
Exploring Creation

A story about the oldest and most powerful being in all of existence exploring the universe he created and just trying to learn what it means to be alive. === Crappy synopsis, but idk what else I'd really write cuz idk the direction this is gonna go lol. There's probably going to be a few romances, but harem is unlikely. It was originally a fic but now it's just 'inspired' by an obscure Finnish game called Noita. (you don't have to to read this, but I recommend watching Albino's Noita vids on yt, they're fun) Oh, and for those of you coming here after reading my fics, this Mc isn't going to be a psycho, I swear. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to join my discord with this code: Pj3Dttwses And if you feel like supporting me, I also have a patreon: patreon.com/user?u=41732867

Bored_MC · Fantasy
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5 Chs

2 Laying The Foundation

Floating inside of an alternate cluster, The Noita ponders on the strange being he just met. He had hoped that he'd be able to interact with her kind more. But she clearly stated that he wasn't wanted, and the multiverse is infinite, so he felt no need to press the issue.

If her kind wishes to claim that cluster for their own, then they can have it. One single cluster is literally so close to nothing in the face of the multiverse, so he doesn't mind, and unlike God, he isn't so petulant as to deny others their wants for his own.

Instead, he prefers to let nature take its course, whether that be a world beholden to the raw elements of life, or a universe of steel like what the strange female's kind seeks. All is natural in his eyes. 

Regardless, he puts that cluster out of his mind for now and looks outward, pushing his All-Seeing Eyes to their limits so he can observe not just the universe he is in in it's entirety, but the entire cluster of parallel universes beside it, and the clusters of alternate universes around it that form the multiverse.

His eyes look over the multiverse in it's entirety, taking in all of reality and leaving him with only one feeling.


Once again, the cause for his disappointment lies in the same being.

God never bothered with universes that he wasn't actively playing with, and all of those universes have been shattered beyond recognition from their years of battle, leaving no life. In fact, it seems that those...Voltun? Was it?

It seems that those Voltun inhabit the only universe that has life of any kind. Other than himself, that universe is all that truly exists at present. The Noita finds it upsetting.

He is not God. Life doesn't need to exist solely for his entertainment. Rather, he would prefer for life to be omnipresent.

Nodding to himself, The Noita decides to change things. His Will, his Soul reaches out, burying into the very fabric of reality and then going deeper.

In his long life, he has long since learned to manipulate the Laws of reality, just the same as God. It's not really that hard with some Laws, like Space and Time, so that is where he starts.

When God was moulding his own universes to torture his Noitas, he gave the universe a set of Laws that allowed the existence of life as he knows it. He only belatedly realises the answer to his earlier question, on how those Voltun exist. God's death must have saturated that cluster with enough of his Essence to grant it the Laws needed for life, though they might not all be right...

Well, they seemed fine, and he doesn't want to meddle, so with an idle flex of Will, he makes sure to exclude that cluster from what he is about to do.

Then, he reaches into the multiverse itself, the deepest levels of reality, and he imposes his Will upon all of existence, placing Laws upon the multiverse. Laws that allow for life. Laws of Space and Time, Creation and Destruction, Chaos and Order. Everything that is needed for life to flourish, with true freedom and endless possibilities.

And as he wills it, so mote it be.

There is no big explosion, or signifying event to show that anything changed, at least not to someone with his eyes. Instead, he watches as every universe inside of every cluster suddenly ceases to be nothing.

They are still empty of all matter, but at least they are no longer completely devoid of everything. It's tough to explain it, he muses, but things just exist now, more than they did before.

Nothing given Meaning. 

Shaking the thought away, and briefly giving himself a moment's rest as he had, perhaps foolishly, not expected defining the multiverse to drain him so much. He hasn't felt so drained in a long time.

Not that he's exhausted or anything, just a bit tired. 

With that in mind, he decides to quickly finish off with this, and spreads his Power throughout the physical plain of the multiverse this time, instead of it's depths.

"I suppose, a base would be needed. Planets to house life. The Essence of Earth."

This time, there is an explosion. A blinding, deafening explosion of light and heat and darkness and cold and everything else. Yet he watches without blinking as the multiverse is suddenly filled with Essence.

The Essence of Earth fills every universe, bringing forth enormous bodies of rock and metal, forming planets and satellites that start floating around in the empty space they occupy.

But it's dark. The Noita doesn't like the dark. Dark represents his weakness. The only times he's ever struggled to see, were during the first few years after a new death, before he got his halo, when the caves still caused him fear.

He doesn't like the dark one bit.

"Let there be light." His voice, naught but a soft whisper, carries through all of reality.

And so there is. Great balls of fire burst into existence, countless stars born of the Essence of Fire litter the universe, providing light and warmth but still hovering just as aimlessly as the chunks of Earth.

Unsatisfied with the pointless hovering of what he has created, he reaches into the Essence of Air, and fills the universes with an unseen breeze, giving the planets and the stars orbits so that they may move and collide and become more than what they are.

"Finally, the Essence of Water, to more easily allow life to form."

And so, great formations of ice fill the universes. Eventually, things will crash together, Essences will mix and life will be born. And unlike God's carefully controlled methods, this is completely random. The Noita has no idea how this will work out, or if life will even form.

He'll give it some time. He intends to take a nap, feeling that if a civilisation can form in the time he was spacing out, then life should probably have populated the multiverse by the time he wakes up.

But he still has one last thing to do. His eyes are drawn to the golden body of God in his grasp.

Something symbolic would be fitting, but he's not sure what. Maybe some children?

Not having any better ideas, The Noita cuts off both of God's hands and brings them before himself, infusing them with his power. With the body of God no longer housing a Soul, there is nothing to resist his power as he merges it with the two hands, changing them and shaping them.

He thinks about making more Noita, but decides against it. God is dead, and so with him, the age of Noita. He will be the last.

With that in mind, he stops moulding them after his shape and decides to take a different approach, to make something new, if only to spite God, by using his body to fill the multiverse with creations not his own.

So instead, he makes them large, much larger than himself. He stretches their body out, like a worm's, but then fills them with segmented scales all down their length. Then he decides that they should have legs, and gives them four. Strong and thick, each tipped with long and powerful claws. Moving back up, he bulks out the main body some more, except for the end which he turns into a thick tail.

Moving back to the head, he brings their mouths out a bit, kind of like a wolf's, and fills them with razor sharp fangs and a tongue that splits at the end. He keeps modifying the face, adding some bones that look kind of like eyebrows, and then decides that's cool looking and adds some more bones, stronger this time, as horns jutting out of their heads.

Looking at his golden creation, he frowns and waves his hands, turning both of them pale white. He doesn't like gold. Yet, it still feels like something is missing, and with a snap of his fingers, he realises what it is and gives them each a pair of towering wings.

Wings are always cool. Useful too, if you have no other means of flight.

His creations made, he now only needs to decide on a name for the new species. Something powerful, something noble and recognisable. He wants them to be a symbol of power, and he knows that the moment he names their kind, the multiverse will hear him and add their imprint into it's being, allowing for the birth of more of their kind through reality.

If he gives them a weak name, then they will be born all over the place, like maggots. They're everywhere.

But eventually, he settles on a name for his creation, and he speaks it loud and clear for all reality to hear.

"Hear me, for I dub thee; Dragon."

A ripple spreads through reality as a new existence is born. A race of Pride and Power. He feels a smile grace his lips, an unfamiliar smile of triumph, not quite the same as victory over a difficult foe.

He isn't sure what exactly is making him smile, but he likes it regardless.

Still, these two Dragons are not yet alive. He was originally going to simply make them a Soul, but it's clear to him now that that isn't enough. That ripple through reality was the multiverse setting the Laws for what it means to be a Dragon, and while he could modify them, he chooses not to, preferring not to meddle with things too much.

Besides, he has no problem with the Law. All it changed from his vision, is that a Dragon must represent something. One cannot simply just be a Dragon. A Dragon must be a manifestation of a concept of some kind.

So the question is, what should he make of these two children of his?

It doesn't take him long to decide. He did want symbolism after all.

Turning to the Dragon on the left, he speaks. "You shall represent the endless power of God. I name thee Ouroboros; The Infinite."

The Dragon, now named Ouroboros, starts going through a change, their body shifting slightly, changing from his mould to something more individual, it's body of scales darkening to a shade of pitch black not unlike the inside of his robes.

Satisfied with his choice, he turns to the other Dragon. "And you, shall represent the wish that killed him. I name thee Morpheus; The Dream."

Like it's sibling, Morpheus starts undergoing a change, it's body shifting, a long horn growing out of it's snout and it's scales turning a vibrant red.

It doesn't get much more symbolic that that. One to represent God and his infinite power, and the other The Noita's endless Dream to kill it.

Still, looking at the mutilated body of God, there's a lot of flesh to get through. It seems that his two children will take some time to adapt to their new existence, just as existence needs to adapt to their presence, so he decides to continue.

Moving through alternate universes, he creates many new beings, and a lot of Dragons. Using more and more of God's flesh to mould these beings into existence, and then his own power to breathe into them life and identity.

Until finally, all that remains of God is his glowing, golden heart resting in The Noita's palm. He briefly considers keeping it, but then throws the thought away. He wished to truly erase God and everything that he was. There should be nothing left except for mockeries of his Will in the form of all the beings he's been creating.

With that thought in mind, he looks around the latest cluster he is in, noting how things have changed, some planets now having atmospheres and oceans. It won't be long now before life starts to bloom.

Raising his palm up, he considers the heart in his hand and what do do with it.

The heart is the most potent part of God's body, so it should be something impressive, and he's just realised that he hasn't made anything truly big yet. With that in mind, he decides to go a little big overboard.

What to him is a small moment later, before him stands a truly enormous entity. It's mostly humanoid, but with six arms and features somewhat more mechanical-looking limbs, inspired as he was by those Voltun. 

But what is truly most impressive, is it's sheer size.

As he said, he decided to go overboard. So he made this being proportional to himself, with the only difference being that each of its cells is bigger than his entire body. It's so large that it could easily hold a solar system in it's hands. It could probably take a sizable bite out of an entire galaxy.

He also filled it with Essence far beyond any of his other creations. It's still not that strong to his eyes, but it's certainly the strongest of his creations. 

"Holding all the fundamentals of the universe, I name thee Nemesis; The All-Encompassing."

There, all done. With it's name received, Nemesis too starts changing, just as all of it's siblings continue to.

It's a shame none of them have awoken yet, but at the same time, he is actually starting to feel rather tired. He's not surprised, he just defined and populated infinity after all. Making his children was hardly a drain in comparison. 

Though, now that he thinks about it, Noita are born from the blood of God, and he used God's body to birth all of his creations. So are they his children or his siblings? Both?

He doesn't know.

Shaking his head, The Noita vacates Nemesis' cluster to another. All told, he only created children for a few dozen clusters, so most are still empty, waiting for life to naturally form. It's one of those empty universes that The Noita decides to use for his nap, so that he doesn't bother anyone in his sleep.

And so, after moving to the centre of an empty universe in an empty cluster, The Noita finally closes his eyes, tired for the first time in millions of years, and allows himself to sleep.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

I stg it happened again. I really don't have any plans to develop this into a story, but I keep trying to find an op mc fic to read and getting disappointed and promptly hopping over here and writing out a whole chapter in one sitting :(

Also, when I used to think about doing a Noita fic, I had the Noita as being planet buster level at MOST.... Clearly, my habit of making my characters stronger than necessary kicked in lmao. Also, I hope I'm explaining things right, like with universes and stuff. It makes sense in my head so I'm not just spewing random shit, feel free to ask if anything confuses you :)