
Exploring the World of To Love Ru

Most of the chapters are about 2000 words A boy reincarnating in To love Ru with a System, but here comes the problem he was not ready and made a mistake in making his wishes that he kinda regrets for days. Now finding himself in a world where aliens can be anywhere from being weak as an insect to being too powerful that can blast planets, how will he survive. The story will start horrible since I am new to writing but I think it improve on the later chapters. P.S the name of the OC is kinda unique and kinda funny but if you search, it kinda had a good history. All the characters except my Ocs are not mine, they belong to their respective owners. I also don't own the Profile cover. This is my first try at making fanfic so please don't complain if I made a mistake as I will just try to fix it. I don't even get even one penny on this it's totally free

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Graduation, and Confession

<p>(Time skip: A year and a half later)<br/> <br/>It's been a year since I introduced Naruto to this world. Initially, the response was lukewarm, but after a few months, it became one of the most popular mangas in Japan. Its popularity continues to grow.<br/> <br/>I'm currently in my third year of high school, on the verge of graduation. Rito and I are finally returning home to celebrate.<br/> <br/>"Hey Rito, I have a question for you," I say.<br/> <br/>"What is it, Nii-san?" he asks.<br/> <br/>"Have you confessed your feelings to Sairenji yet this year?"<br/> <br/>He chokes on nothing, blushing furiously. Talk about shy. However, I realize I'm not in a position to tease him, having been single for 44 years, including my previous life.<br/> <br/>I decide to change that in this world.<br/> <br/>"Come on, this might be your last chance, you know," I tell him.<br/> <br/>"What do you mean by that?" he asks, looking doubtful.<br/> <br/>"Well, I heard that Sairenji and her sister are moving to another city to live with their parents," I inform him.<br/> <br/>"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" He looks shocked and panicked, holding his head in his hands. He turns to me, asking, "Nii-san, what should I do? I haven't had a chance to confess to her. Whenever I try, I feel embarrassed and hide, or something or someone always appears!"<br/> <br/>"Then confess to her now. Maybe there will be a miracle and she'll accept your confession and stay," I suggest, looking at him with an expression as if guiding a young man to the right path.<br/> <br/>Rito is stunned, his face turning a shade of red before determination sets in. "I will do it! Even if the chance is low, I will do it. Wait for me here, Nii-san!!" He looks at me with determination before running off.<br/> <br/>I feel sorry for him. It's true that Sairenji and her sister are moving to another city, but it's only for a vacation. They will return. I wanted to help him find the courage to confess since I found his situation amusing in the anime, but seeing it in person, I feel sympathy for him.<br/> <br/>I decide to follow him and hide in a corner after spotting Sairenji alone in the hallway.<br/> <br/>"Sai-Sairenji-san, can I have a moment with you?" Rito stutters, blushing, while Sairenji also blushes but hides it well.<br/> <br/>"Sure, Yuuki-kun, what is it?" she asks, trying to maintain a calm persona, but her heart is beating fast.<br/> <br/>Rito takes a deep breath, the scent of Sairenji's perfume making his heart race. "I heard you are moving to another city to live with your parents," he says, managing to keep his voice steady.<br/> <br/>"Yes, do you need something from there?" Sairenji asks, thinking he might want to ask her a favor.<br/> <br/>"I-I see," he says, lowering his head in disappointment. But then he remembers why he is there, and with renewed determination, he looks at her. "Sairenji-san, I-I..."<br/> <br/>I silently cheer him on, 'Go Rito!!'<br/> <br/>"I-I lo-"<br/> <br/>Sairenji waits as Rito is about to complete his sentence when his typical bad luck kicks in.<br/> <br/>"Oh, Sairenji, you are here," a female voice interrupts before he can finish.<br/> <br/>"Oh, Risa, what is it?" Sairenji asks, protecting her chest area.<br/> <br/>"Nothing, I was just looking for you. Hurry up, your sister is already waiting for you with a big package of food for our celebration. Oh, Rito, I didn't see you there. Can I borrow her for a bit? Her sister's arms are getting tired from carrying all that food," Risa says.<br/> <br/>Rito nods absentmindedly. "Then what was the thing you were going to say? If it's important, I think a minute isn't too much to wait," Sairenji asks.<br/> <br/>"Oh, it's nothing, just saying goodbye," Rito replies in a depressed tone. As always, Sairenji, being dense when it comes to Rito, just accepts it.<br/> <br/>"I see, then goodbye also, Yuuki-kun," she says.<br/> <br/>To Sairenji, it's nothing major, just a goodbye. But to Rito, it feels like the end of his love life with her. He watches her walk away as if she's being whisked off to a church to get married.<br/> <br/>Risa watches him in amusement, wondering what he's thinking. She then notices me watching her with a death glare. Risa feels scared, thinking I'm still angry with her for touching my stuff, so she quickly grabs Sairenji and leaves.<br/> <br/>"Eh, Risa, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?" Sairenji asks.<br/> <br/>"Oh-oh, nothing, it's just that you forgot to pack your clothes. And I also have a list of souvenirs I want you to buy on your vacation before you return here. So, come on," Risa replies, making a quick exit.<br/> <br/>"Eh-ehhh?" Sairenji stammers, clearly confused, while Risa, possibly misunderstanding the situation, quickly ushers her away. The two of them disappear from our sight.<br/> <br/>I turn to see Rito, who looks utterly surprised.<br/> <br/>"Eh, a vacation?" he murmurs, realization dawning on him. "So, it was just a vacation!"<br/> <br/>He falls onto his backside, relief washing over him. "Thank goodness. I almost saw her getting married to some random guy."<br/> <br/>With the confession attempt ending in failure, I return to where we were standing and wait for Rito to gather himself. He looks as though he hasn't slept for days.<br/> <br/>"Nii-san," he calls out.<br/> <br/>"Yes," I respond.<br/> <br/>"I feel like I've just been on a roller coaster," he says.<br/> <br/>"I see," I reply, understanding his emotional turmoil.<br/> <br/>"Nii-san," he calls out again.<br/> <br/>"Yes," I respond once more.<br/> <br/>"Can you carry me? My legs feel weak," he requests.<br/> <br/>"Sure," I agree readily. It was my idea to encourage his confession, after all. So, I hoist him onto my back and we start the journey home.<br/><br/></p>