

A girl named Violet and A guy named Arthur got reincarnated into a new world. Suddenly, they see a monster and it attacked them. Will they survive? What is this world? Why are they here?

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14 Chs

Solviered Kingdom: UNKNOWN HOODIES


Solviered Kingdom: Part 8


"The place is called the Leucus Pond where we had found the footprints of the Deadly. We don't know where the Deadly is but the footprints show it went north-east. The Solviered town is located towards the south-east. If you don't manage to kill it, it might be the end for the Solviered Kingdom. It will turn into a forbidden piece of land. It was time for the search," Violet was thinking while getting down from the horse carriage and taking her wand.

"We won't find it if we go in the same direction but we all will die if we go different paths. We'll all stick together,"Prince said.

Violet was walking, her face seemed normal but in her mind, a storm was going on,"We were walking. This forest, it is giving me weird vibes. Like a thing is always watching me, a creature is sitting on my neck. An invisible power that is touching me. How could a beautiful forest be like this? The beautiful coloured leaves, which can be compared with emeralds. The branches which are shining in sunlight. The paths were straight and flat. All the trees grew from the same place in this flat space. It was really weird. The leaves which fell in the ground are dead but they still look so beautiful. It still has a pleasant lime colour. How could a beautiful place like this ever be? The weird presence, what is it? I feel like something is on me but I don't feel any weight. I just feel its presence. Just this presence is enough to give me goosebumps."

Going through this beautiful forest, everything seemed normal. They were walking and looking around them. Not only that, but Violet realised something.

"Prince is doing something. If I put magic powers in my eyes, I can see some kind of aura around him."She had no clue what the Prince was doing.

They were walking until they crossed a mountain. They actually walked straight to this mountain. The Prince and Hakuji knew that there is a mountain here. From the Leucus Pond, this mountain can't be seen but it starts to be visible as someone walks into the forest. This mountain holds a Best dungeon, but now it is empty. This mountain doesn't hold a name.

They started to climb up the mountain. It wasn't hard since it has marked paths. They have to just climb up a little in the middle but other than that they just walk up the mountain. There is also a bit of a tall place at the end, if they climb it they'll reach the top of the mountain. Hakuji and Prince didn't have much problem climbing it. It was sure that they had been here before. But for Violet, it wasn't that easy. Hakuji was guiding and telling her how to climb up standing on top, when Violet slipped her hands. She almost fell but fortunately, the Prince had caught her hand. He pulled her up.

"Are you ok?"the Prince asked.

"Yes, thanks to you or I would have fallen,"Violet replied.

"Hakuji, you should have helped her a little you know,"the Princess said.

"Sorry prince, I was just training her what to do if she ever faced a situation like this when she is on a mission alone,"Hakuji replied.

"Your thinking is right also,"the Prince said. The prince always had this kind smile. He never looked angry at anything. Even at this, he wasn't angry at Hakuji or Violet.

They climbed up the mountain, and now they could see all 4 directions really well. They could see far. They were looking around for a clue.

"Prince, I see a lake there,"Hakuji said while pointing at a lake in the north-east direction.

"It is located in the same direction as the Leucus Pond. We might find another clue there,"He added.

"You are right, let's go,"the Prince said.

"Violet, you know how we will climb down right?"Prince said while looking at Violet.

"Yes I know, wh-"Violet was saying when she saw that Hakuji had jumped from the mountain. Her jaw dropped, she ran to the edge of the mountain to see what happened to Hakuji. Hakuji was falling when he put some magic power on his feet. He fell to the ground and the environment became dusty around him. When the dust vanished, what Violet saw was jaw dropping. Hakuji was standing on the ground, unharmed. Being a brawler, he can jump from high places and land on the ground without being harmed. They put magical powers on their feet which can make the legs as hard as their magic capacity is. It can even turn as hard as diamond.

"It was amazing, wasn't it?"Prince said to Violet who was stunned watching this.

"Yeah, so cool,"Violet replied.

"Think about it. How much fun it will be when you do it,"Prince said.

"Yeah, it will be so co-"Violet realised that she has to do it.

"We are doing it,"Prince said.

"Bu…but…I am not experienced. What if I mess up?"Violet said.

"Come on, I'll be with you. Don't worry,"

"Wait….prince…no…."Violet was hesitant.

Prince put her hand on the shoulder of Violet.

"Hold your wand up." Violet does as the Prince said. "Put all your concentration in your hands. Remember the training? Just do as you remember. You did it in a small height before. Just think this is that one story building." Violet was hesitant still after this. She was holding the Prince like a kid. She was trying to do as the Prince said while she was shivering.

Putting all the concentration in her hands, she gathered the magic powers or magic cells.


This created an invisible wind pressure that was pushing upwards. Prince holded Violet and stood on it with Violet.

"Slowly, really slowly release the magic cells from this,"Prince said.

Doing as Prince said, they started getting down as if it was an elevator. Violet was so scared she was still holding the prince as if she was 5 years old.

They had reached the ground.

"Violet, we reached,"the Prince said.

"Thank god, sorry Prince. I was so scared that I holded you,"

"Hahah! No worries. I know how you feel. First time I ever did this, I remember how I holded my father. Watching you, makes me remember those days,"Prince said.

They started heading to the north-east in the hope of finding a clue. Violet was embarrassed as she holded prince like that. To feel less embarrassed, she questioned the prince about his father.

"Prince, so where is your father?"

"Oh, he died,"

She wanted to be less embarrassed instead she was embarrassed more.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't know it,"

"Hahah! No problem. We know that you don't remember anything,"the prince said.

"He died in a war 5 years ago. Ever since then we only went to 2 wars. We lost both of them. We have been losing our adventurers and warriors since then. We are trying to avoid a war at all costs. We lost warriors, our people, our territory, our wealth and a lot of things,"Prince added.

"I am so sorry,"Violet said.

"No, why are you apologising? It's not your fault. I remember what my father used to say. "Why should an ant get punished if it was the mantis's fault?'' It was funny everytime he said it. He was such a great person. He trained me and my brother magic, by himself though there were so many tutors at that time. He loved us very much. My sister couldn't use the magical powers. She was a normal human. My father taught her all the tactics of war. He really loves us a lot. After mother passed, he was the one making sure we were always smiling. He used to be really good at wars but the sudden rise of the neighbouring kingdoms resulted in our fall. We used to have a lot of territory until 17 years ago when this happened,"

"Where are your siblings?"

"They died too in an incident a month ago. They were in the Solviedge town when there was an chaos. Somehow the whole town burned to crisp. Everything became pitch black. They were good siblings to have. They were really fun to be with and were obedient too."

"You have been through a lot."

"Hahah! A normal life of a royalty I guess. I am completely fine now. I have gotten over the incident,"Prince didn't lose his smile a bit. Even remembering these incidents, it didn't break him a bit. He still had the kindest smile on his face. Violet looked at him and smiled. She really liked how positive he is.

Suddenly, a spear was seen coming towards them. Hakuji quickly moved forward and caught it. Due to his moving quickly, as soon as he caught the spear, it snapped in half. Then two people jumped on Hakuji.

The people wore a grey hooded coat. Prince held his wand forward…


Despite the blast of small, still both of them went flying backwards.

"Hakuji, run towards that pond with Violet. I'll catch up to you,"Prince ordered.

"Yes, prince,"Hakuji replied.

Violet didn't really understand anything. She just followed the orders of the prince and went with Hakuji. When she looked backwards, there were 6 people with the same grey hooded coat. Prince was standing alone….


[To be continued….]