
Exploring the Undiscovered Lands with a Slave Harem

Hob Arkwright is setting off for the southern hemisphere, a disconnected world of magic and strangeness. Accompanying him are a small harem of beautiful slaves who he fucks.

chastityqm · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Sweet Jutaana

Azanaga grit her teeth and glared at me. "Husband," she said, emphasizing the word as hard as she could, "is it really okay to leave me alone with this... woman?" She asked, glancing at Whips, who just smiled pleasantly.

"It will be fine, Azanaga! I'm only interested in meeting my niece," Whips said, acting bright and peppy. "I killed that man for threatening to rape you, you know. I don't want to hurt you even a little bit! You can even be mean! I can see you've got some wrath in you-"

At that, Azanaga surprised seemingly everyone by just spitting on Whips's face, the woman in question cut off by the action as the saliva splattered against her cheek. My arms quickly switched to weapon mode, ready for a fight, as Whips took in what had just happened. One hand reached up for her features, idly swiping away the saliva, as she blinked quite rapidly. Jutaana had dashed forward and managed to interpose herself between Whips and Azanaga by sheer leporagi speed, sword in hand even as she gave Azanaga a shove backwards.

Once Whips had actually processed it, a smile creased her features, and she laughed, a giggling thing, before she managed to calm herself down. "Oho. Mm. You know, when you first spat on my face, Azanaga," she said, her eyes showing no hint of anger to them. "I expected a bit of sexual feeling, like what I got off of Hob... but no! What a pure girl. You spat on my face out of pure spite. Which side of your family did you get that from? Pride? Wrath? Both?"

Jutaana remained placed between Whips and Azanaga, her sword still pointed towards Whips's chest, and the ythraul herself took a step or two back. "When a person is spitting in your face, that is being considered an insult, Whips. You should probably be taking it as a sign they are not wanting to be spending time with you."

Azanaga just glared quietly at Whips. "That's it?" She asked. "I spat on your face and you just took it?"

"Why not?" Whips asked. "It's only spit. I've had worse things on my face, you know," she added, giggling softly at the idea. "Was that a test, by the way? I can hardly taste that sort of thing. Just lust."

"It wasn't a test."

"Ooo, spicy," Whips said, then huffed softly. "You know, we are related. I can smell my people's blood in you."

"You're mistaken. I know all my ancestors were proud Nyzhraga citizens going back four generations."

"Then I guess I'd smell my blood in them, too!" Whips said, a bright smile on her lips. "At least some."

"I don't like you," Azanaga said, her voice dripping with venom. "You're pretending to be related to me, when nothing like you has been north of the torrid zone in the past hundred thousand years. So fuck off, bitch."

Whips did seem somewhat hurt by those words, just pausing for a moment, her expression turning into a frown. "Mm. Mmmm..." She hummed quietly, thoughtfully, at Azanaga's words. "Could it be an ancestor a hundred thousand years removed?"

Azanaga gave her a flat look. "Any gene from a hundred thousand years ago would be completely diluted," she told her, almost sneering the words out.

"Oh, sure," Whips said. "But if you were to have, say, a founder population of a hundred humans and three or four demons or devils, and then that population were to expand over the next hundred thousand years due to physical isolation, like a mountain or a river or an island home, well, the descendants would still be three or four percentage points demon. Other than mutations, I suppose, but I'd imagine such mutations wouldn't alter the demonic component that much."

Azanaga paused at that. It was actually a surprisingly cute look on her face - mouth half-open, just dumbfounded for a moment. She shook her head, regathering her brain power. "I... that..."

"Of course, over such a long period of time, then you'd probably see the fixation of demonic traits. Ordinarily, of course, if that husband of yours were to breed me-" now it was Jutaana's turn to look angry, "-our children would have a weird mix of human and demon traits. Just random chance! But in that situation, whichever traits are most beneficial would tend to win out, and some neutral or maladaptive traits would win out by coincidence..."

Azanaga glared at Whips in silence, pursing her lips. Whips wore an innocent expression, pretending to merely be contemplating the specifics of the relationship. "Fine. Whatever. Maybe we're very, very distantly related, I guess," she said, with a huff.

Whips clapped excitedly, her wings flapping a bit at the air. "Does that mean that we can play at being relatives? Your much older auntie can offer you lots of advice on the demonic lifestyle," she said, with a playful grin.

"I am thinking that I should be staying here to make sure that Whips is not killing Azanaga," Jutaana said, calling the words out to me.

"No, we didn't bring Azanaga along so she could weigh the rest of us down. Whips is clearly trustworthy - she hasn't done anything to suggest otherwise since we met. We can either be suspicious of her forever because she has wings, or accept her sincerity. So come on, Jutaana," I said, with a jerk of my head towards the Tower of Yaj. Jutaana hesitated - then followed. I hadn't actually put the oomph of an order into the command, so she obeyed out of loyalty rather than force. "Whips, if you kill Azanaga, I'll hunt you down for killing my wife."

"Thank you, oh my loving husband," Azanaga said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I understand," Whips said. "I have no such intentions, of course," she added, with a strange faux-curtsy. "Good luck in the tower! If you don't come back," she added, looking at Azanaga, planting one hand on the demon's shoulder, "I promise, I'll take care of your widow."

"If he doesn't come back, then fucking good," Azanaga said.

"Don't bitch about me too much," I said, with the oomph of an order behind it, and Azanaga just rolled her eyes.

"Fun as watching the trouble in paradise," Pichi started, "are we going into the tower or what?"

"Yep," I said. "Jutaana, you and Akamarina will go first," I said, with a small gesture to the door, and Jutaana nodded, sparing only one quick glance back at Whips and Azanaga, wanting to reassure herself that they were alright. Then she dashed in, sword leading her, and Akamarina followed after her.

"It is being clear on first floor, husband," Jutaana called out, sounding almost ecstatic to call me 'husband'. Eshenesra and I followed her in. Pichi and Voasary stood outside.

"Pichi. You're coming with."

"Can't Akamarina handle it?" Pichi asked, fluttering her eyelashes. I just shook my head, and she sighed, shoulders slumping. "I'm not any good in a fight."

"You're small, other than your tits, and you're good with your hands. Come on." Voasary hesitated for a moment - I wasn't in charge of her, after all - and then spared a glance back at Whips before stepping inside.

The bottom floor of the tower was cold stone, arrayed in a small, circular room, a single staircase going upwards. Inside was no signs that it had ever been used for much of anything; all there was, was the staircase to the next story. "The first floor is safe," Akamarina explained, "and it is the second floor on which actual dangers exist. Namely, petite monsters, no taller than your knee, with a human form and a mouth full of shark's teeth. I killed the ones there, but they appeared to form from the walls, so it is entirely possible there will be fresh ones when we arrive. I suppose that biting me might quench a parched throat," she added.

"Right. Jutaana?" Jutaana nodded, one foot on the base of the stairs. I was behind her, both my weapons at the ready, and Akamarina placidly planted herself at her side. When Jutaana moved up, slowly but surely, Akamarina gingerly walked; and when Jutaana dashed forward, Akamarina skipped.

I had to follow them up, and, indeed, it was the case that there were small, fresh monsters there. They looked to be made from old bags, at a glance, leather stitched together in an ugly semblance of human form. Their mouths were full of teeth, each having the same sort of mien as a rusty spoon, and Jutaana cut off one of their heads as it lunged at her, the separated body spilling out fine grains of sand onto the floor. I fired a burst from my cannon at another, while Akamarina placidly stuffed her arm into one of the creature's mouths, staring it dead in the eyes as it slowly bloated up, squirming and trying to escape before it simply collapsed into a massive thick thing, legs and arms bloated beyond the point of use, the leather bursting and mud oozing out from the seams.

They weren't much more dangerous than Dungeon goblins, back in the north. Maybe less, even. It gave me some amount of reassurance, honestly - if this was the opposition, then there wasn't going to be too much difficulty making our way to the top floor. And I wanted to see what was on that top floor. To drive myself all the way up there, and see what even the people of this hemisphere hadn't seen in generations. Once they were all dead, Akamarina spoke up.

"There were no more creatures on the next floor. Just an absurd number of vases. I took no interest in them."

With that, I followed Jutaana up to the next floor, finding there a truly absurd number of simple porcelain vases, arrayed on shelf after shelf. I frowned at the sight of them - surely somebody, before now, would have found them and taken them away? There were only a half-dozen of those weird pygmy leather monsters. They weren't that hard to kill. Maybe if you'd tried stabbing them? No, it didn't make sense... I gingerly reached out for one of the vases, ready for a trap, for it to disintegrate, for something to happen. Nothing did. My fingers brushed against it, and then I shifted my grip, raising it, paying attention to the surface below for any sign of a mechanical effect that might trigger some deadly trap.

Nothing. I hefted it up and off altogether. "Akamarina, look in this vase," I told her.

"You have eyes, can you not see on your own?" Akamarina demanded.

I turned to Pichi. "Pichi, order Akamarina to look in this vase," I said, and Akamarina jerked in annoyance.

"Look in the vase, Akamarina," Pichi said, unable to do otherwise. Akamarina stepped forward, and I lowered the vase towards her - once her face was in front of it, some sort of bizarre creature, looking like a crustacean forged of ceramic rather than keratin. It flew right at her face and went right through her face, Akamarina letting out some bubbled noise of annoyance as her head got splashed around, while the ceramic crab shattered into bits on the floor.

"I guess that answers that," I said, gently returning the vase where it belonged. Akamarina couldn't heal from such harms forever, and I certainly wasn't going to risk there being another face-attacking crab. "This place is..." I took a deep breath, drinking the room in. I wondered if there were monsters in the other vases? Or, really, if they were the same monsters or different ones. "Really interesting, isn't it?"

"You are definitely crazy," Pichi said.

"Pretty much what I was gonna say, only completely instead of definitely," Voasary agreed.

"Eh... intellectual curiosity is hardly a sin..." Eshenesra said uncertainly.

"I am thinking that it is being cute and sexy how brave Mmmy husband is!" Jutaana giggled at that. "Ah, my husband! My manly husband!" She licked her lips in delight, bouncing on her toes. "Oh, I am feeling very good right now! Let us be going up another story and killing the monsters even more."

"It makes sense that she's his favorite, since she's just as crazy as him," Pichi muttered.

"I don't have a favorite, Pichi."

"Mmmy husband is being much too nice for that!" Jutaana said, grinning vivaciously. "I am being ready for next story, mmmy husband!"

"Right. I'm not checking all these vases-"

"Thanks," Akamarina interrupted.

"-so let's head to the next story."

"The next story has a large humanoid monster like an ogre. I drowned it. I cannot say if it will be made anew like the other ones."

We headed up at that point, the arrangement much the same: Akamarina and Jutaana as the vanguard, followed by myself and Eshenesra, followed by Voasary and Pichi. The creature was, in fact, lying on the floor, dead from drowning, a bit of white froth escaping its lips. It was definitely big - probably half again as tall as me, and certainly taller than Jutaana. It looked like it had been stitched together like a flesh golem, though more haphazardly, and somehow wound up bloated in the process. Muscles looked like they'd been fattened with injections, or some similar phenomenon.

"Ahhh... this would have been being very fun to fight, I am thinking, mmmy husband!" Jutaana said.

"When you say, 'mmmy husband,' that's because of the crest, right?" I asked her, wanting to confirm.


"Why do you keep making that mistake, then?" I know it didn't hurt to be forced to obey, but it was still confusing.

"Ah, I am just being in a very good mood, mmmy husband," she said, giggling a moment later. "I am being married to my husband, and also killing leather-goblin-things, and soon will be killing other monsters too!" She bounced on her feet. "Can we be going to the next story, mmmy husband?"

"What's up there, Akamarina?"

"Oh, that. That was a lizard with three long-necked heads that breathed fire," Akamarina said. "I dislike fire, so I began to flee upwards at that point - the next few monsters were, mm, some sort of giant crab-man, nothing I noticed on my way through, an eight-armed figure made of ebony wood, each arm having a sword, and then a reading room, and then some sort of... giant, black, thing."

"A giant black thing?"

"I know not how else to describe it. A massive pile of black sludge, perhaps."

"Right. Jutaana, are you ready to go up?"

"Question," Voasary said, with a hand raised, and I paused to look at her. "Akamarina is a water spirit. Doesn't water quench fire?"

Akamarina snorted. "Barbarians may think of it that way, but what happens to the water? It is boiled and evaporates as steam. The water only quenches the fire by drowning. It cannot stop the processes which cause fire breathing, leastwise not quick enough for my taste." She took a feigned breath. "I can assume you intend to lead us up to the next floor regardless?"

"Yes. Same formation as before. Don't run off."

"Don't run off!" Pichi added as an order. "I don't want to get killed by a fire-breathing dragon because you ran off because it's too absurd."

"Tch," was Akamarina's succinct response.

Jutaana moved the fastest I'd ever seen her, when we hit the next floor - she ran right into the wall, landed both feet on it, and leapt off, hitting the three headed lizard from the side, one swift movement of her arm cutting the creature's heads off with a furious movement. One head burst into flame after being decapitated, and then Jutaana landed on her feet, giggling wildly, spinning around. "Ah! Mmmy husband! Did I do good? Did you see that? That was being a very good kill, I am deserving a big breeding session now for it, please and thank you! We should leave the tower so- hm, if we leave the tower, we cannot be killing-! No, there are being those weird animal things! Yes, we can be killing those on the way from the tower to the ship, so you can get your medicines and being breeding me, please and thank you!"

Eshenesra leaned down to Pichi, whispering in the pekina woman's ear. "Is Jutaana normally like this?"

"No, she isn't," I said, a frown on my lips. "It may be something about the tower. Is anyone else feeling strange?"

"Mm? I am feeling very good, husband mine!" Jutaana said, with an incandescantly bright smile.

"I feel like normal, other than the obvious concern about, y'know," Voasary said, with a gesture in Jutaana's direction.

"Nothing here." "I am well." "I feel okay."

I took a moment to seriously contemplate the situation, and Jutaana's mood - and then decided that the fact that whatever it was, was only affecting Jutaana, wasn't really that much of a modifier. Jutaana was both the one I trusted the most, and also our front line fighter, and right now she was acting practically drunk. "We're going back down, and I'll fuck you when we get there, Jutaana," I said.

"Yes! I am happy to be getting bred!" Jutaana declared, bouncing on her feet. "I am being super duper happy, mhm! Husband is going to be fucking me," she said, with a sly lean over towards Eshenesra.

We made our way back down and out, and fortunately, nothing got worse on the way down the tower. It realistically had only been a scant few minutes since our entrance, and Whips and Azanaga both seemed surprised to see our approach. "Oh, did my husband remember how much he loves his wife and worry about her? No need to worry, apparently Whips cares about my well-being more than you do, sweetheart."

"Ah, I do have to note that you may need to reassure Azanaga how much you care about her," Whips said, with an unsure smile. "If not, I think you'll be heading for a divorce, and that's always thorny."

"Ah?!" Jutaana seemed startled out of her horny impulses for a moment at that. "But Azanaga was being very happy last time you were fucking her, which was being last night, yes, Mmmy husband?"

"Jutaana. Azanaga is a brat who can't stop acting like a brat, even though I'm pretty sure I treat her better than her previous husbands."

"None of my previous husbands left me alone with a weird monster from the southern hemisphere just because they got a blowjob from them."

"I did try to explain that I'm pretty sure you were testing me to see if I would try anything," Whips offered.

"I am out here to fuck Jutaana because she is acting funny," I said, reaching over for Jutaana's butt. "I can't have whatever argument this is right now."

"She is acting weird," Voasary offered, by way of support.

"I am getting bred, mhm, mhm! Hob's big hard human breeding cock is going to be getting put inside me!" She said, hand still holding her sword, which in turn was still slick with blood from the lizard head.

"Drop the sword, and let's find a nice spot in the forest, Jutaana." Jutaana's hand hesitated for a moment, her gaze going down to the sword - then she released it, the thing hitting the dirt unceremoniously.

"Okay!" Jutaana said, with a bright smile. "Let's be going and breeding now! You can come and be watching if you want, Azanaga! I can be saying sexy things about how Hob is having sex with me because leporagi are better lovers than demons!"

Whips laughed at that, while Azanaga actually paled, showing a rather shocking degree of shame for a woman who said the sorts of things in bed that she said. "Oh my. Well, I'm glad at least one of your co-wives is so nice to you, Azanaga."

"I think we have a good relationship..." Eshenesra said, while Jutaana just grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards the forest. It took her about two seconds to find a tree that was tall and sturdy enough for her to plant her hands on it, leaning backwards and presenting her hindquarters to me, her gorgeous muscular ass presented and ready for me.

My hands reached out for it, groping it for a moment. "Please be fucking me already, husband!" She bounced up and down a bit, jiggling her ass in place, practically bouncing it into my hands. "You are being so strong and brave and sexy, mhm!" I reached for the waistband of her loincloth, and then peeled it down and over, revealing her sopping wet sex, pink entrance contrasting lewdly with the surrounding, darker skin. My cock throbbed as I saw it, my mouth practically watering from the view, and I simply pulled out my dick, pointing it at her sex, and began to slide inside her. "Mmm! I am lucky woman, being your wife!" She declared with gusto, as I just enjoyed the way my cock slowly but surely vanished inside her.

Once I was fully buried inside her, I took a moment to enjoy the sight of her like that - back half-arched, her breathing a little shallow, her blue eyes softly unfocused as she looked back over her shoulder at me. Her lips were parted beautifully, her expression simultaneously giddy and delirious still, and it was only once she realized that I was just basking in the moment that her expression shifted, getting pouty and annoyed. "Husband mine! Please be fucking me rather than just sticking your cock in, it is being very frustrating and teasing and I am not into being treated badly like Azanaga is being, please and thank you!"

I took a firm grip on her little rabbit tall, grasping the small amount of muscle and bone in there - and then started to pound away, making her squeak excitedly. "Ahm! I am killing things for my husband and then he is fucking me! Mhm! Very romantic! Ah! The only thing that could be making it more romantic would be if my husband's cock was even bigger - ahm!" She squeaked, her cheeks coloring a bit. "No! No, it would be, ahm, if he could be breeding me properly, yes, that is what I am meaning and thinking about, my husband's cock is a fine size because it is his and he is a fine man!"

"Not satisfied with my cock?" I teased her, even as I railed at her pussy. She shook her head rapidly, hair flowing around.

"Ah! I am always being satisfied with my husband's body in every way, it is powerful and sexy!" She declared, looking back at me, even looking concerned about how I felt about her words, eyes big and apologetic. "I am sorry for saying that, I am being a little excited because my husband is fucking me and said thing I did not mean, so please continue fucking me, please and thank you!" I suddenly just hilted inside her, holding myself down, and she paused in excited expectation - and then I just kept myself held inside her, instead of continuing to fuck her. She waited several seconds, then glanced behind her. "Husband mine, did you come inside? I am being wanting to feel your cum!"

"I want you to say, You have the biggest cock I've ever seen."

"Mhm!" Jutaana agreed. "That is being true! You are having the biggest cock I've ever seen!" Her pussy clamped on my cock in anticipation and desire. "So please be getting back to fucking me!"

"If I said, your tits weren't big enough, how would you feel?" I asked her, holding myself in place.

"Very bad, I am very sorry, sorry Mmmy husband! I will be good girl and only say good things, I do not know why I was saying a bad thing like that! Please be fucking me, okay?" Her pussy quietly pulsed around my cock, the pleading note to her gaze growing more intense with every passing moment. My cock pulsed at the sight of her like that, needy and desperate. It was so, so cute and sexy, how fucking much she wanted me - so I started ramming away again. "Thank you! Thank you very much, Mmmy husband!" She squealed in pleasure as I just railed away.

The hand that wasn't gripping her tail slid along her stomach, running up to her breast, casually groping the large thing in my hand. She gasped at the touch, shivering and squirming as I started to tease her body like that, soon finding her nipple, pinching it between my index and middle fingers as I molested her. I was soon groping both her tits with both hands, admiring her sheer size - she was second only to Pichi, in that regard, her great height meaning her tits were extra-large, despite appearing much the same on her frame. "Maybe they are too small."

"Sorry, Mmmy husband!" Her response was instant. "Both sorry for small boobs, and also for making you feel bad earlier! If you are knocking me up, they will probably be going up a size or two, to feed our babies together!" Somehow, that instantly drove her over the edge, her pussy spasming wildly as her eyes peeled back, and I let go of her tits to just reach up for her ear, twisting her head around, admiring her lewd o-face, as I just continued to relentlessly fuck her in that position. I leaned forward, twisting her back, arching it - and soon enough, she managed to find my lips with hers, her moans carrying over into my mouth, my tongue invading it.

When her orgasm ended, her own licking tongue got enthusiastic, her lewd noises growing more intense. She let go of the tree to clasp my head, holding me in the kiss, her other hand reaching for one of my hands, grasping it by the wrist and planting it right on her tit, encouraging me to just <i >maul it. I gripped and squeezed and molested, as we made out like that - and it took hardly any time at all for me to come. She moaned in delight as she felt my cum fill her up, just closing her eyes and relaxing against me, her pussy quietly milking at my cock.

Once she was finished coming, I pulled out, and she panted, leaning into the tree again, wiggling her butt. It wasn't a pant of exhaustion, but desire, her pussy still quite wet. "I am being sorry for saying mean thing, Mmmy husband. Please be continuing to fuck me." I took a deep breath, contemplating her waiting cunt like that. I did want to get back to the tower... but on the other hand, I didn't think that Jutaana's earlier drunkenness had entirely dissipated. She was still quite intoxicated and lusty, after all.

I heard Whips hum in interest, my head whipping around to see her watching the whole scene, one hand on her cheek. All the other girls were also present, watching the scene with some mix of nervousness and interest, either sexual or purely curious. "No, all her sexual predilections are normal, she's just very horny at the moment, and her inhibitions are down," Whips said, at last. "Or. Well, she is horny, but it is the sort of horny where you have lots of ambient energy and want to fuck, rather than the sort that is from lots of foreplay, if you understand."

"So she's just fucking normal?" Azanaga asked.

"She was definitely acting weird in the Tower," Pichi replied.

"Ah!" Jutaana said, as if suddenly aware of the girls' presence now that I'd stopped fucking her. "You can be fucking them after you are finishing with me, Mmmy husband! I am fine with it but I am still being horny and unsatisfied!"

"That's definitely weird," Pichi said. "Normally Jutaana's pretty good about taking turns."

"I am able to be being selfish sometimes! You are just thinking it is okay to say mean things and be selfish because your tits are biggest! Hmf!" Jutaana said, huffing loudly and turning her attention back to me. "Please be getting back to fucking me, husband."

"I'd recommend doing so," Whips said mildly.

I decided to follow the expert's advice. Plus, Jutaana's pussy felt great.

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