
Chapter 1

Jett woke up to the sound of an alarm clock ringing. He punched his alarm clock and reluctantly got out of bed. He put on his watch and realized that it is 8:02. "Shit!"

He hastily dressed in jeans and a blue T-shirt. He ran to his door and ran through the hallway to the kitchen, picking up his school and helmet on the way.

He took his lunch out of the fridge, put it into his school bag and ran to his mom's room. After a goodbye kiss he said "See you later, I am off to school!"

The front door opened up to a green lawn and a few trees with a white picket fence. He found his bicycle leaning outside against the fence, it was black, nothing really special. He jumped on, strapped his helmet and hastily peddled to school.

He peddled as fast as he could hoping to get to school on time at 9. The bike journey to school took around 35 minutes at his normal speed and now he only had about 30 minutes left.

He pedaled past the grocery store at full speed, going as fast as he can, he reached school just in the nick of time. He parked his bike and rushed off to the school entrance. He made it! The bell rang as he walked through the hallway.

First period was science which was right on the other side of the building so he made his way there as fast as he could. He was quite good at science and enjoyed it. He sat down in his usual spot, everyone else were already seated, but the teacher had not arrived.

Mr Farkinson opened the door and entered. When science period was over, he said hi to his friend Damian. They were both kind of nerdy and loved gaming. They immediately started chatting about the game they were playing online last night. That was a tough boss battle, I can't believe that the dev's actually could create something that is so hard to kill. Damian replied , " Yeah, that was a hard one."

What they were discussing was when they defeated the boss Gallovor in the game Eternal darkness , a hot new MMO RPG (Mega multi player online role playing game) that was just released. Then they switched to a more exiting topic. Today is the day that Explore and conquer online is released, right? Damian said, Why are you even asking, I have been counting off the seconds. It is due to be released at 3 pm, right after school. I don't know how I will get home quick enough! I have a pre-order so it should be delivered at home when I arrive, said Jett.

A hulking frame came through the crowd towards them – it turned out that the hulking frame was a human called Clive who said "Hey losers, what lame topic are you discussing?" Damian said, we are not discussing something lame, we are talking about Explore and conquer online!

Clive who is a big bully with blond hair and blue eyes retorted with – " it becomes lame when you discuss it" Just because your father is one of the devs for explore and conquer online and you were part of the beta testing does not mean that you can call it lame said Jett. The bully Clive turned around and just walked off. Damian was puzzled on why and realized that it was time for their next class , English language. "Oh shit!"


The rest of school went smoothly, and they were sitting in final period which was Art and waiting anxiously for the to bell ring. The bell finally rang and everyone started running towards their bikes.

Explore and conquer online is a new breakthrough in gaming technology. It uses a neural interface to link you into the game. It was created by Oris Tech Inc. Not many people knew what everything it was about, except for the beta testers who were not allowed to divulge any information. The public knew that it was going to be a very long game and there will be millions of different types of races. (elves, dwarfs etc)

Jett and Damian both mounted their bikes and went their separate ways to their own homes. Jett raced home not wasting any time.

He reached home and parked his bike against the fence, rushed inside and said "Hi Mom", giving her quick kiss. "What is for lunch?" His mom replied that he should just grab a sandwich. Thinking that that would take to long he decided to skip lunch and went upstairs. His mom had already delivered the package on his desk and he started tearing off the paper from the package.

Inside was a box, he opened it up and found the headgear. It kind of looked like a bicycle helmet- it was white with the words Oris Tech inc in bold black lettering. He immediately tried it on, went to his bed and laid down. He said one word "LOGIN!"

Everything went dark, suddenly a woman appeared." Welcome to explore and conquer online". The women had jet black hair with green eyes, a round face, tanned skin, naturally dark eyelashes and eyebrows. She wore no make up and was a natural beauty. She said "What should I call you?" I momentarily kept quiet and then said with confidence -Glaxor. " Alright Glaxor, let's start exploration online!"

Suddenly 5 galaxies appeared behind her. One looked like what you would expect of a normal galaxy – it shined in the middle, had little stars circling and had different colours all over. The next one had 3 tiers. The lower tier looked like a fiery red version of our milky way. The middle tier had various colours in it and went upwards kind of like a tree. In the middle of the tree like tier there was a glowing white light which was the centre of the galaxy. The top tier was completely white. The other 3 galaxies looked the similar to the first one.

I asked the woman's name. She said: "Celena". Celena asked "Which galaxy would you like to enter?" "There are differences?" Yes.

Galaxy number one is a sci-fi galaxy. Galaxy number two is a fantasy galaxy and galaxy number three, is the evolution galaxy. Galaxy number four - a cultivation galaxy. The 5th is the under 16 galaxy which is reserved for underage children.

I choose the fantasy galaxy.