
Exploring Worlds as a God

Naruto Uzumaki Shinto(Don't let the name fool you) was just an average guy living an average life. He enjoyed his anime and games and was what you would call 'cultured. Unfortunately, he had a deep dark secret that he did not want anyone to find out. Now he was dead, which meant your typical 'ask for wishes and get reincarnated' shtick. Now Naruto finally had an outlet to vent out his deepest, darkest desires. THIS IS JUST A POWER FANTASY/ COMEDY SO PLEASE DON'T READ THIS IF YOUR EXPECTING SOMETHING LIFE CHANGING.

smol_benis · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Kazuma, the voice of culture

Currently, our protagonist was staring back at what he believes to be the universe.

"Hello, Hello anyone there" came a voice from inside his head. This voice sounded more masculine when compared with god, it sounded more like a friend.

"Yes. Umm who are you?" Naruto asked.

"Well, care to take a guess. You wished for the all the powers and abilities of Rimuru, did you not." replied the voice.

"Wait! Are you supposed to be my version of Ciel" Naruto answered. Obviously he was correct, this voice was Naruto's version of Ciel, a super A.I with personality.

"Ding, ding! That's right I am, but I don't wanna be called Ciel, instead call me" the voice said, before pondering its name, "Kazuma".

"Kazuma, huh, are you sure you are worthy of that name"

"Of course I believe so"

"Then let me quiz you, to see you worthiness."

<Begin Quiz>

"Alright I'll start some sentences and you have to end them. Sounds fair?" Naruto replied.

"Sounds fair enough, lets start" said the voice.

"Alright. You thought it would be JoJo but..

"KONO DIO DA" yelled the voice.

"Good, good you even said it in Japanese. People die"

"..When they are killed"

"Wise words from a wise man."


"Talking about peace whilst spilling blood.."

"..it's something that only humans can do. Fuck black zetsu."

"You are a preacher of facts. Alright last question, JoJo, being a human means having limits. I've learned something... The more carefully you scheme, the more unexpected events come along. As long as you're human..."

"I reject my humanity, JoJo!"

<End quiz>

"You truly are a man of culture, as expected of the one who wishes to wear the name of Kazuma.", Naruto praised the voice in his head.

"Thank you my good man. I shall now be known as Kazuma" replied Kazuma.

The two men of culture would have done a very cultured handshake if they were to meet face to face.

"Alright, now that, that's out of the way. Could you explain where we are" asked Naruto, he had almost forgotten about the fact that he had no clue where he was.

"Oh yea, this is just a universe I made in preparation for your arrival. Only we can access this dimension, and its where our true body will be stored."

"Oh I see. Why can't we just go to the other world like this?"

"Because we would be breaking the very fabric of reality"

"Ah that would be very bad"

"Yes that would. All you really have to do is just make a clone and I'll send it to the other world."

Immediately, a figure began to form right next to where Naruto's 'true body'. He decided to make it look exactly like Rimuru, to pay homage to his predecessor.

"Hey, quick question. Could you make a dick?" asked Naruto. A genuine question, in the web novel Ciel did not allow Rimuru to form genitalia.

"Yea sure. Why you want one" replied Kazuma.

"Nah, its fine, I was just asking"

"Alright well whatever. Anyway, I made it so the clone will by default how 10 percent of our total power. We could always add more power if the situation call for it.

"That seems fair."

With that brief exchange, the cloned body was finally finished. Before, Naruto transferred his consciousness to his clone, he had Kazuma scan the new world they are about to enter. They wanted to check which timeline they wanted to enter.

"Huh, lets see here. A war between three factions, big tittied devils, oppai dragons. This is fucking Highschool DxD" Naruto inferred.

"Yea seems like it. I mean, I can't lie I do like big tits"

"Can't argue with that. However I am more of a romantic kinda guy myself, I can't stand harems."

"That's facts. It makes no sense, how the hell does the guy handle 10 different women. Like do they all fuck in one night, or is it like one girl everyday? Also how the hell do the girls handle having to share dick with others, I mean people be getting divorces just because someone kissed another girl."

"I hear you brother.", both beings agreed with each other. Of course it made perfect sense.

"Anyway, Naruto, you wanna drop in when canon starts and go to school with the mc. We can fuck the story, and troll the protagonists"

"Dude, I fucking love you. Let's be brothers".

"hell yea, let's go brother". One that very day Kazuma and Naruto became brothers, before they teleported to Japan. A month before school starts in Kuoh academy. The protagonists are still living their lives in this world, not knowing that their lives will change forever because two beings wanted to have some fun.