
Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Someone from Earth reincarnates into Douluo Dalu 1 as someone from the same village as Tang San, Saint Spirit Village. He awakens a system when aged 3. The system enables him to beat up people and get drops from them. He can beat out mental power, Spirit Power, martial spirits, body defence, body strength, agility and flexibility. Ooh! Look, Tang San dropped Ghost Perplexing Track! ......... Look! I awakened a Black Tiger spirit with innate level 3 spirit power. But not for long. I've got a strong spirit now! Its called Sky Demon Tiger! With This System, I'll be a Title Douluo in on time!...... maybe even a God! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Master Ice Tea (this is the english translation name, I can'tput the chinese name or webnovel will remove power stone function) WARNING! THIS IS A TRANSLATION. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR, IF HE WANTS ME TO TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I HAVE AROUND 10 CHAPTERS IN MYPATREON. PLEASE GO THERE AND SUPPORT ME! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/divindragoncelestialthearch

DivinDragonEmperor · Book&Literature
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251 Chs

Chapter 10 Half A Year, Getting A Pass 2/2

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Now, Enjoy (❁´◡`❁) Don't worry about the other clone, he's running a task right now, I'm sure he'll be back soon, teehee!


Walking in, Grandmaster saw Tang San coming, and said gently: "Xiao San, what's the matter?"

"It's Brother Feng, he is looking for Master." Tang San answered.

"Grandmaster, I want to borrow a pass to enter the Soul Hunting Forest from you." Seeing Grandmaster's gaze project over, Chen Feng spoke.

"Your Spirit Power has reached Rank 10?" Grandmaster asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Chen Feng confirmed.

"Your Innate Spirit Power is only Rank 3, I didn't expect you to rise to Rank 10 so quickly." Grandmaster wondered how Chen Feng improved so fast.

The lower the Innate Spirit Power, the slower the cultivation, like Chen Feng's rank 3 Innate Spirit Power, it would usually take several years for him to increase his Spirit Power to Rank 10.

Chen Feng just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Hunting and killing Spirit Beasts is a very dangerous thing. I'll go with you." Grandmaster stated.

Chen Feng shook his head and spoke, "Master, I don't have a family background nor powerful backing. If I want to be strong, I can only rely on myself. Even if you help me this time, I still have to rely on myself to obtain Spirit Rings in the future."

Grandmaster's strength is very poor, and going with him will not help him much, he may instead, drag him down.

If it wasn't for the Pass he needed to enter the Soul Hunting Forest, he wouldn't even come to him. If he went without a Pass from the Spirit Hall he may get into unnecessary trouble. Hence him coming to seek 'Grandmaster's aid.

When Grandmaster heard this, he was a little surprised. He did not expect Chen Feng would refuse and would say such a thing.

"This is the Pass to enter the Soul Hunting Forest. Take it." He said as he took out a black token and handed it to Chen Feng.

The token has 3 patterns on it. The middle pattern is a sharp sword, the left is a hammer, and the one on the right is a monster.

"Thank you, Grandmaster." Chen Feng thanked.

After obtaining the token, Chen Feng left Grandmaster's office.

"Grandmaster, there is no danger for Brother Feng to go to the Soul Hunting Forest alone, right?" Tang San spoke with some worry. He originally thought that Chen Feng was going to ask his Master to help him obtain a Spirit Ring, but he didn't expect him to want to enter the Soul Hunting Forest alone.

"I don't know." His master shook his head, and then said: "But he is the most mature child I have ever seen. If his Innate Spirit Power was higher, he might have become a strong expert in the future."

"No, Brother Feng can also become an expert." Tang San replied.

Grandmaster glanced at Tang San and didn't say anything. He knew the importance of aptitude. It was because of the mutation of his Martial Spirit that his Innate Spirit Power was only half a rank.

"Grandmaster, I am going to practice, otherwise it won't take long before Brother Feng will surpass me." Tang San said with firm eyes.

"Go." His master smiled.

After borrowing the Pass, Chen Feng asked for leave from the Academy, then bought some things in Nuoding City and set off for the Hunting Forest.

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