
Chapter 75: The Mission

The massive convoy traveled for over a month before reaching Liyue's largest grain-producing area—Qingce Village.

At first glance, there were bamboo forests everywhere, with glimpses of small animals playing among them.

Passing through the bamboo forest, the sight that met their eyes was breathtaking: endless fields of golden crops stretched as far as the eye could see, dyeing the entire visual field into a golden ocean.

As the wind blew, the swaying crops resembled waves.

Although he had seen this scene more than once in his memories, Wang Daoyi couldn't help but be amazed. This was the largest farm in Liyue, and the grains produced here every year fed the entire city, even exporting to the distant Snezhnaya.

Standing on the hillside, taking a deep breath as if smelling the aroma of rice, Wang Daoyi smiled, "Although it's not the first time I've seen it, scenes of such abundance always bring joy!"

The other companions stood beside Wang Daoyi, gazing at the golden fields in silence for a long time.

After a while.

"Alright, let's get to work!"

Breaking away from the picturesque scene of abundance, Keqing regained her sharp and capable demeanor. She waved her hand, signaling everyone to head towards the camp of the Qixing Army.

To ensure a successful harvest this time, only a thousand Qixing troops were assembled on the surface. However, after last year's breach by spies that led to several warehouses being looted, nearly hundreds of elite Qixing troops had been stationed in advance at Qingce Village.

Wang Daoyi and the others followed Keqing to the camp of the Qixing Army, where they met the actual executor of the guard mission, General Panglei.

This tall man was very friendly, welcoming the arrival of Wang Daoyi and the others warmly, without showing any signs of being one of the top generals in Liyue.

If it weren't for the powerful pressure emanating from General Panglei and the fifty distinct soldiers behind him, Wang Daoyi would have thought this big man was just a neighbor.

Glancing past General Panglei, Wang Daoyi looked at the fifty soldiers behind him. The soldiers, wearing yellow-brown armor, stood tall behind Panglei like statues. But seeing the long spears in their hands, Wang Daoyi knew that these soldiers were the true strength of Liyue.

The Qixing Long Spears, similar in appearance to the Harbingers' weapons but closer in color to the soldiers' armor, were all yellow-brown. Besides their formidable killing power, these weapons also possessed a powerful effect: the Qixing Technique, Unity.

This effect could link the breath of a certain range of Qixing soldiers. It was with this ability that the ancient Qixing soldiers followed the Geo Archon to subdue the demons.

These powerful weapons were the favorite weapons of the ancient Qixing soldiers, but nowadays, few people could wield them. Most of the Qixing Long Spears were stored in the Liyue Arsenal.

And now, these special soldiers appearing in the camp, behind General Panglei, were one of the foundations of Liyue today—the Qixing Corps.

"General Panglei, Xingqiu, and Xiangling are all owners of Visions and can act as a team for support missions." After introducing each other, Keqing began to introduce several helpers to General Panglei. "And this one, Wang Daoyi, was one of the protagonists of the fight last time!"

Hearing Keqing's introduction, General Panglei nodded. Each owner of Visionwas a good combat force, and these people, it was obvious, had backgrounds. Their combat strength would certainly not be lacking, enough to serve as a support team.

And hearing that Wang Daoyi was one of the protagonists of the fight before, a strong light flashed in General Panglei's eyes—a color of excitement at seeing prey. As one of the top forces in Liyue, General Panglei had long wanted to test himself against Wang Daoyi after seeing the information about Wang Daoyi and Tartaglia's battle on Tianheng Mountain.

Unfortunately, he was on an external mission at the time, and by the time he returned, the matter had already ended, and the money from the Northland Bank was lost.

Meanwhile, Xingqiu and Xinyan exchanged glances, confirming that Wang Daoyi was one of the instigators of the Tianheng Mountain explosion.

Only Xiangling, seemingly confused, looked at Wang Daoyi and asked, "A fight? Brother Daoyi, when did you get into a fight?"

"Cough, what fight? It was just a sparring match, just a sparring match, and it was all reported to the Ministry of Affairs." Wang Daoyi hurriedly fooled Xiangling. If she found out that he and Targalia had fought, causing a piece of Tianheng Mountain to collapse, she would be worried sick.

"Heh!" Keqing glanced at Wang Daoyi, "Sparring match? If it weren't for the speed at which the Northland Bank lost money, the Ministry of Affairs would have taken disciplinary action with so few people reporting."

After fooling Xiangling, Wang Daoyi looked at Keqing and General Panglei.

"Enough chatter, let's arrange the tasks. I'll go visit Granny Ruoxin later. It's been over a year since I left. I wonder if she still remembers me!"

To avoid further discussion of the so-called fight incident, Wang Daoyi said to Keqing and General Panglei without a hint of patience.

However, Wang Daoyi didn't notice the cunning look in Xiangling's eyes behind him.

Hearing Wang Daoyi's urging, the two didn't say much. There would be time to talk after the mission was completed.

This time, although Keqing led the team on the surface, the actual command was in the hands of General Panglei.

Keqing was only responsible for the warehouse area, preventing attacks by treasure hoarders.

Therefore, as envisioned on the carriage earlier, General Panglei also assigned the task of defending the warehouse. The only difference was that he hoped Xingqiu and the others could form a small team to support other areas at any time.

The group happily accepted the task and then left the camp of the Qixing Army. Keqing came along as well. According to her, General Panglei was the actual leader there, and she had to consider his opinions. It was inconvenient to make arrangements, so she decided to walk with Wang Daoyi and the others, with Xiangling providing her with some company.

Walking on the dirt road of Qingce Village, the scenery that met their eyes was familiar yet unfamiliar. It was familiar to the original owner who had lived here for fifteen years and knew everything about it, but unfamiliar to Wang Dao Yi, who now possessed these memories.

Passing through a residential area, the villagers of Qingce Village greeted them from time to time.

Don't misunderstand—they weren't greeting Wang Daoyi; they were greeting Keqing. As one of the Qixing, one of the most respected figures in Liyue, Keqing often came to Qingce Village to offer condolences, so the young and old of Qingce Village all knew her.

Keqing's reputation in Qingce Village was somewhat intimidating. It was no wonder that even with a major general present, they still arranged for Keqing to be the nominal commander.

After just over ten minutes of walking, the group's hands were already full of various snacks and dried fruits. At first, they refused to accept them, but when they realized that if they refused the gifts, the villagers wouldn't let them go, they had no choice but to accept.

Passing two huge waterwheels, the enthusiastic villagers finally dwindled, and Wang Daoyi could see the pavilion where Granny Ruoxin often stayed from a distance.

"Haha, Miss Keqing, Lord Xingqiu, your charm is truly formidable. Even though I'm from Qingce Village, not a single person recognized me, while I recognized them all!" There was a rare hint of jealousy in Wang Daoyi's tone. He had thought that returning home in glory, but unexpectedly became a supporting role.

"Heh, if you also come to visit the elderly and children here every month, they will treat you the same!" Keqing gave Wang Daoyi a smug smile.

(End of Chapter)