
Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Someone from Earth reincarnates into Douluo Dalu 1 as someone from the same village as Tang San, Saint Spirit Village. He awakens a system when aged 3. The system enables him to beat up people and get drops from them. He can beat out mental power, Spirit Power, martial spirits, body defence, body strength, agility and flexibility. Ooh! Look, Tang San dropped Ghost Perplexing Track! ......... Look! I awakened a Black Tiger spirit with innate level 3 spirit power. But not for long. I've got a strong spirit now! Its called Sky Demon Tiger! With This System, I'll be a Title Douluo in on time!...... maybe even a God! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Master Ice Tea (this is the english translation name, I can'tput the chinese name or webnovel will remove power stone function) WARNING! THIS IS A TRANSLATION. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR, IF HE WANTS ME TO TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I HAVE AROUND 10 CHAPTERS IN MYPATREON. PLEASE GO THERE AND SUPPORT ME! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/divindragoncelestialthearch

DivinDragonEmperor · Book&Literature
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251 Chs

Chapter 145 Bluffing

"Why? The position of Saint Son is not inferior to an Elder, you can even become the Supreme Pontiff in the future, so why are you still not satisfied?" Qian Renxue frowned.

"I do not want to join the Spirit Hall because I come from a power, that power is my Clan." Chen Feng replied.

"Stop making excuses, I have already investigated your background and know that you are an orphan and grew up in Saint Spirit Village. What Clan are you talking about?" Qian Renxue chuckled.

"I didn't jump out of a rock. Why can't I be from a Clan? I only lived in Saint Spirit Village for some special reasons. While I was out travelling, my Clan found me and helped my Martial Spirit awaken for a second time, otherwise, do you think that my original Black Tiger Martial Spirit can help me achieve what I have today?" Chen Feng asked in a serious tone.

"What is your Clan's name?" Qian Renxue asked in disbelief.

"My Clan is called the Netherworld God Tiger Clan. It is a Hidden Clan. Do not think that your Spirit Hall is the strongest, in front of my Clan, it is nothing." Chen Feng continued to bullshit.

"Hmph, are you not afraid the wind will cut your tongue from how hard you are bluffing?" Qian Renxue coldly snorted.

"It's because your knowledge isn't enough and that you do not know how big this world is. The Spirit Hall is just the strongest power on the surface. Among the Eight Ancient Clans, the weakest Clan's strength surpasses Spirit Halls by multiple times." Chen Feng stated.

"Eight Ancient Clans?" Qian Renxue frowned suspiciously.

"The Eight Ancient Clans are Clans with an inheritance dating back tens of thousands of years, and a history just as long. The Netherworld God Tiger Clan that I belong to is one of them. There are three Limit Douluo Elders in my Clan, each is as strong as your Grandfather Qian Daoliu." Chen Feng said.

"If the Eight Ancient Clans existed, why have I never heard of them?" Qian Renxue asked in disbelief.

"The Eight Ancient Clans seldom appear on the mainland, so naturally you wouldn't know about them," Chen Feng said.

"Don't they want to obtain Spirit Rings?" Qian Renxue questioned.

"Have you heard of God Bestowed Spirit Rings? Each of the Eight Ancient Clans worships and follow a God. Just like the Angel God of your Qian Clan, except that the Angel God is a First-Class God while the Eight Ancient Clans enshrine God-Kings." Chen Feng responded.

If you want people to believe a story, then the story should be full of truths and lies, otherwise, the other party will find flaws in it.

Hearing Chen Feng's answer, the faith in Qian Renxue's heart was shaken.

"The Spirit Hall is not as powerful as you think. Except for the Eight Ancient Clans, there are still many people on the mainland who is as strong as your Grandfather, for example, the previous Clear Sky Douluo, Tang Chen, you may have thought he has disappeared for decades and therefore must be dead. But in reality, he is undergoing a God King's test, he may even inherit that God King's position." Chen Feng continued.

"Another person on the same level as your Grandfather is the High Priestess of Sea God Island. She is also a Rank 99 Limit Douluo, your Grandfather is known to be invincible in the Sky, while she is known to be invincible in the Sea."

"Is what you say true?" Qian Renxue asked.

"If you do not believe me, you can go back and ask your Grandfather. I'll leave first," Chen Feng left after speaking.

Qian Renxue believed Chen Feng's words, but she could not accept what he had said for a while.

"Hahaha, I want to see what you will do now."

Chen Feng laughed inwardly, when he thought about how he had overturned Qian Renxue's worldview, he felt inexplicably happy. What was even better was that Qian Renxue is a very meticulous and smart person, and she had fallen for his story!

"What if she told Qian Daoliu what I said today. Wouldn't that cause lead Qian Daoliu to act?" Chen Feng suddenly became a little worried. There are only a few people left in the world who can make him feel feat, and Qian Daoliu is one of them.

"It seems that I have to change the plan." Chen Feng thought about it before he quickly made a decision.

Early the next morning, Chen Feng came to Flender's office. "Xiao Feng, why are you here?" Flender was calculating the profit he had made yesterday, and seeing someone come in, distracted him and caused him to look up.

"Dean, I plan to obtain my Seventh Spirit Ring, so I will have to leave for a while." Chen Feng responded. What happened last night urged him to improve his strength.

"How long will you leave for. Can you come back before the Promotion Rounds begin?" Flender asked.

They are now halfway through the Qualifiers, it will end in half a month, afterwards, the Promotion Matches will begin, but there will be a month-long break in between the two.

In other words, as long as Chen Feng can return within one and a half month, Chen Feng can go on his little expedition, but if he cannot, then there may be some problems.

"I am not sure, but I will be back before the Finals, with Tang San's strength, Shrek will not struggle in the remaining Matches of the Qualifiers and Promotion Matches." Chen Feng replied, besides obtaining his Seventh Spirit Ring this time, he also wants to take some time to condense his Second Soul Core.

"Then go." Flender nodded.

After leaving Flender's office, Chen Feng found Zhu Zhuqing again and told her about his departure.

While they were about to separate, it was natural for them to be a little intimate.

Finally, in Zhu Zhuqing's unwilling gaze, Chen Feng set off for the Star Dou Great Forest.

"I can only stand by your side when I become stronger." Zhu Zhuqing stared at the direction Chen Feng left in while muttering softly.

In the Star Dou Great Forest.

Chen Feng travelled day and night but arrived in three days.

Looking at the lush, tropical forest in front of him, Chen Feng felt a familiar feeling in his heart. This was the place he had spent the longest time in.

"I hope I can obtain a good harvest this time."

With anticipation, Chen Feng stepped into the Star Dou Forest again.

When he first came to the Star Dou Great Forest, because his strength was too low, he dared not go too deep and wander. Even then, he was chased out by an 80,000-year-old Profound Flame Demonic Tiger and lost his way.

The second time, he only stayed there for three months, and in these three months, he stayed and trained with the Titan Giant Ape in the Star Dou Lake and did not set foot in other places.

After entering the Star Dou Great Forest, Chen Feng went straight to the Core Zone. Only the Core Zone can have Tiger Spirit Beasts that are 100,000 years old. While on his way, all weak Spirit Beasts that encountered him were frightened away by his powerful aura.

After five days of walking, Chen Feng sent a 50,000-year-old Unicorn Armoured Beast flying. The giant body of the Unicorn Armoured Beast ploughed a long gully on the ground, until it hit a big tree several metres thick, causing the tree to crash.

"Roar!" The scaled Beast roared in pain. Chen Feng's staff broke at least a few of its bones.

"If you do not want to die, then get out." Chen Feng said to the Scaled Beast. When a Beast becomes 10,000 years old, its intelligence will grow rapidly. A 50,000-year-old Spirit Beast like this one can understand him.

After the Unicorn Armoured Beast stood up again, its eyes looked at Chen Feng with a touch of fear, it hesitated a little, and then turned and left.

"Ding Dong! Detected Endurance Light Orb. Do you wish to fuse it?"

"Ding Dong! Detected Mental Power Light Orb. Do you wish to fuse it?"


Chen Feng merged all the Light Orbs that just burst out, and then he sighed: "Sigh, it's really hard to find a 100,000-year-old Tiger Spirit Beast."

It has been four days since he entered the Core Zone, and he hasn't even seen the shadow of a 100,000-year old Spirit Beast.

"If I cannot find one in the Star Dou Forest, I can only look in the Sea." Chen Feng thought, but that way, he may not make it in time for the Finals.

However, the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament is not as important as his Spirit Ring, even if he cannot make it to the Finals, he will not choose a general Beast as his Ring, after all, this will decide his future.

For those who want to read ahead up to 18 Chapters, please go to:


For those who want to read 25 Chapters of my BTTH Fanfic, please go there as well.

Currently on Chapter 163



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