
Exploring the World of To Love Ru

Most of the chapters are about 2000 words A boy reincarnating in To love Ru with a System, but here comes the problem he was not ready and made a mistake in making his wishes that he kinda regrets for days. Now finding himself in a world where aliens can be anywhere from being weak as an insect to being too powerful that can blast planets, how will he survive. The story will start horrible since I am new to writing but I think it improve on the later chapters. P.S the name of the OC is kinda unique and kinda funny but if you search, it kinda had a good history. All the characters except my Ocs are not mine, they belong to their respective owners. I also don't own the Profile cover. This is my first try at making fanfic so please don't complain if I made a mistake as I will just try to fix it. I don't even get even one penny on this it's totally free

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Summer Space Adventure Start

The school is finally finished and it's finally summertime, and do you know what my plans are?

It's to travel in space for two months Hahaha.

Since the time I visit planet plantas, I have always had this itch to explore this massive universe but I didn't since there is still school.

Oh if you think I care about my grades then you are so wrong, I do not care about school but the people there, Lala also likes going to school to go with her friends so I let it be since we have summer.

And now the time has come.

"Are you guys ready?"


Raikou, Lala, Yami, Mikan and this Evergreen are now carrying their large bags.

I also invited Rito but he refused saying someone needs to take care of the house.

As for Mikan she immediately agrees after I ask her and since she was being protected by Yami she also joined.

By the way, Mikan ate the devil fruit and thank goodness she didn't get the curse of one piece of not being able to swim.

Maybe it was because it's a different sea or the one I got from the system has no curse, anyway, it doesn't matter.

We are now about to ride my ship.

Yes! you heard it right, I had a private spaceship it was a gift from Lala on my birthday that I was unable to use until now.

We enter the ship, which I called the Wings of Freedom or WOF.

Yeah I know it's not original and I don't care as it is my wings now to freely fly in this vast universe.

Its size is about 3 house of ours combined, there is also an at least 8 Bedroom, a bathroom, Kitchen, Storage room, and control room there are rooms for other things but I won't explain it further.

This is already a moving house that can accommodate a large family.

Anyway, it's time to go!!

"See you guys in two months"

""Have a nice trip""

Rito and Saibai are waving their hands as we enter the spaceship I move to the control room and put the coordinates of the first planet I wanted to go to.

The ship started to work and hover at the top of our house before flashing out of the sky at light speed.

Inside the ship was me in the control room with the others, Mikan look around the place before looking at the window.

The stars that are always in one place when you view them on earth are now like fireflies that are flying passing our ship, she walks back and asks.

"Er-ni what type of planet are we going to on our first trip"

"Hehehe, I research a lot of planets before making my mind on this one, for other planets, it's just another planet but for some people on earth this is a paradise"

Mikan and others look at me with curiosity, Mikan asks.

"Which is?"

"This planet is called Animia"

I said it with a deep and slow voice which made Mikan gulp but all drama vanished in the next words.

"A planet filled with people that looks human with animal features"

She looks at me blankly with a judgemental look but Yami and Evergreen look clueless about what's special in that place and their people so Yami ask.

"What is special about it that you want to go there"

I look at her with melancholy which made her feel it might be something important but the next words change her view of me a bit.

"It is one of the dreams of otakus like me to meet cat girls, fox girls, dog girls and more, I already throw that dream away long ago until I saw this planet"

My words on the last part turn into a determined one, Yami now looks at me like I was a pervert and Evergreen just looks at me with contempt.


"I don't deny it, but I just really wanted to fulfil this dream and some others of mine"

"There's more!!"

I ignored Evergreen's outburst before looking at the time, it should take us about 2 hours before reaching planet Animia.

"So who wants to play Uno in the meantime?"

I took the cards out of my storage and they are at the table already.

So we played in the meantime as we wait for the ship to arrive at our destination, Mikan sometimes looks around the place and Raikou get some snacks for us to eat.

Before we knew it we arrive on planet Animia, we look out the window of the ship and saw a planet the same size as earth with more green than blue.




The ship received a call from the Animians the name of the entire race living here they are a species with the looks of human and animal features from what I read although I still didn't see one Animians I believe my dream of seeing a true cat girl is within my reach.

I answered the call and hear a female voice.

"This is the Space Landing Center of planet Animia, our radar detected your ship reaching our planet, please Identify yourself and your objective in coming please"

As far as I learned Space Landing Center is similar to an Airport where your plane I mean a spaceship will land and check your Identity.

They are spread around the galaxy although some planets similar to Earth have none of them as they have yet to reach the level of space travel.

As for the planet plantas, I heard that it was because they try to limit the amount of technology on their planet so they won't become something like planet earth and building a landing centre means that a lot of visitors will come and go which also brings a lot of waste or even try to poach things.

Anyway, I should also answer.

"Hello, this is Yuuki Errol a human from planet earth, my objective was to explore your Planet"

I waited for a reply but for some reason, it was silent on the other side so I try to probe if she was still there.


"Y-yas! I mean yes! can you please repeat what you just said"

Although I have an idea of why she is acting like that I still said it.

"This is Yuuki Errol a human from planet earth, my objective was to explore your Planet as part of vacation"

This time person on the other side clearly heard and was not mistaken.

"I see, Errol-sama I should send a location where your ship can land, please wait a moment"

"Take your time, I am not in a hurry"

I spoke out of politeness but on the other side, the person looks flustered.

"Ye-yes excuse me"

Then the call ended I walked back to the others to inform them that we are still going to wait for a few minutes before we could land.




On the planet Animia, in the office of Space Landing Center was looking like a woman in her mid-twenties looking at the 'phone' in a daze.

She has long blonde hair a beautiful delicate mature face a curvy body with a massive chest, she also has a fox tail and ears, she can be said similar to Lala a personification of both Innocence and Temptation in looks.


"Sorry for making you wait your highness"

Two woman enter the office and bow to her but they didn't get a response so one of them look up only to see her highness holding the 'phone' that is used to communicate spaceship that is arriving on the planet.

"Your highness are you ok?"

One of the woman call the Fox woman which wakes her up, she then looks at the lady with shyness.

"Akasia he's here..."

"Who's here your highness?"

The woman or Akasia was confused at the fox woman's reaction.


"My....destined one"


Akasia thought hard about who can make her highness like this before remembering the fight between the Ruler of the galaxy and his son-in-law or his successor.

They shock the whole galaxy from their fight, they already know that their ruler is capable of destroying a planet if he desires to but watching it is different from hearing it albeit a weaker version.

But to think that this ruler with unmatched power was fought equally by another man even if the king of Deviluke is in his weaker state is still something shocking.

But if his power already shocks everyone then his looks almost make everyone simp on him, one of them is the second princess of their planet that is in front of her right now.

"But how did you know your highness?"

"Ah! Well you were taking a lot of time to finish your business and the radar detected a ship coming, so I decided to play a bit and answer the call but...to think it was Errol-sama..."

The fox princess is started to lose in her own world again but a cough from her servant awakened her.

"Ah! (cough) anyway prepare the best landing area we have and send its location to Errol-sama"

The other lady in the room who is also the one should have answered the call instead of the princess bow and started to prepare.

"Akasia prepared my ride were going back to the castle"

"Eh but don't you want to meet him"

"Of course! but I am not ready yet! I need to go back and make my appearance as best as possible before meeting him..."

She looks like she was determined at first before acting shy in the last part.

Akasia sighed at her princess's reaction but can't blame her as she was also almost charmed deep by the King's successor.

The second princess was also quite uninterested in males which makes her single to this day.

"Hey akasia did you think of something rude just now"

Her thoughts were broken by the scary aura the fox princess was releasing as she was staring at her.

"N-no of course not your highness"

"I see~"

The Aura vanished replaced by a smiling princess like everything that happened was just akasia imagination which she knows it wasn't.

So they leave the place with the servant feeling lucky and didn't get the wrath of her princess and thought that the rage of being single for almost 30 years is scary.

Wait! I am also single and older than her...

Akasia thought and ended up being depressed and leaving with the fox princess like that.

Errol who just received the location and the permission to land didn't know that he already got the heart of a fox princess.