
Chapter 108 Pluton

What a grand scheme.

To incite hostility between the people and the king, then let both sides fight each other to the death, only to emerge and take over the country.

Such a cunning and vicious plan.

Throughout this plot, how many people in Alabasta have suffered, lost their homes, and been subjected to starvation, thirst, and torment? Crocodile's ambition has made him less than human.

When people around the world heard about what Crocodile had done in Alabasta, they were furious.

What is the World Government doing? How could they recruit such a person as one of Shichibukai?

If he wasn't a Warlord, how could such a plan have been executed? How could people have lowered their guard against a pirate?

Those who were already dissatisfied with the system of Shichibukai became even angrier, feeling that the World Government didn't value their lives and only cared about recruiting powerful forces at their expense.

The people of Alabasta felt as if they had just awakened from a nightmare. It was all part of Crocodile's scheme. All the suffering they endured over the years was caused by Crocodile himself.

They had all been used!

The awakened rebel army, setting aside their grievances and hatred towards King Cobra, turned their attention to Crocodile and Baroque Works, the ones responsible for all of this. They sought revenge and aimed to drive these thieves who wanted to steal their country away!

At this moment, the royal army, rebel army, and civilians of Alabasta were all united under one name: the people of Alabasta, fighting to protect their homeland.

Baroque Works saw the situation and fled like rats crossing the street. They no longer cared about their ideal nation plan.

The conspiracy had been exposed, and the dream of their ideal nation was shattered. They had to leave this place and focus on surviving.

Not only were the people of Alabasta angry, but soon the Marines would arrive. They wouldn't be able to escape then.

Crocodile clenched his cigar tightly, his face wearing an ugly expression as he listened to Robin's description. Robin who knew his secrets better than anyone else, had revealed his entire plan.

He was finished. The plan for Alabasta had completely failed, and he would be stripped of his title as one of Shichibukai by the World Government.

But... he hadn't lost yet!

A ruthless glint flashed in Crocodile's eyes. Alabasta was just the starting point for his ideal nation, not a necessity. There were plenty of other countries in the world that could serve as substitutes.

What mattered most wasn't Alabasta, but Nico Robin and the poneglyph containing the location of Pluton.

He couldn't leave now. He had to capture Nico Robin, find the poneglyph, and extract the location of Pluton from her.

As long as he had Pluton, his goal could still be achieved!

The most urgent task now was to wait for the end of the QnA broadcast, then capture Nico Robin and find the poneglyph.

Since they had already torn off the facade, there was no need to worry about those things. They would just snatch them directly.

However, Crocodile couldn't possibly imagine that the Nico Robin she was looking for was currently inside the moon.

Luke nodded slightly. "Correct answer. Now, onto the next question.

6thQuestion: What does Crocodile intend to achieve by using Nico Robin?"

Those who had been angry at Crocodile for disregarding the lives of the people of Alabasta in his pursuit of ambition suddenly froze upon hearing Luke's question.

Nico Robin?

Wasn't Nico Robin Crocodile's accomplice?

Wasn't it Nico Robin who helped Crocodile in his plot to steal Alabasta?

Isn't this what he used Nico Robin for?

Could there be some hidden secret behind all this?

At this point, many people were left speechless. Are you pirates really playing such devious games? It's as if being a pirate requires high intelligence. How are ordinary people supposed to survive in this?

They were already shocked by Blackbeard Teach, who manipulated even the Four Emperors and Admiral Sengoku. And now, Crocodile pops up, one scheme after another. How many layers are you planning to set up?

As for Sengoku and the Five Elder, their eyes became serious upon hearing this.

Nico Robin... her only ability, and the only thing that would make them concerned, is her ability to read the ancient language.

If Crocodile intends to use her, then it must be related to that.

What does Crocodile want to gain from the poneglyph?!

This thought furrowed the brows of the Five Elder.

They initially thought it was just a simple pirate plot to steal a country, but now it seemed that the situation was even more complex than they had imagined.

"Immediately dispatch Cipher Pol agents to Alabasta. Neither Crocodile nor Nico Robin should be allowed to escape!" ordered the Five Elder.

The influential figures in the New World also turned their attention to Nico Robin in the live broadcast. The situation seemed to be getting more interesting.

Crocodile had been busy for three years. What exactly was he up to?

Doflamingo also became interested and sat up. He initially thought Crocodile only wanted to replicate his own country theft, but it turned out that this guy had other intentions.

Doflamingo suddenly thought of the background of the Nefertari royal family, the only royal family among the Twenty Kingdoms that refused to move to Mariejois with the Tenryuubito.

He narrowed his eyes. "Could it be that the Nefertari royal family also harbors some unknown secrets?"


This question made Robin hesitate. She didn't know if it was good or bad to reveal this information.

This was about the location of the ancient weapon, Pluton, and it could potentially trigger a world-class war.

Pluton, the ancient weapon, was no less powerful than Whitebeard's Quake-Quake Fruit ability, as it possessed the power to destroy the world.

If this information was revealed, it would likely drive the Marines, pirates, revolutionaries, and even the kings of the allied countries into madness, rushing to obtain it.

This would bring even greater suffering to Alabasta, which was already in turmoil.

Although she had carried out many actions under Crocodile's command that were detrimental to the people here, even if it wasn't her, Crocodile would have used someone else, and she wouldn't have been safe at that time either.

Although she had no personal connection with the people of Alabasta, she didn't want to see innocent people die tragically. It reminded her of the tragedy of Ohara.

However, she also knew that even if she answered incorrectly, Luke would still reveal the correct answer. So she decided to answer.

But in her heart, she wondered, what was Luke's intention?

She was finding it harder and harder to understand him.

Initially, Robin thought that Luke wanted to oppose the Five Elder by deliberately asking her about Ohara, exposing the dirty secrets of the World Government to the world. But now it veered towards Crocodile, and as far as she knew, Crocodile had no connection to Luke.

What was the purpose of this mysterious man?

With these doubts in mind, Robin gave her answer: "Answer: Crocodile wants me to find the ancient weapon Pluton for him."

As Robin spoke, people around the world widened their eyes.

Sengoku, the Five Elder, Big Mom, Kaido, Whitebeard, Shanks... all the powerful figures focused their gaze on Robin in the live broadcast.

Ancient weapon, Pluton!

This was the terrifying weapon said to be capable of sinking an entire island with a single shot. After all the planning, Crocodile's true objective was to find this weapon.

Upon hearing this, Sengoku and the Five Elder couldn't sit still. If it involved an ancient weapon, it must not fall into the hands of these pirates under any circumstances.

Otherwise, the world would descend into chaos!

Kaido, Big Mom, Doflamingo, and other major pirates eagerly fixed their attention on Robin, their eyes filled with desire.

Where was this Pluton?


"After entering the Grand Line, I was discovered by members of Crocodile's Baroque Works not long after. Soon after, Crocodile himself captured me. He was searching for a powerful weapon, and the strongest weapons in the world are the three ancient weapons. However, their locations are recorded in the Poneglyph.

He knew my identity and that I could read the ancient language, so he forced me to search for the ancient weapons for him. Later, we obtained some clues. It was said that the Nefertari royal family was one of the twenty kingdoms that founded the World Government and the only one that didn't become Tenryuubito. They gave up becoming a Tenryuubito, which must conceal some secret.

After investigating further, we found that the Nefertari royal family possesses a poneglyph that likely contains the location of the ancient weapon Pluton. This powerful weapon can sink an entire island with a single shot and possesses the power to destroy the world.

So, Crocodile and the Baroque Works came to Alabasta. That was his true objective. Stealing Alabasta wasn't his real goal; he wanted to find Pluton and use it to establish a powerful military nation. That was his ideal nation plan."

The news about Alabasta possessing a poneglyph that held the location of the ancient weapon Pluton immediately spread worldwide.

Countless ambitious individuals became envious and wished they were in Alabasta right now.

Now they understood why Crocodile went to such great lengths and targeted Alabasta. It was all about the ancient weapon Pluton.

If they had known about this, they would have done everything in their power to obtain it.

The ancient weapon capable of sinking an island with a single shot, it was said that the abyss in Enies Lobby was created by Pluton. Which ambitious person wouldn't want to possess such a powerful weapon?

Big Mom, Kaido, Doflamingo... their greed and desire were almost overflowing.

If they could get their hands on this, they wouldn't fear the World Government in the future. They could even flatten the Marineford and Mariejois, or rather, simply blow them up.

With this weapon, who would they fear?


The Four Emperors?

They would become the rulers of the world!

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