of humor.

And what do you want?

Did you come to gloat about how everything I did went to hell?

Or did you do that in 5 minutes last week in 7 centuries?

Námo: My time around the first moments within 7 eons in the previous 3 minutes was not lost in laziness.

You are not as important as your lack of wisdom makes you out to be.

But that is not the topic today, Zālga'nid.

He arrived with a proposal, and it's up to you whether you accept the conditions or not. (Before the less powerful of the two questions what he means, a jet of energy emerges from the event horizon that spirals to the left. , and that crashes on his spiritual being.

That preponderant burst of power revitalizes not only some things that she thought were lost, but something more...personal.

Anticipating the strangeness of her former second best maiar, the minor god allows his old protégé to express herself)

Zālga'nid: Don't beat around the bush.

What's it all about?

Námo: Manwë, the chief.

And Eru, they know you plan to get out of here.

I'm sure you thought about that, so I came here to give you 2 options.

The alternatives are:

1: Taking the risk of leaving the only moderately safe place for you, and potentially being a desirable target for many creatures infinitely worse in nature than your "current master."

2: Face the judgment of the Valar in my rooms so that we can dictate your punishment together.

The creator will be present.

Well, he is everywhere.

For the Fallen Maiar, who has the expertise to know in perception that something is wrong. Or she partially knows.

That Námo, the second most intransigent divine entity only behind Morgoth, would never give anyone a chance or take pity on someone if things were not especially favorable or because, regularly, Eru Iluvatar tied their hands to prevent resolution. All without its ties.

Unless they find 4 options.

1: The chances of something else happening are considerable.

2: There is a threat that disturbs the delicate line between distant surveillance and certain destiny that forces you to intervene.

3: Because Eru ordered it so

O 4: ....It was his last farewell

Faced with this question, and knowing that it. Being an Extraordinary Genius, she is nowhere near the near omniscience that a Valar has.

Zālga'nid: Let me guess, these two are the best ways to act because the rest breaks the balance of what 'he wants?'

Námo: You have no choice. Once taken, there is no return. Now. Choose. The choice is yours. It's your destiny or lack thereof. Up to you.

I am nothing, and that is fine with me. You are the one who gives direction to its existence. All your problems are solely your fault and responsibility, you arrogant foolish girl.

Zālga'nid: I'll take the first one and venture beyond the reality bubble. I'm getting out of this damn universe!

Her, using the manipulation of reality and the manipulation/creation of concepts. Which come hand in hand with this shape. He manages, with too much effort, to open a gap to the void itself, hearing grunts and sensations of terror of the unknown.

Since she created her own concept of energy, she can leave that hole open for a minute.....Until an misshapen, execrable limb emerges on the other side. There he understands one thing: Someone has to leave and "something else" has to enter.

Zālga'nid does not want to know anything else and crosses the nothing between universes. A dimension of Chaos and malice, a barren site of dead gods, demons, archdevils and universal or conceptual manipulators. A place of primordial chaos beyond any multiverse.