
Exploring the World of To Love Ru

Most of the chapters are about 2000 words A boy reincarnating in To love Ru with a System, but here comes the problem he was not ready and made a mistake in making his wishes that he kinda regrets for days. Now finding himself in a world where aliens can be anywhere from being weak as an insect to being too powerful that can blast planets, how will he survive. The story will start horrible since I am new to writing but I think it improve on the later chapters. P.S the name of the OC is kinda unique and kinda funny but if you search, it kinda had a good history. All the characters except my Ocs are not mine, they belong to their respective owners. I also don't own the Profile cover. This is my first try at making fanfic so please don't complain if I made a mistake as I will just try to fix it. I don't even get even one penny on this it's totally free

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs


It's been a week since the birthday of Sairenji and Lala's identity as an alien was out.

Honestly, I never thought that it was just like in the anime or manga and they just accept it like it was normal.

Well, I already long learn not to question anime logic so Meh.

Anyway, my life was quite normal these days even my fight with Evergreen has been a routine already.

But for some reason, I feel like something will happen today.

I was walking to school with Rito, Lala, Raikou and Evergreen.

As we are bickering each other evergreen suddenly stops and looks at me closely.

Evergreen ask.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You feel off for some reason"

Evergreen says, looks like she noticed.

"Well how should I say this, let's just say I feel something troublesome will come today and I never got wrong so I am just looking around trying to not be caught off guard"

She looks around before saying

"Whatever as long as you were the target for that then I got no problem"


This flat Greenhead...




We reach the school and go to our classroom, the morning class proceeds normally but that troublesome feeling is still there and even getting stronger.

I look around and saw nothing, I look out the window and saw a kid...


No wonder I am feeling like this, cause why in the hell did this Troublesome Ruler come here without any notice!

Anyway, it looks like he is really a pervert no wonder, he approved of Rito and got angry at him cause he was so indecisive when he got a wonderful ability.

Cause right now he was taking advantage of his child like appearance to molest the girls at the tennis court and got away.




He was laughing as he touched their chests.

For some reason, I, feel disappointed in the ruler of the galaxy.

I took some pictures who knows maybe we can use this to blackmail him on his wife.

I then saw Rito take Sairenji away as she was part of the tennis club and after seeing what happens to them he didn't want to it to happen to her.

Gid look at them funnily and decide to prank them so he followed them.

Anyway, it's time to meet this OP father-in-law of mine although a weaker version with a playful, mischievous and perverted personality.

I walk out of the classroom moving towards the rooftop where they are headed.

When I was at the door I heard their voices on the other side so I open it up.

"So where is your brother, kid"

"I don't want to hear a kid calling me a kid"

I open the door and all who were there look at me, Rito was about to call out to me but Gid walked toward me and fondled my chest.

"Eh, a flat one at least you are beautiful, even quite close to my wife's level"

I blinked not knowing how to react to this situation but Rito spoke.

"That's my brother"


Gid stopped fondling and look at me and I look at him.


It was quiet for a moment before he slowly remove his hand and walk away from me facing me with his backside with his hands on the back.

"So your Yuuki Errol the one to make my daughter fall in love"

So you're just going to ignore what just happened...I'm with you.

It's just too weird.

"Yep, and you are...my father-in-law?"

It's quite weird saying these words to him who looks like a kid but his voice is kinda manly.

"Heh, so you notice, that is quite rare for someone to recognise me, looks like you are also quite perceptive, you got some points from me"

He turned around and grin with his shark-like teeth at me and walk closer.

"But still to think you are this beautiful are you a descendant of a charmian?"

He asks curiously.

"Nope, I am a pure human"

"Heheheh, then your planet made a miracle since it's rare to find someone as beautiful as you or powerful in space, you even got my daughter"

He started to praise me, it kinda makes me flattered but his next words made it turn into a frown.

"I come here to take you guys on the Deviluke for your marriage including your other girl, aren't you happy the Emperor himself come to personally pick you up and even allow you to marry another one"

Although what he says might make anyone to agree immediately but.

"Can we postpone our marriage"

My words made his grin vanish and glare at me.

"Are you hesitating on marrying my daughter?"

He is releasing some heavy aura around him when he asks although it didn't affect me both Rito and Sairenji were around so I release mine to protect them.

"No, I just don't want our dreams to be gone for marrying earlier"

"Hoh, you even got some nerves to refute me"

He is slowly increasing the pressure he is emitting which I match.

The ground around us and walls are starting to crack.

Some people with a high sense like Yami, Raikou and lala already noticed that something is wrong on the rooftop.

Even Mikado felt something wrong as she felt that the atmosphere feel like it was heavy.

Me and Gid are staring at each other the pressure around is still increasing and could already kill most of the creatures just by being close.

Rito and Sairenji are lucky as I was protecting them from our presence.

Gid was staring at me for a moment before he grins then started to laugh out loud.

"hehehehahahaha, it's a been a long time since someone refute me like this except for my wife and daughter, to be even able to keep up with me like this hahaha"

All the aura around him vanished which I also do, the heavy atmosphere around disappears as Rito and Sairenji were sweating.



Suddenly Lala and Raikou came out of the door and rush toward me.

"Oh! hey Lala"

Hearing a familiar voice Lala look towards to that direction and was surprised to see Gid.


Gid look at Raikou as she walks and stood behind me.

Hearing her words Rito and Sairenji look surprised that the kid was her father.

"But he's just a kid?.."

Rito spoke subconsciously but a new voice reach us.

"No, he is without a doubt our Ruler and master of our galaxy"

Zastin arrives as he kneels in front of Gid.

Gid look at him then at us as he grins and spoke.

"Now that I think I haven't introduced myself yet, I am Gid Lucione Deviluke the king of Deviluke and the ruler of this Galaxy"

Although I already know but the way he said it even if he looks like a kid was kinda something as he was also releasing his aura.

He turns to Lala.

"Lala do you know why I came to earth, I sent some message before coming here, did Zastin already tell you?"


Her answers made Gid turn to the now sweating subordinate.

"Well what is your reason I will allow you to explain"

"Ye-yes! Maar decided to visit earth a month ago and keep of trying to hit on me which made me run...not noticing the message"

"Maar is here?"

Maar's name made Gid understand most of the things that happened.

"Yes, but he left immediately at night from a report"

"Whatever, Lala my successor or in other words your fiance has already been decided and it was.....Yuuki Errol"

"Isn't it obvious"

I subconsciously answer which he ignored, this guy really likes his own pace.

"I have been hearing a good report about him from Zastin, and since it was Lala who wishes it, I decided to respect it"

"My wishes?"

Lala looks surprised cause he didn't even care who she married as long as he passed the throne.

"Hahaha, exactly aren't I a great father hahahaha"

But his laughed slowly died down.

"I was about to bring both of you to the Deviluke and marry each other, but this pretty boy just doesn't want to do it"

Lala look unsurprised as she spoke

"Eh, I already know about it, since we plan to marry each other after finishing school on earth"

That made him raise his eyebrows.

"And how long does it take to finish earth school?"

"Ummm about 6 years?"

"Then nope, we're going home now"

"No way!! you just want to pass your job on to us and laze around somewhere"

He just looks away while whistling and so I just watch a father and daughter arguing.

It's really weird to see a little boy and a teenage girl calling him Papa.

Anyway, they were like that until Gid finally surrendered and said something.

"Fine, 6 years was it, I will wait until that time and pass this troublesome throne on you two"

"You don't even do your job..."

Lala muttered that was heard by all which Gid still ignored talk.

Gid then looks at me and grins maliciously after finally finishing with Lala.

"Now then let's talk about the last thing, have you still remember my message"

I try to remember and then I remembered the last thing he said.

"...when I come to your planet I want to see how strong you are if you entertained me I might give you my other daughters so train well by then..."

Ok, so this is what I feel is troublesome since this morning I was about to make an excuse before he spoke first.

"Don't make an excuse and just open a portal already, I know you can do something like that from the report and brought us somewhere where I don't need to hold back"

I was just about to say something but he says something which cut my route to excuse myself, so I give up and just took this chance to fight the strongest here albeit a weak version.

"Can we also come your majesty"

Mikado with Yami and Evergreen for some reason walk out from the door, and why do they also want to join here?

"Do as you please as I can see you are a doctor, you can take care of this brat after I'm done with him"

As much as I want to refute him but I know he is stronger than me in raw power, I know it as I can sense right now that his energy is at least a half bigger than mine.

And I was at 4 level in the integration stage.

Honestly, I really wonder how strong he is in his prime.

I made a portal towards a barren planet that I saw in Lacospo ship coordinates, although barren and has nothing but for some reason, it has air and some oxygen so people can survive here.

"Ho looks like you choose a good place, now then shall we start"

"Fine by me, Raikou protect them and take this"

I pass her some a high-quality energy core.

"Used this if you feel that you need more energy to protect them as I can't give you some energy as I will need to you use my full power on him"

Raikou takes it and has a determined look.

"Leave it to me master and show him your strength"

"Good luck Errol and beat Papa"

"Try not to show some shameful fight for us"

They were cheering except for Evergreen but I guess that's how it should be as I will creep out if she suddenly is kind to me.

I leave after making sure that they will be safe.

And now we are far away from the others facing each other.

And so the fight between the strongest Man albeit a weaker version Vs probably the most beautiful man is about to begin.