
Expriment 0861-1 (cringe)

Stella Star had one dream. She had always wanted to enter the Academy of Light and Dark, very special school it's the best school in her whole country maybe the whole world, she had done everything to get into the school, put all of her work into it. And saved the principal's son from a speeding trunk and was sent to the hospital for it. Helped out during the festival, only to realize this academy is not an academy at all. But only a fraud to cover up something darker. If you want to know what please read the story. :)

Glitch_S1mp · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 6

I really couldn't focus on what is happening because I was still thinking about Clara. All my life Clara had been the kid who was always the nice one and was constantly proving the truth. I just can't come up with an image of Clara, what is the worst that she can do? I walked Flower shop and started to sell flowers to people. And Carl didn't come back because.

1. The school has dorms.

2. few free days.

And that's it, I had no idea when Carl's free days. Sorry, I am getting off-topic. I was working in the shop while the Sunrise festival comes near. And I can't wait for it. It's a festival of people dressed up in pastel colors, it goes on for a week. Monday-Tuesday is partying, Wesday- Friday the school's students concept to be the best student in the school. And Saturday and Sunday there is a huge ball thrown, everyone was invited. I can't wait and don't ask because it's a long and boring legend. Today was the day before the Festival so we are going to the Grande Mall I can't wait. You see our shop has grown richer. And better, I can't wait again. I got my bag and waited outside as mom and dad closed the shop. We jumped in a taxi and we arrived at the mall it was the biggest mall ever. It has to marble floor and pillars conctent selling. It has four floors and a basement. Basement parking, 1st-floor grocery, pets, 2nd-floor food giant balcony looking out of the city view. The third and fourth floor is everything plus clothes, also Balconies. We went to the Third floor, And I and my mom are just picking loose sleeved dresses. I went with a lavender color and mom went with light blue. We checked on dad and he bought a black suit and red bow tie lucky for him, men can wear anything, but not women. I bought two more dresses a ball gown for the ball, it is a dark blue dress with white butterflies. And another one it's a Grass- green color just like my eyes. We went back home, I cleaned up and fell asleep. Tomorrow I will have a lot of partying to do.